D.C. shooting

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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Darwoth » Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:46 pm

Realak wrote:There has been A COUPLE racial/hate shootings, one guy even shouted "Trump" and we didn't directly blame your entire base.

***** pathetic man - I'm out.

pathetic indeed.

a canadian shot a few people in canada, the media who has a GREAT RECORD OF TELLING THE TRUTH :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: tried to link him to trump and then dropped it when they failed to do so beyond "he said he liked trump"

there were two black churches burnt down during the election in the south where someone spray painted "trump" on the side, the media went into overdrive about this until the arsonists were caught that is since they were black guys and members of the church they burnt down trying to incite fervor against trump.

some retard stabbed three people on a train in portland after their "heroic" social justice warrior creed demanded that they gather three of them to "confront" ( jump ) the guy because he was talking **** to some muslim that was no longer even in the train.

anytime you want to compare apples and oranges let me know *******, for every incident of a trump supported acting inappropriate you can point to i can bring to bear a dozen or more incidents of arson, aggravated assault, rioting and so on so by all means please go ***** yourself.

this was a communist "activist" with the false narrative being pushed by the media all over his social media accounts that worked on the sanders campaign making a pre meditated attack on a congressional gathering intending to murder as many republicans as possible, thankfully as per the norm with liberals he was unskilled and was almost immediately taken out by a few cops with pistols in spite of him showing up with an SKS (media is of course like always trying to call it an AK to set the stage to cry about guns again)
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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Realak » Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:55 pm

First time political discussion with me Darwoth and you immediately fake news at me as if I'm not educated enough to understand the few media empires that own all the networks push the narrative how they see fit.

You got crazies on your side, and we got them on ours. That doesn't mean everyone is one. BTW - I'm mostly independent and I hate quite a few things about the DNC and democrats as well. Both are scum - just dems/liberals are slightly less so.

Fact - The poorest rural states all voted highly for trump - this is your basic subhuman white trash that believes everything they see or hear.
Idiocracy the movie is becoming a documentary. Prove me wrong.
They think illegals stole all their jobs (yet won't work the fields,construction,roofing etc)
They think black people and "people they don't know" are sucking the system dry off food stamps which in reality something like 30% of taxes goes to corporations and food stamps is something like 2-3%
Another irony is that it's these people themselves that are the majority of foodstamps.
One of my guilty pleasures the last few years is doing something reading comments from Faux News and try to get a grip on the crazy the republicans are putting out.
I also check fringe democrat groups as well to check for hate as well.
I'm sorry, It just doesn't compare. The baby boomer generation hasn't got a ***** clue about almost anything, they've completely ***** the country up to where an $6.00 an hour job in their time (basically low end) equates to something like TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS AN HOUR IN TODAYS ECONOMY. You could work 1 job, have a stay at home wife, buy a nice house - actually live the america dream.

**** is seriously so so ***** up.

And now these ***** have social media where they can spill their hatred and vitriol among themselves to the point where it is absolutely astounding. The **** I have read does not even compare at all to democrat hate I have witnessed.
It's been proven time and time again the whole "everything but fox is fake news" ***** is just a complete and utter ***** joke. All you need to do is check facts, and any republican who tries to keep a straight face and source/quote/refer to something from fox news I can't help but just laugh at their stupidity.

An entire generation of bamboozled, "good ol boy racists", and generally just low IQ general knowledge Americans. The glorious baby boomers.
Selfish as ***** too.
Growing up I worked/lived around a place in Florida called "The Villages" which is basically a large sized retirement community that is now a massive massive city.
It's very clear to me Baby Boomers only give a ***** about themselves and their "quality of life" for the end of life - dragging America into the sewer with it.
It's time honestly, oh god, don't tell me you don't believe in climate change too. It's time they move on and let newer generations "make america great again" cuz it sure isn't right now.

Honestly, I'm done. Recent study have shown political discussions highlight the "fight or flight" part of the brain in scans. It's gone beyond facts and knowledge now. It's visceral, gut feels and you won't be swayed.
So this will get no where - so shoot your reply and be done - but don't expect me to engage in 20 pages of banging my head against a wall.

BTW did you see the Jeff Sessions hearing? Dude has worse memory then someone late stage Alzheimers. How many people is that now that have stonewalled under oath about anything Russian? roflmao.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not into all that fringe liberal ***** like Russia is everywhere and what not - but how many times can you plead the 5th or invoke executive privilege before it's blatantly obvious your a lying sack of ****? Just like Trump. Don't get me wrong, Obama was no saint obviously - but you can go on fox news comments right ***** now and these sad ***** are still pointing fingers at Obama and Hillary as if the average American gives a flying *****. Go read the hatred from your comrades, real dig deep into the 10,000+ comment posts. Prove me wrong - you'll see how sick/delusional/stupid/hate spewing you ***** truly are.


Edit: Spelling and Grammar all over but I'm a few beers deep and can't be ***** to care - you get the gist of the message
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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Dallane » Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:05 pm


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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Darwoth » Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:03 pm

Realak wrote:First time political discussion with me Darwoth and you immediately fake news at me as if I'm not educated enough to understand the few media empires that own all the networks push the narrative how they see fit.

You got crazies on your side, and we got them on ours. That doesn't mean everyone is one. BTW - I'm mostly independent and I hate quite a few things about the DNC and democrats as well. Both are scum - just dems/liberals are slightly less so.

Fact - The poorest rural states all voted highly for trump - this is your basic subhuman white trash that believes everything they see or hear.
Idiocracy the movie is becoming a documentary. Prove me wrong.
They think illegals stole all their jobs (yet won't work the fields,construction,roofing etc)
They think black people and "people they don't know" are sucking the system dry off food stamps which in reality something like 30% of taxes goes to corporations and food stamps is something like 2-3%
Another irony is that it's these people themselves that are the majority of foodstamps.
One of my guilty pleasures the last few years is doing something reading comments from Faux News and try to get a grip on the crazy the republicans are putting out.
I also check fringe democrat groups as well to check for hate as well.
I'm sorry, It just doesn't compare. The baby boomer generation hasn't got a ***** clue about almost anything, they've completely ***** the country up to where an $6.00 an hour job in their time (basically low end) equates to something like TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS AN HOUR IN TODAYS ECONOMY. You could work 1 job, have a stay at home wife, buy a nice house - actually live the america dream.

**** is seriously so so ***** up.

And now these ***** have social media where they can spill their hatred and vitriol among themselves to the point where it is absolutely astounding. The **** I have read does not even compare at all to democrat hate I have witnessed.
It's been proven time and time again the whole "everything but fox is fake news" ***** is just a complete and utter ***** joke. All you need to do is check facts, and any republican who tries to keep a straight face and source/quote/refer to something from fox news I can't help but just laugh at their stupidity.

An entire generation of bamboozled, "good ol boy racists", and generally just low IQ general knowledge Americans. The glorious baby boomers.
Selfish as ***** too.
Growing up I worked/lived around a place in Florida called "The Villages" which is basically a large sized retirement community that is now a massive massive city.
It's very clear to me Baby Boomers only give a ***** about themselves and their "quality of life" for the end of life - dragging America into the sewer with it.
It's time honestly, oh god, don't tell me you don't believe in climate change too. It's time they move on and let newer generations "make america great again" cuz it sure isn't right now.

Honestly, I'm done. Recent study have shown political discussions highlight the "fight or flight" part of the brain in scans. It's gone beyond facts and knowledge now. It's visceral, gut feels and you won't be swayed.
So this will get no where - so shoot your reply and be done - but don't expect me to engage in 20 pages of banging my head against a wall.

BTW did you see the Jeff Sessions hearing? Dude has worse memory then someone late stage Alzheimers. How many people is that now that have stonewalled under oath about anything Russian? roflmao.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not into all that fringe liberal ***** like Russia is everywhere and what not - but how many times can you plead the 5th or invoke executive privilege before it's blatantly obvious your a lying sack of ****? Just like Trump. Don't get me wrong, Obama was no saint obviously - but you can go on fox news comments right ***** now and these sad ***** are still pointing fingers at Obama and Hillary as if the average American gives a flying *****. Go read the hatred from your comrades, real dig deep into the 10,000+ comment posts. Prove me wrong - you'll see how sick/delusional/stupid/hate spewing you ***** truly are.


Edit: Spelling and Grammar all over but I'm a few beers deep and can't be ***** to care - you get the gist of the message

BEHOLD the spectre of uncurable mental illness!

my god we have a running gambit of russia conspiracies, global warming fantasy, belief he should be paid 25 bucks an hour to flip burgers :lol: , poor misunderstood criminals, evil honkeyism, blame shifting, excuse making and an overall pestilent mire of other leftist themes that make absolutely no sense whatsoever to anyone capable of thinking for themselves.

The poorest rural states all voted highly for trump - this is your basic subhuman white trash that believes everything they see or hear.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

yeah dog, it is totally THE CONSERVATIVE SIDE THAT CONTROLS THE MEDIA ANS HAS BEEN PUMPING THE MINDS OF STUPID PEOPLE (you) with outright falsehoods, jesus christ you are one stupid *****. it is as if every moronic "cause" championed by the left have each been **** out into a giant diaper that is happily wrapped around your head, we shall refer to it from this point on as the turban of excremental ignorance as it fills an already empty mind with pure ****.

Idiocracy the movie is becoming a documentary.

been there quite some time already, go reread your post for confirmation.
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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Darwoth » Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:26 pm

and yes, "baby boomers" have been a massive problem.

"baby boomers" were the first generation that had a significant portion of communists in it, this is due to all of roosevelts and then johnsons (democrats, gee what a ***** surprise) attempts at following europe into socialism with the litany of their "great society" ***** that has now ballooned to the point it is unsustainable like everyone that was not stupid said way back then.

want to ***** about inflation? feel free to look to the father of american socialism roosevelt again, since he is the one that took our currency off of the gold standard so that money could be printed out of thin air to prop up the wave of social programs that were being drummed up :lol: :lol: :lol:

virtually EVERYBODY in government on both sides pointed out that leaving the gold standard would eventually lead to the downfall of western civilization, the advocates (mostly roosevelt and a few fringe leftist lunatics) defended their decision due to the "need to adjust the amount of capital in the economy"

so feel free to give me a chuckle while you whine about "baby boomers" and the inflation caused since the 60s, since these are both problems that were created by the left, just like the destruction of local manufacturing and a non service based economy due to these SAME baby boomers forming all the socialist "unions" that chased said companies out of the country.

virtually every single problem in the country can in fact have its origins directly traced to the socialist groundwork laid by the "baby boomers"

at the end of the day the conservative right does not need the liberal left for ANYTHING, the communist left however is like any other parasite and feeds off of the energy and vitality of others.

the left can not survive unless they are utilizing the resources of the right and as such they continually attempt to legislate themselves into the pockets and lives of everyone else. this single issue where one side seeks to tell the other they are entitled to their ****, what they can do/say/think and how they can live is the root cause of almost every major conflict in modern history.
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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Realak » Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:29 pm

@Dallane thanks for proving my point. As if some random in some random county who volunteered has anything to do with my man Bernie...
Do you realize the vast amount of people who work on a campaign, without even meeting anyone of significance?

Oh look guise - a postal worker recently went...postal, Let's blame the Postmaster General and the entire 500,000 career employees because this man was connected to them. HOW DARE THEY. THE ENTIRE POST OFFICE IS A VIOLENT CESSPOOL OF LIBERAL HATE KILL THEM ALL BLAH BLAH BLAH

Yet lo and behold the meme blast blaming Bernie. That's what I'm talking about - you are pathetic
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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Darwoth » Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:19 pm

Realak wrote:@Dallane thanks for proving my point. As if some random in some random county who volunteered has anything to do with my man Bernie...
Do you realize the vast amount of people who work on a campaign, without even meeting anyone of significance?

Oh look guise - a postal worker recently went...postal, Let's blame the Postmaster General and the entire 500,000 career employees because this man was connected to them. HOW DARE THEY. THE ENTIRE POST OFFICE IS A VIOLENT CESSPOOL OF LIBERAL HATE KILL THEM ALL BLAH BLAH BLAH

Yet lo and behold the meme blast blaming Bernie. That's what I'm talking about - you are pathetic

it would appear that as with all sub 85 iq retards of a communist nature you have no retort to your own idiocy, which is of course no surprise whatsoever.

by the way, there are numerous mainstream rag writers for leftist propaganda outlets such as the huffington post and washington post that are defending his actions, many of whom are applauding and encouraging it.

i wonder how much of an outrage would have occured if conservatives were doing **** like this.


or this........


after obama got elected?

this is the general attitude and culture pushed by the left from coast to coast since they lost resulting in current events, you have absolutely ZERO standing for any of the nonsensical drivel falling out of the anus in the middle of your face.
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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Reviresco » Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:54 pm

While I'm not on the right of the political spectrum, it's worth noting that numerous mainstream media outlets asserted that toxic political rhetoric incited the 2015 murder of three people at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Clinic.
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Re: D.C. shooting

Postby Darwoth » Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:28 am

as always the whimpering line of last resort.

a "moderate muslim" makes reference to some unrelated abortion clinic incident as innuendo of "the right" doing "similar", this **** gets parroted out in every muslim or political terrorism thread there is and it is so tiredly absurd.

to begin with abortion clinic violence is.......

1> a religion issue, not a political one until it became politicized by the left with roe v wade and it is still a non issue for myself and the majority of "the right" under 40

2> rare as ***** and completely nonexistent when placed alongside the widespread limpwristed liberal lawlessness or mass muslim murder.

3> did not start occuring until the left made federal laws as always inserting themselves into the lives of others by forcing all states to engage in abortions, including those in the bible belt and deep south where it was previously illegal since the local populace as per the constitution had state laws against it.

nope. comparing them just makes the individual making the comparison look like a fool.

news stories correctly pointing out that planned parenthood parts out the dead baby tissue they collect and religious zealots running with it for a month and a half is not remotely comparable to 2.5 years of media fueled lies and extremist left rhetoric encouraging violent confrontation and secession/civil war resulting in constant flare ups of anarchy from the pacific to the atlantic for the past year that is now resulting in assassination attempts.

it is amazing to me how short the memory of americans is, the left is going to continue this nonsense until we have the radical left SLA, weathermen etc type garbage again where they were bombing **** in enough frequency to make a pack of akhmeds look like amateurs.

islam is the bane of western europe, liberals are the bane of the united states.

the older generation of communist extremists born from that era are dieing off, and liberal thought is losing prevalence. as a result the left controlled media is attempting to reignite the extremism of the 60s to birth a new generation of commie terrorists to carry the torch of trying to destroy the country.
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