CNN is VERY fake news

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CNN is VERY fake news

Postby Dallane » Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:17 pm


Veritas has released part one with 119 hours of leaked information from CNN with 100 more hours to be released.
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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby TotalyMeow » Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:26 am

Yeah, I searched for this this morning and the first few results were liberal media outlets trying to convince everyone how lame it is. lol. I haven't had a chance to actually look at any of it yet, but maybe tonight.
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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby Lazun123 » Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:29 am

Don lemon is a stupid mother ***** and I would love to key his car and spit in his face. Why dosnt some rich republican pay a bunch of unemployed basement dwellers to burn CNN like George Soros is doing for librals.
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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby Darwoth » Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:55 am

i have known how utterly full of **** the mainstream media was ever since i became politically interested when i was 16 or so, i used to watch a good bit of the live cspan coverage and then the following morning see the ABSURD spin that all of the media outlets would try to put on the **** i watched live the previous evening. i participated in thousands of polls on various issues and since the non lefty viewpoint won 9 of 10 times those polls were deleted or buried never to be mentioned again but the one they would make at 3am, leave running for four hours until they built a lead then close would be prattled about for a week or more on their tv coverage.

the left has completely lost their mind due to trump, they thought they were about to cinch up ruining the country for generations to come once the stupid ***** got in and spiked the supreme court with more communists. instead trump won, ensuring the conservative majority when he replaces scalia and most likely that piece of **** ginsburg since she is like 900 years old.

they have been increasingly so ate up since trump become the official nominee that they can not even pretend to be an unbiased source anymore and stopped trying, it amazes me how long it took most people to realize that their "news" sources have been feeding them lies and misdirection for decades. this is why liberals want to censor the internet.
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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby TotalyMeow » Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:59 am

Darwoth wrote:this is why liberals want to censor the internet.

They also really really want to remove anonymity in campaign and other contributions. They like to say 'dark money' as an excuse for money that might be coming from a questionable source, but that sort of thing is only a tiny percentage of contributions. Meanwhile, whenever a list of contributors to any right-wing group gets leaked, people start getting threatened with violence, audited by various government agencies, and boycotted.
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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby Forungi » Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:42 am

News have been the ultimate selective feeding of information since the TV was invented.

Glad to see more people are waking up
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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby Heffernan » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:16 pm

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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby Dallane » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:50 pm

Good now we can get real unbiased news for once.

As for your kim jong reference you should see this

Obama shuts Fox out of press briefings related to Benghazi ... -reporter/
“The Obama White House went to war against Fox News,” Jake Tapper ... ar-against

2008 "Fishbowl DC has been keeping tabs of which media outlets have been allowed to ask a question at President-elect Barack Obama’s five press conferences so far. They report Fox News is 0–5. “Questions instead went to such outlets as ABC, New York Times, CBS, Reuters and the Associated Press.”" ... .t6orlm2qb

"In 2010, President Obama said that Fox News had a point of view which was “ultimately destructive” for America...The University of Minnesota’s Eric Ostermeier tallied up the number of questions each member of the White House press corp had been able to ask during all of Obama’s first term press conferences. ABC, CBS, the Associated Press and NBC led the pack, with ABC having been selected for questioning 29 times over 36 solo press conferences. (Overall, reporters have had fewer chances to ask questions than any White House press corps since Ronald Reagan’s.)...Fox News, though it has a reach that far outstrips its competitors and sometimes rivals the broadcast networks, was in ninth place on the list, having been called on 14 times...NBC’s Chuck Todd and ABC’s Jake Tapper (now at CNN) were called on the most of any reporters — they each got 23 chances to question Obama." ... 95440.html

"Mr. Axelrod said it was the view of the White House that Fox News had blurred the line between news and anti-Obama advocacy...By the following weekend, officials at the White House had decided that if anything, it was time to take the relationship to an even more confrontational level. The spur: Executives at other news organizations, including The New York Times, had publicly said that their newsrooms had not been fast enough in following stories that Fox News, to the administration’s chagrin, had been heavily covering through the summer and early fall — namely, past statements and affiliations of the White House adviser Van Jones that ultimately led to his resignation and questions surrounding the community activist group Acorn...Those reports included a critical segment on the schools safety official Kevin Jennings, with the on-screen headline “School Czar’s Past May Be Too Radical”; urgent news coverage of a video showing schoolchildren “singing the praises, quite literally, of the president,” which the Fox News contributor Tucker Carlson later called “pure Khmer Rouge stuff”...There followed, beginning in earnest more than two weeks ago, an intensified volley of White House comments describing Fox as “not a news network.”...Then, in an interview with NBC News on Wednesday, the president went public. “What our advisers have simply said is that we are going to take media as it comes,” he said. “And if media is operating, basically, as a talk radio format, then that’s one thing. And if it’s operating as a news outlet, then that’s another.”...“We simply decided to stop abiding by the fiction, which is aided and abetted by the mainstream press, that Fox is a traditional news organization,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the deputy White House communications director." ... 23fox.html

How bout dat
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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby MarpTarpton » Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:41 am

To the Nazis in their propaganda machine, the term was Lügenpresse, or "Lying Press."
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Re: CNN is VERY fake news

Postby Yes » Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:00 am

Many people in their lives referred to lying people as "Lying people".
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