Popham Winnings

Announcements of major changes to Salem.

Re: Popham Winnings

Postby Darwoth » Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:22 am

this thead is hilarious and is the true reward for owning the server as i figured it would be. you have two of the biggest ***** on the server both of whom hate me more than anyone else endlessly hemming and hawing to make excuses.

as with every other "cannon bug" that surfaced they did not surface until YOUR GROUP used them against me first you whiney little piece of ****. this included the full gambit of excuses you continuously shift between.

a> waaah waaaah darwoth used houses to block one of our cannon shots and reset the timer, we could have eminent domained, we could have used another cannon, we could of done multiple things but that was not possible since we were getting our ass kicked in the field 3 - 6v1 and he was present, so waaaah waaaaah waaaaaaaaah i will now ignore the fact we did this against him a half dozen times first, that our town had a house wall around it and that after we cried when our own ***** was used against us it was fixed 5 days later.

b> waaaaah waaaaaaaaah darwoth "lit a cannon without leaving scents" i will try REAL HARD to make this sound nefarious in spite of the fact that WHEN WE LIT CANNONS IT ALSO LEFT NO SCENT since at the time LIGHTING CANNONS AT ALL LEFT NO SCENT. so waaaaah waaaaaaaah my name is judaism i am the biggest ***** cheater and bug abuser in the games history but no fair no fair darwoth walked up to a cannon, lit it and it left no scent as with everyone else that lit a cannon at the time. so after we cried about this and it to was fixed a few days later we still could not kill darwoth in spite of having eleven days to do so when he LEFT A CANNON SCENT on his main and at the time only character because he kept whipping our ass. waaaah waaaaah.

c> AFTER both of these issues were fixed and darwoth destroyed our main towns it is all because we "could not find his base" in spite of a microscopic server map, having six people and him finding all of our bases in less than two weeks or that we HAD in fact found his "base" that he made no effort to hide which consisted of the ruins of our bases that he was now using. so waaaaah no fair if only we could have found darwoths base that used to be our base and had his pclaim prominently laid across it where we tracked all of our **** he took from us the result would of been different somehow, thats why man yeah thats it!

d> waaaah waaaaah i started the server with 60 people and not only lost the server but did not manage to get a single reward, this is because i "didnt care" and "am really a small group" when every other post i make contradicts this statement, i am also an idiot that believed the enemy when he said i needed 666 perennial philosophy and ragequit as a result, i then spread this rumor to my faction causing them all to waste months grinding out high perennial for no reason at all so now i look extremely stupid and am mad about that to.

the simple fact is you were beat in every facet from every angle in spite of having a giant zerg when you started and a half dozen+ in addition to every resource you could have ever needed when you were being outplayed by me. suck it up and deal with it. you are crap at this game and always have been which is why you rely on massively out gearing, out statting and out numbering your opponents which are always newbs that barely know how to play. you could not do this on popham because you "only" had a 6 to 1 advantage and you were going against me instead of a retard so you lost badly and have been grasping at straws looking for an excuse for months ever since.

and as for claeyts nonsense.

1> there were numerous ways to challenge me and be a direct competitor or at a minimum force me to end the server.

2> there were numerous ways to secure leaderboard slots

3> the ark could have been completed in less than a month by 2 - 3 competent players.

4> that chest of masks was part of the bringback items and every single one of them came from judaisms group of retards not by seeding the boards, i only seeded 5 kills on the board and those masks were in the other box.
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby Judaism » Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:37 am

You're not making much sense anymore, I can see it in your Waah waah typing. We started with 10 orso people, 8 quited within the first month. I have very little time invested into Popham overall, that is a fact and can be read of my noob characters. I have mentioned before how difficult it is to track a character which you haven't mem'd, nor have scents hide and seek in its extreme. More debate about any of that seems silly, a random leanto in the open woud've worked as long the char would be naked or noob clothes. Tracking chars/bases in a pvp server shoudn't be the issue, sadly it was.

After your claims of t3 witchcraft we ignored the server, I have shown this before with my playing dates and how my valuable character didn't login for over a week. As far I am aware using a cannon would leave scents, thats why we always covered them with hovels so that disproves that once again. You haven't fought anyone and in limited invested time into Popham you were only briefly an enemy, most of it was early on and against people that were enjoyable.

You can't actually think that you have been fought against properly, very few people gave a **** and I just derped around casually.
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby TotalyMeow » Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:52 am

Claeyt wrote:It's a bad dev's who continuously blames their player base for not living up to the over complexities of their game. Marp said some of these same things during the witch clues. This is deving 101 here. It's not the player base's fault if the game fails because they don't do what you want.

But I'm not blaming the players for anything they did, though I did find the result rather disappointing. We misjudged a few things so that you all didn't behave as we expected, but Popham still ended as it was meant to end and the players got to decide how that end would happen, and animals are on Providence, so it didn't at all fail.

Again, why are you blaming the player base for this?

The players were all trying to become witches and hunt the requirements and then once that was completed by a player there was a small window where he didn't have access to all the statues and when that was gone building the Ark and investing that much time into it would have only saved a few list prizes as he could have ended it at anytime he saw the Ark getting done.

You keep saying anyone could have ended it, but you're wrong. Darwoth had the ability to end the server in seconds while the Ark would have taken weeks (minimum) and a cannon would have taken a day or 2 and required a raid. Yes a cannon on his town could have ended it but why bother if you know you're not going to win the server. I don't really care about the lists or the prizes. Yes it massively helps Darwoth in masks and aprons but it's the point of the matter that bothers me most. Why wait months to give out prizes and let Darwoth sit on Popham with a winning hand collecting more prizes after everyone else left? Blaming the player base for leaving the server is stupid for a dev to do and instead should make them ask themselves "Why is everyone leaving and letting Darwoth sit there grinding up and leap-frogging the smaller prize lists?" and then go out and fix it. Don't blame the players for leaving if there was zero chance of them winning the server.

I'm not 'blaming' the player base for anything here. The server ended the way everyone agreed to let it end. I'm saying to YOU specifically that if you wanted the server ended earlier or differently, there were things you could have done to, at the very least, make Darwoth end it for you. You say yourself right here that obvious attempts to build the Ark would probably have provoked him to end it before he was done with the leaderboards. That is something a single determined person could have done all alone.

And yes, some of the other possibilities I outlined would have gone better with a group, but I was still talking to you. You have insisted many times that you have a large group of people that you play with daily and that many people come to you for advice and help. YOU, if you really wanted things to be different, could have made them different. YOU could have led them to victory and a different server ending. I'm saying that if you don't like how the server ended and how Darwoth got so many prizes, you've only yourself to blame. All your silly arguments that Darwoth had some huge advantage and so it was pointless to even try to fight against him are themselves pointless.

Darwoth is just one guy and I do find it hilarious that Judaism admits he gave up on getting a T3 witch completely because Darwoth told him that it was too difficult for him and he should give up. Or that Darwoth caused entire towns to quit immediately with one fell blow (if you are to be believed), and not one person in those towns attempted to counterattack. That he convinced dozens of people to donate their characters to his gluttony sessions just because he told them they should do that instead of try to finish the Ark. See, there was never zero chance for anyone else to break up Darwoth's empire of one and win the server themselves. It was always possible for an upset. So, why should we have not waited to give everyone the utmost chance?

Claeyt wrote:
TotalyMeow wrote:Nothing is forever. Go raid Darwoth! New players get to try the next server! Have some foresight once in awhile.

Unfortunately for those new players, Darwoth has plenty of combat enhancing masks and gluttony helping aprons to fight off raiders with. :roll:

(Yes I know they're not that big of a deal. :roll: )

I'm telling you to go raid Darwoth. You're not new. You can then hand the prizes out to newbies like candy if it pleases you.

Fortunately for those new players, I was taking about the new server, not Providence.
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby Judaism » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:04 am

TotalyMeow wrote:Darwoth is just one guy and I do find it hilarious that Judaism admits he gave up on getting a T3 witch completely because Darwoth told him that it was too difficult for him and he should give up.

At the time he had a t3 witch and already prayed to all the statues that were secured, as I mentioned before my total investment was slim at the time and therefore most certainly not worth any further waste. There woud've been no point in competing anymore at that stage, he could instantly end the server at that moment. The best we coud've do was to force the end of it but given the developers publicly stating that they were absolutely not ready for a new server it was fairly pointless.

It was a rational call and luckly it was the right one with having the current knowledge looking backwards, I already acused him of faking it all, which obviously he did and lied about it on the forums as usually but even if so there were still risks involved and would require alot of effort for most likely nothing. Its obvious to me that there shoud've been tracking methods and a progess status as you guys initially wanted to do, yes you can blame me for not willing to put the time but it honestly woud've been boring and tedious even if we would get some fights with Darwoth in the end, the server was dead and I've had my fun early on.

Just make sure to give people the necessary tools next expedition and it actually might not be bad at all.
Last edited by Judaism on Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
JohnCarver wrote:Mortal Moments Inc. is not here to cannibalize the community or piece out the code. We are not here because we wish to institute pay to win models or PvE servers. Quite the contrary.
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby Darwoth » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:04 am

a few more gems of judaism:

cannons have a 70 tile range (not even close)

having 800 cloak makes your cannon timers "minutes" (even less close)
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby Judaism » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:11 am

Darwoth wrote:having 800 cloak makes your cannon timers "minutes" (even less close)

JohnCarver wrote:*For every 100 Cloak and Dagger on the player firing the cannon and leaving the waste crime up to 1 hour 'could' come off the fire time. This is akin to all the +%rolls in Salem. This means at 750 Cloak and Dagger a cannon could theoretically fire in 1 minute.
JohnCarver wrote:Mortal Moments Inc. is not here to cannibalize the community or piece out the code. We are not here because we wish to institute pay to win models or PvE servers. Quite the contrary.
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby Darwoth » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:18 am

"could" and "theoretically"

the curve is far worse than the stocks weight as well.

i had a character with nearly that high cloak i used to light cannons, i will not specify but it was still in the many hours category with something like 25+ firings, the real formula for a "minutes" result would be something that would make your fabled perennial grind look like chump change.
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby TotalyMeow » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:23 am

Judaism wrote:At the time he had a t3 witch and already prayed to all the statues that were secured, as I mentioned before my total investment was slim at the time and therefore most certainly not worth any further waste. There woud've been no point in competing anymore at that stage, he could instantly end the server at that moment. The best we coud've do was to force the end of it but given the developers publicly stating that they were absolutely not ready for a new server it was fairly pointless.

It was a rational call and luckly it was the right one with having the current knowledge looking backwards, I already acused him of faking it all, which obviously he did and lied about it on the forums as usually but even if so there were still risks involved and would require alot of effort for most likely nothing. Its obvious to me that there shoud've been tracking methods and a progess status as you guys initially wanted to do, yes you can blame me for not willing to put the time but it honestly woud've been boring and tedious even if we would get some fights with Darwoth in the end, the server was dead and I've had my fun early on.

Just make sure to give people the necessary tools next expedition and it actually might not be bad at all.

Your story doesn't quite add up since Darwoth didn't join Popham until several months after it had started and it further took him a little while to get a T3 witch and I know for a fact that he didn't pray to all the statues until... well, I won't say just how ridiculously long it took him, but remember how I was always trying to encourage people to fight against Darwoth? I so wanted to interfere but it wouldn't have been fair, so I kept myself to hints and encouragement about how it was far from too late to build the Ark. IIRC, it was a rumor started by someone doomsaying that caused everyone to think that Darwoth had prayed to all the statues so quickly and was never a claim that Darwoth even had to make.

I think you are half gullible and half grasping for any excuse as to why you failed at your goals. It's obvious that you did try, but were unable to win, not that you never really cared and were just derping around briefly. So, your decision to give up so easily was quite irrational if you really wanted the prize since it was still anyone's game. However, if you really weren't having fun in the high-stakes environment of Popham, maybe you're just better suited to Providence and should stay there. That's why we have two servers, after all.

Well, since the prizes have been handed out and Popham is over and this thread had run it's course, I'd like to hear what you think the 'necessary tools' are exactly.
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby Judaism » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:44 am

TotalyMeow wrote:
Your story doesn't quite add up since Darwoth didn't join Popham until several months after it had started and it further took him a little while to get a T3 witch and I know for a fact that he didn't pray to all the statues until... well, I won't say just how ridiculously long it took him, but remember how I was always trying to encourage people to fight against Darwoth? I so wanted to interfere but it wouldn't have been fair, so I kept myself to hints and encouragement about how it was far from too late to build the Ark. IIRC, it was a rumor started by someone doomsaying that caused everyone to think that Darwoth had prayed to all the statues so quickly and was never a claim that Darwoth even had to make.

I think you are half gullible and half grasping for any excuse as to why you failed at your goals. It's obvious that you did try, but were unable to win, not that you never really cared and were just derping around briefly. So, your decision to give up so easily was quite irrational if you really wanted the prize since it was still anyone's game. However, if you really weren't having fun in the high-stakes environment of Popham, maybe you're just better suited to Providence and should stay there. That's why we have two servers, after all.

Well, since the prizes have been handed out and Popham is over and this thread had run it's course, I'd like to hear what you think the 'necessary tools' are exactly.

My story adds up exactly, I am aware that Darwoth did not joined the first 3+ months. I never stated anything about that, I stated that I only have played the first 4 orso weeks which is true. I cameback after JC announced the additional prizes, which was for <2 weeks. That was well 6 months after the release, when I came-back he had just sieged our main base so I joined Rustatorium alone. I still had acces to our previous taken statue, which was untouched up untill then, we bought the info about witchcraft since we were unable to solve the clues in the start. I quickly made a witch and hunted casually for t2 witch and wandered around the world a little. From my characters stats and total playtime its quite obvious that I have not wasted much time into Darwoth.

We tried to collect his scents and went extreme with it to attempt domain one of his pclaims which he had used to cover his scents, thats clearly desperate enough to simply only find one of his bases. Back then Marp just dropped pentagrams and it was clear Darwoth made a t2 witch. A few days after that he sieged our statue, without leaving scents. I was not really under the impression that t3 witchcraft was reachable in such a brief time but aparently it was, so I didn't really do proper checks around the perimeters.

So from that moment, it sure as hell was pointless to further invest any time into it. Thats how it is, not much of an attempt, we coudn't locate his base to siege it and mess up his progess. Stating otherwise is just retarded because it is a needle in a haystack to find random characters in random towns, I spoke with John about this and he had some idea's sadly never got implemented and it quickly was too late anyway already.

Perhaps you're right and he didn't locate all the statues by then, it took a while before Marp released the ''***** map'' and it probaly was only then when he found all the statues. So yes, if we had known that there still was a chance but we ourselves didn't ever found that last statue either and therefore I still woudn't risk more time into it. You are talking about several weeks the least while my total invested time was very slim, it was just much easier to withdraw from the dead server. I'm absolutely down for challenges, thats why I started Popham to begin with however the situation was very black and as I mentioned earlier given the current information I still woudn't had wasted my time, I am happy actually for it to not be a complete troll afterall. Ofcourse I am not happy about it and I have never stated that he does not deserve it, he indeed won according to your win conditions.

A simple location on the witch woud've been enough for us to deal with the issue within a single day, probaly it would encourage zergs and it woud've been easy to bash his base/location then, however it woud've been confrontation atleast which sadly never ever really happened on Popham except the first 1-2 months when there was still live around and the playerbase was on its highest in history.
JohnCarver wrote:Mortal Moments Inc. is not here to cannibalize the community or piece out the code. We are not here because we wish to institute pay to win models or PvE servers. Quite the contrary.
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Re: Popham Winnings

Postby Thor » Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:09 am

Kudos, Darwoth.
saltmummy wrote:You sad sad little man, my heart weeps for you. Better not go outside or your thin, tissue paper like skin might spontaneously rupture while your fragile sensibilities violently shatter spraying salt and urine all over the street.
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