Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby TotalyMeow » Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:20 am

Next time just put your leantos on your claim instead of five tiles away from it. This happens to everyone, there's no need for this kind of tantrum.
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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby Goodman12 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:50 am

Can someone update me on how and when this idiot died?
Riolic wrote:The only reason raids still happen is because Goodman is a stubborn *******.
The rest are just vets pk'ing newbs
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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby Bleuwulf » Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:53 am

TotalyMeow wrote:Next time just put your leantos on your claim instead of five tiles away from it. This happens to everyone, there's no need for this kind of tantrum.

Meow,as usual you are 5-10 steps behind what's going on,so save your snide "advice" and butt out.
This game is full of cowards. Don't fear the braggarts and blowhards,it's the ones who CLAIM to be your friends that will lure you into ambush and backstab you.....
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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby Reviresco » Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:13 am

This went well.
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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby Lazun123 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:18 am

Goodman12 wrote:Can someone update me on how and when this idiot died?

Unfortunately I had to terminate him. He has generated a insane amount of rage and anger across all of Salem. It got to the point it was compromising the greater good of the town. We were still willing to have him remain in the town and offered him two opportunities to move his wife over, abandon his hermit claim and focus on the town and its defenses, in exchange we would have protected him and his wife. He not only refused to fully commit to the town and when prompted to help build brick walls or hunt for lards he refused and stated he used lards for soap to sell not for brick walls. Shortly after we were threatened due to his actions. The village voted for two options, a) either he stops acting out and commits fully to the protection and develop of the town or b) we kill him and return his items. The town voted on option b. Due to his irrational and hostile nature we felt the town would have to endure more madness at his expense if we did not erase him from our territory. We felt it was unfair of the town to risk itself over his actions when he would not commit to his own survival. So in consequence we terminated his life. We are working on a time to return his shop items and will do so. His remains will be buried with respect and we will name our mountain after him as tribute to his contribution. We regret these actions took place but we of The Church of John Carver feel it was a nessisary choice.

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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby Bleuwulf » Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:20 am

Two Sides to every story....

I think everyone should limit their obsession with me to another thread,this isnt a Bleuwulf thread its an RP thread,and while I feel non inspiration to contribute to it further (and will not after this post,regardless of it's course) I would like to see others creativity and expression,IF that's quite all right with the rest of you....
This game is full of cowards. Don't fear the braggarts and blowhards,it's the ones who CLAIM to be your friends that will lure you into ambush and backstab you.....
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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby Goodman12 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:53 am

Lazun123 wrote:Unfortunately I had to terminate him. He has generated a insane amount of rage and anger across all of Salem. It got to the point it was compromising the greater good of the town. We were still willing to have him remain in the town and offered him two opportunities to move his wife over, abandon his hermit claim and focus on the town and its defenses, in exchange we would have protected him and his wife. He not only refused to fully commit to the town and when prompted to help build brick walls or hunt for lards he refused and stated he used lards for soap to sell not for brick walls. Shortly after we were threatened due to his actions. The village voted for two options, a) either he stops acting out and commits fully to the protection and develop of the town or b) we kill him and return his items. The town voted on option b. Due to his irrational and hostile nature we felt the town would have to endure more madness at his expense if we did not erase him from our territory. We felt it was unfair of the town to risk itself over his actions when he would not commit to his own survival. So in consequence we terminated his life. We are working on a time to return his shop items and will do so. His remains will be buried with respect and we will name our mountain after him as tribute to his contribution. We regret these actions took place but we of The Church of John Carver feel it was a nessisary choice.

What I would like to know is:
Why "C) Destory his lento and remove permissions while he is offline so that he would re-spawn in providence" wasn't an option.
Why are you returning his items? ( I mean you killed the guy already, so might as well keep his stuff as well)
Who was the person/s that threatened your town?
Riolic wrote:The only reason raids still happen is because Goodman is a stubborn *******.
The rest are just vets pk'ing newbs
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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby KruskDaMangled » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:18 am

I sort of have to agree. People not involved in this little affair lack context for what happened. How did he threaten your town? Why did you feel it necessary to go all the way to murder? In towns I've seen people are generally murdered because they are revealed as infiltrators or make themselves enemies by fighting and threatening other village members and/or stealing stuff/aggressively P-claiming things they have no right to. If it was doing something deeply, deeply stupid like attracting the attention of serious heat by committing crimes and antagonizing enemies and also leading them to your area in doing so that would also make some sense. Being a total ***** and getting people killed or nearly killed because he didn't handle his part of a Wishpoosh/Darkenbear hunt right (repeatedly lets say?) I could also see that.
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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby Lazun123 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:52 am

We discussed at length allowing him to live and just kick him out, but the village voted against it. With the kin on Alts and other sensitive information on top of the fact that none of us knew where he logged out simply destroying his leanto was not an option. Given his quick to anger behavior we give as little time for him to react as to prevent further damage.

On our discord channel, had threats placed on our village due to his behavior. We have some ideas as to who the individual was that infiltrated our discord and spammed our recruitment channel with threats. Bleu then started to point the finger to several town mates claiming they were spy's w/o any evidence. Further causing harm to moral of the town and creating a more hostile situation. Despite all this, we were still going to keep him and accept his wife (who was also under threat at their hermit settlement) bleu refused.

We have returned his items. We do so because he paid RL money with it. We are not thieves and he is allowed to take any items he wants that he has worked for. I personally have offered any assistance he may need.
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Re: Diary of the New World (RP Thread)

Postby Phogell » Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:10 am

This thread makes me happy. I rate it a 9 out of 10 (lost a point for being to care bear and giving the items back).
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