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Re: Antifa

Postby Rifmaster » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:35 pm

TotalyMeow wrote:
Heffernan wrote:dont forget movies, Hollywood makes it sound like you take your M60 and a Tank to the Grocery Store

Yeah... movies will also tell you that EVERYTHING explodes at the slightest provocation, that getting shot pretty much anywhere but the head or heart isn't a big deal and won't actually kill you in minutes, that you have to be read your rights on arrest or they have to let you go or something, that a 'silencer' actually silences a gun, that people moving from the city to the country pretty much always buy a gigantic old house that needs fixing up (I find that one really weird, and it's everywhere), that you'll actually explode if exposed to vacuum, that working people who neglect their families do it because they they have to finish the next big project or presentation that they must invest all their time into when reality is more like a lot of little projects, deadlines, and mostly useless meetings that just grind you down over time, and a plethora of other stupid, insane, ridiculous, or just completely and obviously wrong tropes they repeat over an over again. I wouldn't get my information about the world from movies, if I were you. :lol:

Not to mention movies about space which pretty much fail at science constantly.
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Re: Antifa

Postby Forungi » Fri Sep 01, 2017 5:45 am

Rifmaster wrote:
TotalyMeow wrote:
Heffernan wrote:dont forget movies, Hollywood makes it sound like you take your M60 and a Tank to the Grocery Store

Yeah... movies will also tell you that EVERYTHING explodes at the slightest provocation, that getting shot pretty much anywhere but the head or heart isn't a big deal and won't actually kill you in minutes, that you have to be read your rights on arrest or they have to let you go or something, that a 'silencer' actually silences a gun, that people moving from the city to the country pretty much always buy a gigantic old house that needs fixing up (I find that one really weird, and it's everywhere), that you'll actually explode if exposed to vacuum, that working people who neglect their families do it because they they have to finish the next big project or presentation that they must invest all their time into when reality is more like a lot of little projects, deadlines, and mostly useless meetings that just grind you down over time, and a plethora of other stupid, insane, ridiculous, or just completely and obviously wrong tropes they repeat over an over again. I wouldn't get my information about the world from movies, if I were you. :lol:

Not to mention movies about space which pretty much fail at science constantly.

Don't forget, people like Heffernan can only get their knowledge from movies and shows.
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Re: Antifa

Postby Dravo » Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:09 am

It seems most Americans believe everything their favorite opinionated news channel tells them without searching for truth themselves. Those sources are usually in it for the ratings.
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Re: Antifa

Postby TotalyMeow » Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:02 am

Dravo wrote:It seems most Americans believe everything their favorite opinionated news channel tells them without searching for truth themselves. Those sources are usually in it for the ratings.

Sure. Originally, like back in the 50s, when television was still pretty new, the various channels, like all 3 or 4 of them, operated their news programs at a loss. News wasn't profitable and the main goal was to inform the viewers. And while I'm sure they weren't always honest and unbiased, it was still more about getting the news out than it was about making the news up. It really started the change back in the 70s, when they started trying to make a profit on the news and so became more oriented on ratings and what sort of stories would get the ratings regardless of truth. And of course, it's still about the ratings, they just are trying to pretend it's not.

The problem is, where do you go for the truth? The entire point of the media is supposed to be to hunt down information and disseminate it because no one has time to do this for themselves. Someone trustworthy has to do it. We can't all visit our respective national capitals once a week to see for ourselves what's happening there. We can't all drive around the country monitoring natural disasters and protests and riots with our own eyes. We can't travel internationally every day, or even interview our local police about crimes and happenings. Even if you're only searching the internet, you're still going to either be trusting someone to tell you the truth or you're going to be missing out on a lot of what is going on, or both.

No, the only real solution is to keep calling out the media on their bias and try to make them accountable again for the truth. That's one reason why here in the US, Trump got elected. People liked it when he did things like pointing out the faults and lies of the media, and they still like it. And it's something that needs to be done as often as possible until it starts finally making an impact.

Getting back to the main topic of the thread, one thing that's been annoying the hell out of me is the disparate treatment of the white supremacists vs anitfa. Every Republican candidate for office, every Republican politician and his brother has been questioned by the media about their opinions on white supremacists and the media just keeps demanding over and over again that there be 'condemnations' of the actions of these groups. Like anyone really supports them. And every Republican has dutifully condemned them, often more than once because the media will decide it's just not a 'strong enough' condemnation, maybe they secretly support Nazis or something. But when it comes to antifa, they don't care. They haven't asked a single Democratic politician to say anything against antifa and they don't say anything themselves. In fact, they all too often support them by commission or omission, even though both these groups are pretty much equally awful.
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Re: Antifa

Postby Darwoth » Sun Sep 03, 2017 1:59 pm

antifa are genuinely disgusting domestic terrorist pieces of **** that love to cry victim when they finally get the response they have been begging for after the 2.5 years of chaos they have been causing across the country like they did in charlottesville recently. this played out exactly like i said it would quite some time ago on this forum. the media would fuel this nonsense hysteria from every angle and it would continue to escalate and escalate until they got their lemmings confident enough to take their ***** outside of their normal safe zones they throw their tantrums in. so they could get their new batch of "kent state martyrs" to energize the new generation of leftists.

but one run over ***** was not enough so expect them to push it more with more riots, more destruction and more sowing seeds of hate until actual gunfire breaks out and numerous people are killed, that way they can ***** about guns at the same time. i am honestly shocked that has not happened yet already down there, when it does and some poor bastard finally snaps and goes to prison for life because he mowed down 30 communists hurling water balloons of piss **** and aids blood at him for exercising his right to free speech i can not say my sympathy would lie with those whom he ended up plugging.

i know many people in virginia including two cousins who were at portions of that rally. the "white supremacist" rally in charlotte was 90% normal ***** people affiliated with nobody and certainly not any neo nazi groups which have no presence in virginia of note anyway, those folks were mostly from out of state and had jack **** to do with the statue issue.

the thousands of white men that protested simply wanted the statue to remain in place as it well should, the worthless piece of **** extreme left activist mayor mr signer (a frequent opinion writer for liberal rags such as huffpost, washpost etc who has written books calling the founding fathers demagogues) that only got elected thanks to the power of suckling welfare leeches wanted to tear down the statue of robert e lee for election points and to advance his own socialist agenda. it did not go well because in the south people do not fear being called "racist" like they do almost everywhere else. everyone in certain states be they black or white have a certain level of "racist" views, have found racist jokes funny, told their own and been called a "******" by a close black friend while calling them a "cracker" etc it is an expected and accepted way of life, has been since the country began and absolutely nobody cares anywhere until you finally stumble onto a ***** social justice warrior transplant in a leftist controlled city or a college campus echo chamber that is in the middle of his teenage "rebel without a cause" phase because he is twenty years behind the maturity curve.

the end result in these areas is that if a neo nazi wants to agree and protest with the average not nazi dude that the statue needs to stay where it is then they agree and protest together in spite of their opposing views in other areas. having a 400 pound purple haired transvestite screaming he is a "racist nazi" while throwing balloons of **** will not have much effect other than unifying what were previously unaffiliated people and swelling the crowd of "nazis" instead of dispersing it as happens in fearful politically correct locations.

it is hard for non americans and even non southern americans to understand the deep rooted heritage we have in the south it has literally nothing to do with "racism" either and never has, i have met black folks i would risk my life for and most people by modern day standards would consider me a hardcore racist simply because i am blunt and do not cut anyone excuses :lol: this whole thing is all a ***** modern construct of the leftist media to cause a problem where one does not exist like always, the confederacy is truly the only part of the country completely different from the rest of it in that the overwhelming majority of the population really do not give a ***** about you or what you do so as you leave them alone.

in the south most of us are quite proud of our roots, our traditions, music, food and culture and highly revere our confederate leaders such as general lee. this will never change, the more you try to force it the closer you get to going to far and starting a real problem as many there are more than happy to fight about it if need be. keep in mind these are the states that the civil war was fought in over these same cultural issues (communists wanting to force themselves on others and take their money to pay for it) and from where the majority of americas most badass heroes and fighting men in our wars came from, not some limpwristed ***** nest like seattle washington or berkely california.

due to the previous threats by antifa that they would dig up and deface confederate cemeteries (which was quickly squashed when elements of several local chapters of the pagans and outlaw motorcycle gangs, various political groups and a few hundred sons of confederate veterans showed up.) along with the lengthy, widespread, openly encouraged and extremely well documented history of extreme leftist violence/anarchy at the hands of antifa and BLM antagonists pretty much everyone who went to the rally that day whether a regular dude or one of the minority who really was a "nazi" (which annoys the ***** out of me in itself, the neo nazis and and ***** pretending that there even still is a ku klux klan always try to hijack cultural issues popular with white people in general and in doing so ***** the entire issue up by their association doing far more harm than good) were of the younger crowd and ready for a fight, this time when antifa started pepper spraying everyone and throwing water balloons and bottles full of ****/blood/piss/cum on people like usual they got the **** beaten out of them en masse, i had numerous live feeds and drone perspectives going that day, i mean hundreds of beatdowns it was glorious to behold. was as if watching a modern day re enactment of the spartans beating back the persians again. youtube and other sites had trouble for days staying on top of deleting the videos of antifa with kicked in faces and otherwise looking bad starting **** they could not finish.

the original footage of the guy who drove the charger into the crowd has conveniently vanished as well, the one i saw showed about 8 people with hammers and sticks chasing him down a street that he was slowly driving down and beating on his car causing eventually smashing his rear windows out causing him to gun it to escape as a big crowd of useless eaters blocked the road yet again. so he threw it in reverse, clear case of self defense which is why he only got hit with a second degree murder charge and malicious wounding instead of aggravated assault. the DA knows if the accused gets a quality lawyer he will walk so he is going to hope he will be able to plea bargain it down to manslaughter and get the lesser charges to run cuncurrent.

whole thing is more country polarizing hatred based off of imaginary grievances manufactured and distributed by the leftist media in an effort to enrich themselves at the cost of the country, they are also hoping to get trump to condemn only the "white guys" instead of both sides as he properly did because if they can erode even a single percent or two of his voters they have a better chance of getting another clinton or obama nightmare elected next time.
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Re: Antifa

Postby Shadow86 » Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:13 pm

Darwoth wrote:antifa are genuinely disgusting domestic terrorist pieces of ****

This is all I need to know to confirm you sir are a true Patriot!
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Re: Antifa

Postby Darwoth » Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:17 pm

Shadow86 wrote:
Darwoth wrote:antifa are genuinely disgusting domestic terrorist pieces of ****

This is all I need to know to confirm you sir are a true Patriot!

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Re: Antifa

Postby DarkNacht » Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:46 pm

Here's the video you're probably referring to, its likely not shown much because it shows people busting out his windows before he guns it in reverse:
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Re: Antifa

Postby Darwoth » Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:42 am

yeah thats the one. you can see damage to the car before the impact as well not to mention the gaggle of clowns was right on his ass. if he just decided to plow into the retards for no reason then yeah ***** him. but from what i see so far i do not believe that is what happened, this type of scenario has happened so many times in the past few years and usually the driver is acquitted or pleas down to minor charges. i mean in every self defense school in the world you are trained to use your car to push your way through the hostile crowd if your life is in danger for ***** sake. i think one dude in the middle of hundreds attacking him with bats so they can decorate the sidewalk with his brains qualifies, hopefully the courts do as well but with the media demonization in full swing i doubt he can even get a fair trial for fear of wherever it occurs having half their town burnt down by traveling anarcho commies
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Re: Antifa

Postby Heffernan » Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:12 am

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