Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

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Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby gustavohvg » Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:10 am

And where they are?

I'm planing to make something akin to Judaism's old 64x64 mod - which isn't on the web and no one seem to have anymore (?!).
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby Judaism » Sat Dec 23, 2017 7:26 pm

Get the Salem layer utility:

Make sure to read the example usage for it to work, the current download version is not working for Salem anymore, so I pulled an older version here:

You can then compile the Salem files located in your salem/bin files. The main file you'll need to compile is ''salem-res''.
Then you will get most of the files, you will find the tile files in ''res/gfx/tiles'', those will be small images mostly 124x124 and you can edit them and once you're done you can recompile them back to .res files and drop them in your custom_res folder.

When making edits with the res-files make sure that the meta's do match otherwise the automatic updater will reload fresh files from the server instead of loading from your custom_res.

Goodluck and once you've made some mods I'll be sure to check them out.
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby dragunov » Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:13 am

I think ill give this a try and see how far i can lower the resolutions. The loading times are killer for me atm...
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby gustavohvg » Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:34 am

Everything with a command line seems like an unpaid job for me but I'll eventually make the software run an try. I think I'll try 30x30 pixels and 60x60
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby Kandarim » Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:46 am

for future reference, i have a fork of the layer util that works on the current salem resource files: https://github.com/DonnEssime/salem-layer-util
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby gustavohvg » Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:05 pm

Ok I used both versions of Salem Layer Utility (the one Kandarim linked and the one Juda linked) and sucessfully decoded SOME of the images. I did put the software in C:/User/.salem/cached/res/ and used the command (slu:run :mode :da :args '("gfx/" "decoded/gfx/") ).

But the decoding from both versions does not work anymore when I run the command. The software thinks all the decoding is complete since it returns "Processing: 983 files" and "NIL".

The problem is that I only have 2 folders from "tiles" decoded (bone pavement and darkenbone pavement) and my original .salem/cached/res/tiles have 16 files


edit: I'm using a x64 Windows and x64 Java
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby Judaism » Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:55 pm

gustavohvg wrote:Ok I used both versions of Salem Layer Utility (the one Kandarim linked and the one Juda linked) and sucessfully decoded SOME of the images. I did put the software in C:/User/.salem/cached/res/ and used the command (slu:run :mode :da :args '("gfx/" "decoded/gfx/") ).

But the decoding from both versions does not work anymore when I run the command. The software thinks all the decoding is complete since it returns "Processing: 983 files" and "NIL".

The problem is that I only have 2 folders from "tiles" decoded (bone pavement and darkenbone pavement) and my original .salem/cached/res/tiles have 16 files


edit: I'm using a x64 Windows and x64 Java

You used the wrong command, you should decode all res/cache files from res folder into dec folder.


Code: Select all
(slu:run :mode :da
         :skip-old nil
         :verbose nil
         :args '("salem/res" "salem/dec"))

So the last phrase is important there, which map do you want to decode from with the example it is ''salem/res'''. Then there is a space and which folder do you want to drop the decoded files to, in the example case it is ''salem/dec''

If you make a single spelling error, it will not work.
Code: Select all
 So if you want the dec files back into res you'll use this:

(slu:run :mode :ea
         :args '("salem/dec" "salem/new-res"))

Same thing, ''salem/dec'' are your decoded files and ''salem/new-res'' where it will drop the folders, once again you can change that to your own maps but the names have to be exact.
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby Aduah » Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:05 am

Im so sorry, I know squat about java & command line anything.

I'm trying to piece together the instructions, and frankly it all makes no sense to me.

1.) Where do you place these files from the git?
- In users/.salem/cache/res ?
- in users/salem ?
- can the files stay in a separate folder or do all the files have to be placed in a directory?

2.) When I run the bat files, they act like they are compiling things but the command line just stays up when finished, no jar (that I can see) has been compiled/generated.
- am i supposed to run all the commands from the command line?
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby Judaism » Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:26 pm

Aduah wrote:
1.) Where do you place these files from the git?
- In users/.salem/cache/res ?
- in users/salem ?
- can the files stay in a separate folder or do all the files have to be placed in a directory?

First make a map and copy paste the files from ''salem-res''. That file is on users/salem/bin.

You can then make a new map, anywhere you like for the salem utility folder, you just have to add the ''salem-res'' folder within that map for it to work.

Aduah wrote:2.) When I run the bat files, they act like they are compiling things but the command line just stays up when finished, no jar (that I can see) has been compiled/generated.
- am i supposed to run all the commands from the command line?

You are not supposed to run all the commands, basically only two I posted earlier, they are the exact commands. It should work, if you run against any compiling errors, you could select the specific files from the ''salem-res'' so you'd only compile what you want to compile, which is much faster and works like a charm for me.
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Re: Which images should I re-size for a minimalist-mod?

Postby Aduah » Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:29 pm

Judaism wrote:First make a map and copy paste the files from ''salem-res''. That file is on users/salem/bin.

You can then make a new map, anywhere you like for the salem utility folder, you just have to add the ''salem-res'' folder within that map for it to work.

What do you mean make a map?

Here is what I've done:
-Copied 'salem-res.jar' into the salem-layer-util folder.
-Extracted 'salem-res.jar' into that folder, which created a 'res' folder.
-Made a folder called 'salem' and dropped the res folder into that folder.
-Ran 'run-abcl.bat'
-On command line pasted
Code: Select all
(slu:run :mode :da
         :skip-old nil
         :verbose nil
         :args '("salem/res" "salem/dec"))

-Recieved a folder in 'salem' folder called 'dec', within was borka>airjump.res>skan>0.data

It looks like it tried two files, which only output that 0.data file, and a meta file. I assume im doing something wrong.
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