Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

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Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby JohnCarver » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:10 am

General discussion for upcoming 2nd Expedition.

Major New Mechanics:
New Craving System - Prov + Expedition
Trade Order System - Prov + Expedition
Wine/Alcohol Industry - Expedition Only


Discussions points in this thread:
*How Long should the next one be ideally. Keeping in my the best we will do is 'influence' how quickly someone can end it not directly end it ourselves.
*What should the name of it be?
*What should the name of the server be?
*Who is going to win?
*Should it be harder/easier to win?
*Should raiding be harder/easier?
*Should Witchcraft be "Live" when it launches?
*Should crimes be active?
*Should the map size be bigger or small than popham?

etc. etc. etc. Now is the time to reflect on Popham and how you would like to see the next expedition differ.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Autumn » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:20 am

It might be interesting to explore the idea of an expedition into the unknown innards of the country. Our colonists are very comfortable close to the coast in Providence, where the land is relatively tame and the seabreeze is comforting. What about pushing into a land where the sea isn't nearby, mountains and valleys and forests abound, and the wildness of Appalachia is filled with violent native tribes and untold horrors?

Witches needed to combat native enchantments. Common raids on colonists. Untold and bold cold. More hostile animals. Near constant darkness. Goal of eliminating all tribes, special inspirationals when conquering settlements from tribesmen, but progressively more difficult as you venture inland. You can conquer by violence... or maybe disease?

Perhaps subduing native settlements gives access to agriculture boosts or new fighting abilities? New techniques for witchcraft? Ultimate goal is to siege and conquer a city on par with Cahokia or the sort, sheltered behind difficult terrain and heavily fortified? I'm not sure how complex you can make NPCs in this game system, I'm just spitballing.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby jesi » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:23 am

Name it Burgundy and make it a return to the Old World.
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when i make posts on the forums i expect people to spell it out for me because i am new . .
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Lusewing » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:30 am

Name? I think maybe 'Blood and Wine' or prohaps 'The Thirst'

Length wise I think six months is good. Its long enough that even if you don't start right away you can still join in later and have enough time to set up and contibute but not so long that the players can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and keep moving forward.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby ZoddAlmighty » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:37 am

If its not made like the popham arc where you need a great number of people cooperating (impossible) i think anything else will be fine.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby honeymilk » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:44 am

6 months is a good time, and I think it should be fairly hard to win. But not to the point where you cant compete or the server dies off. Witchcraft shouldnt be live when it launches, but maybe a couple weeks after so we have time to set up and prepare to move in to the harsh environment of the darkness. Although it would be more challenging to start right on the quest and having to deal with it early on and challenging is fun :>

I liked the size of popham cause even on foot it wasnt bad to go across the map, perhaps a little too small. But in my opinion it comes down to how hard you'll make raiding. If it becomes easier then a larger map would be great, if harder then a smaller map etc etc. If raiding is easy it should be somewhat time consuming to find your target and wise versa.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby AngelOfSilence » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:56 am

ey who wanna real guy in team pm me xD

im no normie!!
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Reviresco » Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:38 am

I didn't try Popham, because I joined a year and a half ago and thought it would end by the time I had established myself on Prov, so I'll only answer two of these.

JohnCarver wrote:Discussions points in this thread:
*How Long should the next one be ideally. Keeping in my the best we will do is 'influence' how quickly someone can end it not directly end it ourselves.

6-8 months.

*What should the name of it be?

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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby AngelOfSilence » Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:05 pm

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Heffernan wrote: just sucks i forgot to raise yellow bile and cant loot anything hahaha sucks to be me..
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Bjebr » Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:17 pm

JohnCarver wrote:Discussions points in this thread:
*How Long should the next one be ideally. Keeping in my the best we will do is 'influence' how quickly someone can end it not directly end it ourselves. Less than a year for someone ; beginning a god-ending-countdown at 12 months
*Who is going to win? Usual suspects
*Should raiding be harder/easier? Easier
*Should crimes be active? at least differently , maybe not at all
*Should the map size be bigger or small than popham? same size or smaller
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