John Carver is a muggle

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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby TotalyMeow » Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:21 am

I read the books but haven't seen all the movies yet. It's an okay series, but it really is obviously meant for kids. There were so many plot holes and weird behavior from the adults. Like when Harry thought Sirius was being tortured, why didn't he just look in that mirror? Poor Sirius, he was probably dying to talk to Harry, who should have been like a son to him, and Harry never even pulled it out of his trunk. And the puzzles meant to be so difficult to protect the Sorcerer's Stone, solved by three young children. And the irresponsible ridiculousness that was Dumbledore, I literally can't even.
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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby TheDuke86 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:12 am

TotalyMeow wrote:I read the books but haven't seen all the movies yet. It's an okay series, but it really is obviously meant for kids. There were so many plot holes and weird behavior from the adults. Like when Harry thought Sirius was being tortured, why didn't he just look in that mirror? Poor Sirius, he was probably dying to talk to Harry, who should have been like a son to him, and Harry never even pulled it out of his trunk. And the puzzles meant to be so difficult to protect the Sorcerer's Stone, solved by three young children. And the irresponsible ridiculousness that was Dumbledore, I literally can't even.

It’s funny we’re talking about this now cuz I’m acrually in the process of re-watching the entire series. This time of year always calls me to either the Hp or LoTR. I’m currently on the goblet of fire. There are always plot holes in any story, even great trilogies such as the LoTRs. If you focus on the negative then of course your gonna see it and unfortunately draw your attention to the “what’s wrong” in contrast to the store. I understand people make mistakes, figuring out the errors is easy. Understanding and feeling or the emotions the author or director is trying to express is the beauty of story telling (which I have a big passion for a good story). Now if HP just isn’t your cup of tea, well then I respect that.

I have to disagree as to the store being directed to children after the sorcerers stone. There was constant killing and not to the complete sadness of the film. If you look at the stories critically I would go as far to say as them being a tragedy.

I don’t want to give to much away for those that have not seen the movie or read the books. Fumble Dore was a very interesting character arch. He starts off as this lovable father figure, but in reality he was cold and calculating. A means justifies the ends kind of guy.

My favorite characture arch/story was serverus snaps. Re-watching it in the new perspective of knowing his intention and reasoning makes me fall back in love with the series.
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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby belgear » Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:58 am

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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby Nsuidara » Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:44 am

JohnCarver wrote:It appears marp's plan has backfired and I am not alone.

I tried to explain to him that his generations fan-favorites like Dora the Explorer and Harry Potter are fictional featherweights compared to the epic masterpieces like Voltron and He-Man.


about epic masterpieces: :P
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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby grapefruitv » Sun Dec 24, 2017 10:50 am

Was going to say pretty much what meow said, but since she already did, I'll skip to that part.

TheDuke86 wrote:It’s funny we’re talking about this now cuz I’m acrually in the process of re-watching the entire series. This time of year always calls me to either the Hp or LoTR. I’m currently on the goblet of fire. There are always plot holes in any story, even great trilogies such as the LoTRs. If you focus on the negative then of course your gonna see it and unfortunately draw your attention to the “what’s wrong” in contrast to the store. I understand people make mistakes, figuring out the errors is easy. Understanding and feeling or the emotions the author or director is trying to express is the beauty of story telling (which I have a big passion for a good story). Now if HP just isn’t your cup of tea, well then I respect that.

No, not any story has plot holes, really good written ones tend not to or atleast have not many and not significant. Worlds with magic in them however tend to have more of them. They seduce the author into lazy writing. Every book of the series resolves with deus ex machina and they all have lots and lots of retcon. I am talking about both little situations and big events.
Basically at the face of any danger author introduces some OP magic thingie and this thingie can solve half of other problems in the future, but protagonists never get back to it.
The series entirely ***** up with time traveling, they didn't handle paradoxes good, the whole thing was ridiculous, but it could help them in a lot of situations. But they just destroyed means of time traveling later in the series (because author obviously knew it wasn't any good and coming up with more elegant explanations of why already existing time travel is useless was more complicated than wiping it out). If you count in the play (aka 8th "book"), the whole time thing gets even worse.
They never make more than one attempt at things when it makes sense (both heroes and antagonists)
They almost never use simple spells to fix simple problems (even though iirc HP universe doesn't have "magic comes with a price" sort of rules).
Don't even get me started on invisibility cloak. Or appearance changing potions. Or the map. Or how easily accessible are books and artifacts capable of ***** up the whole world.

Harry Potter is easy and enjoyable reading, but I can't even remember any other book with as many plot holes. So yeah, my final verdict for the series would be, as Meow said, "okay". It seems to be a bit overrated to me. (started reading it when I was around 12, so this is not just a cynical adult perception)
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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby Dallane » Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:55 am

You know marp is a 90s kid when he doesn't love heman and voltron. Bet he doesn't know about G1 transformers, GI Joe or the original tmnt. Someone give marp a slap bracelet, that aint no ruler boi
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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby Ronch » Sun Dec 24, 2017 3:13 pm

MarpTarpton wrote:John Carver has never read or watched Harry Potter and views it as his generation's version of adolescent entertainment that is beneath him, akin or Barney the talking dinosaur.


Good for him, I thought that I might be the only one who felt that way about Harry Potter.
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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby Heffernan » Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:19 pm

JohnCarver wrote:He-Man.

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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby DarkNacht » Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:45 am

When the kids that grew up with Harry Potter being new have all died, barely any one will even remember that Harry Potter existed, but Tolkien's works will still be loved.
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Re: John Carver is a muggle

Postby belgear » Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:29 am

You mean like how kids don't know LOTR is a book and not a drawn-out movie?
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