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Postby Motylop » Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:55 pm

Someone robbed me but he was down in my claim
What can I do now??
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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Darwoth » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:03 pm

if he broke in or stole anything learn the low level "revenge" skill, pick up one of the scent evidences and right click it on his KOed body to kill him. however you should then repair and increase your defenses so that he does not come back and kill you with your revenge scents on a different character, additionally build a house or kiln on top to protect them until they expire.
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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Motylop » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:11 pm

I suppose it was a group. I can see no scent, just one robber lying in my claim
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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Motylop » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:13 pm

And how could they get into my house if it was closed???
They stolen my keys.. how can I get back to my cabin log????

Edit: Two days ago I bought some high level tools at stalls.. Is it possible there were stolen and I was tracked using them???
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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Darwoth » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:23 pm

if there are no scents then you got townbelled, marped, or someone you are with backstabbed you. make sure you turn tracking on, and go inside a house or walk far enough away and back that your radar reloads, there should be a pink exclamation point bouncing around somewhere if not then it was one of the above scenarios.

you can break anything on your own personal claim regardless of your stats, if you do not have a backup set of keys use this as a lesson to have a pair next time then tear the house down and rebuild it.
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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Motylop » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:34 pm

Ok.. I have some larceny scents... but not of the one is lying in my claim. What now?
edit: vandalism scents too...
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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Darwoth » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:45 pm

once you have the track window up from your first scent click on all the other scents, if it is a scent from the same guy the scent you click on will have an "accumulate" option, if you right click on it and nothing happens it is from a different target/raider so drop the track window and pick up that new one and try that, repeat until you have checked all your scents against him.

short of that could buy a murder token from the store or in game (4 - 6k) and just kill him outright, short of that you could catch a disease and barf on him a few times then kick him in the face a bunch until you know he has no hp, once the disease ticks to max it "should" eventually kill him whenever it syncs up with the server, if all else fails you have 9 days on the larceny and 11 days on the waste scents to stock which will **** his character up if not kill it outright. sometimes according to legend and ancient marpthology when you stock people the sky turns black and often results in random **** like flags, snakes, flags, turkeys, flags, cougars and yet even more flags swarming in from literally out of nowhere without rhyme or reason to claim vengeance for you, you also could tbc him or get someone else to help you do it but you will have to track to their base for that and it is likely beyind your ability at the moment, your best option is to kill him now with one method or other (there is probably a scent there somewhere so keep looking) and if you cant to just stock him as often as you can over the next week.

send me a screenshot of the character in a PM and if it looks like someone i recognize/do not like i will come out and kill him for you.
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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Motylop » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:07 pm

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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Darwoth » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:09 pm

have attachments blocked, use imgur like someone that knows what the internet is sir.
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Re: Robbed!!!

Postby Motylop » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:51 pm

So many mistakes....

I wake up in my cabin log. I saw I'm naked. I was sure that this game did not load parts of the graphics, just as it was before. I went outside and then I realized how much I was wrong. No clothes, no way to get back to cabin. Only knocked body of robber laying in front of my stockpile....
It is a pity that all the remaining property is still in the closet inside the house. And it will stay there forever....

I was living in pease at this place for very long time, hidden in forest, working hard, forgotten by the world. Now I lost everything I worked for a year (yeah, I'm such a noob... playing so long and have no alts).
Just yesterday I spant almost all my money and bought some premium equipement at stalls in providence - garden shovel and prospectors Pan. Now I realized this equipement was probably stolen and I was tracked using it. So beware of unfair traders !!!
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