Mexico School Shooting

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Re: Mexico School Shooting

Postby Darwoth » Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:02 am

a few drugged up basement zombies raised by ****** parents thinking that real life is an FPS game because the girl said no and they got their lunch money stolen does not nullify the right of everyone else to own weapons nor will it ever, and on that note thanks to trump being elected america is already becoming great again. brand new 30 round AK mags are 4 bucks each down from 20 - 25, AR-15's are averaging about 40% cheaper and popular ammo calibers are no longer sold out or priced at over twice their original price as things were when the country was under threat from liberal communists, now that is some "change you can believe in" :lol: :lol: :lol:

and as for mexico if you think the number of school shootings reflects on the worthiness of their gun control you are retarded, mexico is basically 30 years behind the united states. this puts them currently in the 80s and we did not have school shootings in the 80s either in spite of even less gun laws because the liberals had not yet poisoned the youth with unrealistic expectations by shielding them from adversity and by raising them with a tv and bottle of ritalin.

as to their gun control in general you must have forgotten the fact that there is an ongoing narco war there between the cartels that has seen the murder rate in mexico at over 12,000 per year since 2010, as of 2015 it was just under 20,000. a half dozen people with their heads cut off are dumped on the side of a street every few days there, if anything mexico is a pristine example of the total failure of gun control.
Last edited by Darwoth on Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mexico School Shooting

Postby Irving » Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:23 am

Dont get me wrong. To me guns are one of the worst inventions ever but here in mexico things would be a bit better if we could own guns for self defense. Think about it: a guy goes in your house armed and ready to harm your family and take your stuff but you only have a knife to defend yourself (yeah i would try to stab the *****) but in most cases you will lose. Having more guns doesnt solve the problem but ot gives the people a way to defend their home. As for the kid shooting other people: i really dont get what could have been so wrong with the kids life for him to shoot everybody but that is not a gun problem its a mental issue.
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