Visions of Sugarplums

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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby Kralith » Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:48 am

Onsdag wrote:I can't find anyone mentioning anything about "Limer's Outpost" and there is no wiki page for it either.

Indeed, no page for Limers Front... but this page mentioned it, at the end:

Salem Wiki: Providence

Maybe we should add a page *scratching on head*
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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby Onsdag » Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:36 am

So, yeah... about this Santa's Workshop business... Let me tell you about my adventure...

I saved up enough money to pay for the ride out west to Limer's Outpost. Or, at least I think it was. It was just a small town of cabins, but leaving the area and re-entering it just gives you an announcement that you're leaving/entering Providence, which isn't right because Providence is the main starting town. I checked the area and there were a few other wagons taking you to other parts unknown - nobody made it clear where they went to, though one NPC just said West. It seems though, from this page, that I'm in the right place.

So I take off and head due north as per the instructions in the first post. Not five minutes out of town I have the misfortune of stumbling upon three rattlesnakes, and subsequently being bitten and poisoned. Fortunately I am able to scramble down a small cliff where they cannot follow and I lose aggro, thus allowing me to continue my journey. The poison is a pain, but I have plenty of phlegm to soak up the poison while I forage for berries and grass to keep my phlegm going strong and topped off. I keep heading due north, though every now and then I hit a river which causes me to have to backtrack or go out of my way to find a way around. Still, I maintain the general heading of due north. About an hour or so later the terrain starts getting a bit rough and climbing in elevation, so I must be nearing the mountains. And indeed as I start heading uphill I find myself on the eastern-most side of a large mountain range. The OP indicates that "the trail begins in the south-east of the mountain" and so I must be too far north as the mountain range is running north-south where I'm at. The terrain is very rough in places and slow going as I'm often having to backtrack to find a way over and around the rough spots. Eventually I make my way along the mountains heading first south, circumnavigating the southern tip, and eventually heading north along the western side. I kept frequently referring to the screenshots in this thread, but there were no biomes or areas matching that on the map. I circled back around the southern tip again but still no luck. I also tried climbing the mountain itself and I made it to the highest peaks without finding anything. I spent probably a good 45 minutes to an hour in those mountains and I was starting to run a bit low on my berries on a straw so I headed back south into the lower elevations so I could re-stock up on berries and grasses.

Checking this thread again and it appears from the first map that the location is actually not too far from Limer's Outpost. Furthermore, it looks like it's supposed to be N-NW rather than due north, so I wonder if I somehow missed it and went way too far north. And so I start making the long journey back south, angling slightly west in the off-chance it's that direction. About an hour later I'm just getting plain sick and tired of looking for this place, and I'm pretty sure I'm completely lost with absolutely no hope of finding my way back to Limer's Outpost to start fresh. As I continue heading south (I'm pretty sure I've passed the outpost by now) I stumble upon another bloody rattlesnake. I sprint past it and get far enough out of range that it no longer has me aggroed. I eat a bunch of berries to regain my phlegm, but something must be wrong and I must be somehow considered in combat because my energy isn't restoring anymore. Eventually I pass out and find myself back at base with absolutely nothing to show for my efforts - not even the few trinkets I found in my journey. All told I spent about 50 hard earned silver, 3-4 hours of fruitless searching, and probably enough berries on a string to turn my skin permanently purple, in searching for this mythical Santa fellow. I would ask for more clear directions in finding the place, but honestly I think I'm done. :cry:

If some poor hapless adventurer decides to try finding Santa, learn from my mistakes and especially keep your eyes out for those bloody rattlesnakes. And, in the off-chance you do safely find the man in red, put in a good word for me, will ya? ;)
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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby 8mm_Mauser » Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:04 am

Or, just maybe, you could get gud. This game is half exploration after-all.
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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby Iracus » Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:08 am

Onsdag wrote:So, yeah... about this Santa's Workshop business... Let me tell you about my adventure...

I would suggest you rent a horse. Makes the travel much easier. Then every so often create a map so you have some sense of an idea as to where you are. It probably took me 30 minutes of travel by horse. I don't really remember though as I was drunk. I also had about +80 thermal and was at around 80 degrees body temp when I hit Santa's house. So be sure to bring some broth just to be safe along with some clothes.
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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby Reviresco » Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:59 am

I'm not sure how much help you're supposed to give people. I'm a hermit but have a snow alt right by there still so I could just flood Santa with ported letters if that was intended to be accepted practice.

Here is a crude but complete map that begins in Limer's Front for someone on foot; it will depend on having a canoe to follow it exactly; you could just walk around the body of water and resume tracking, though. It's far from efficient, but I had never been in this area before.












Be sure you have antivenom, , warm clothing, and a bucket of broth with a flask/cup. You might also want to bring a rope if you're concerned about being ganked on the path there, though I guess you're much more likely to be ganked at Santa's Workshop (not by Santa). Oh, and watch out for cougars in the mountain biome; they're pretty common spawns by cougar standards.
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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby Kandarim » Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:39 am

darn, that's a much longer hike than i figured.
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby Onsdag » Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:28 pm

Reviresco wrote:I'm not sure how much help you're supposed to give people. I'm a hermit but have a snow alt right by there still so I could just flood Santa with ported letters if that was intended to be accepted practice.

Here is a crude but complete map that begins in Limer's Front for someone on foot; it will depend on having a canoe to follow it exactly; you could just walk around the body of water and resume tracking, though. It's far from efficient, but I had never been in this area before.












Be sure you have antivenom, , warm clothing, and a bucket of broth with a flask/cup. You might also want to bring a rope if you're concerned about being ganked on the path there, though I guess you're much more likely to be ganked at Santa's Workshop (not by Santa). Oh, and watch out for cougars in the mountain biome; they're pretty common spawns by cougar standards.

Thanks for the maps. Huh. So I went the right way, albeit more eastward of your path.

Map 1: I pretty much followed this exact path, excepting where you turned NW I kept going N. I got attacked and poisoned by snakes just north of the river and the pine forest biome right where those cliffs are.
Map 2: I kept going N at this point, but was farther E of where your map shows.
Map 3: Because of impassable rivers I was forced westward, eventually crossing the shallow part of the river just north of that large compound. In fact this place was a godsend as there were tons of berry bushes planted right by the road on the north side. I stopped and made like 20 or so berries on a straw to keep me going. There was also some person's tomb (Simon, I think?) that I visited shortly before or after this compound.
Map 4: At this point I began angling more NE to make up for the fact that I was forced west earlier so that I could stay on a north bearing. I came across a bunch of rivers (presumably the same 3-4 shown in your map, but farther east) and was forced farther east to get around them.
Map 5: I then angled NW, being constricted by two rivers and eventually crossing at a shallow point where they joined, I believe at the same point shown in this map, before again turning NE.
Maps 6-7: Began heading due north again at this point, but farther east than your map depicts. Lots of fairly open spaces and since I had plenty of berries then I was able to sprint often to cover ground more quickly.
Maps 8-9: Never came across this huge lake, but the terrain did start getting rough and climbing a bit in elevation. I followed the elevation gains towards the NW, which then led me to the eastern side of a large mountain range.
Map 10: I figured this must be the right mountain range but that I was too far north and east, so I started making my way south and west looking for an area on the minimap that matched the area of the trailhead. I tried to stay as close as I could between the biomes and mountain regions, often travelling in the mountains themselves as, believe it or not, that proved the easier route with fewer cliffs to traverse. The farther SW I went I did see what appeared to be either a large body of water just to the south (as shown in map 9), or, multiple smaller bodies of water. I never got close enough to really tell. Eventually though the mountain range turned west and then northwest. I never came across anything that resembled the location depicted as the trailhead, nor did I ever see any snow path leading up into the mountains. It's unfortunate that I apparently came so close to finding the right place but either somehow missed seeing the trail, or somehow was in the completely wrong area and didn't go far enough one way or the other.

Ah well. At least now other people have good map and indication of where they need to go, though the journey itself will certainly still be rough.
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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby saltmummy » Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:23 pm

I don't recognize any part of the maps you posted except the first two, last two, and one of the lakes. I took a cricket up, and I must have just barely missed that huge town XD. Took about twenty minutes of following the rivers and then correcting for how off center they put me in what was basically a beeline north. Still ended up on the west side of the mountain and ended up having to go around to the north side to access Santa's workshop as you can't get a cricket up into the mountain from the intended path. It was a pleasant enough trip and the one guy I encountered at the foot of the mountain didn't seem interested in fighting.
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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby Nsuidara » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:20 pm

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Re: Visions of Sugarplums

Postby Taipion » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:57 pm

Here's a more complete map of how to get there, I originally passed east of it and then came back from the north. ^^
I recommend going straight north and then either east around that lake, or straight over it with a canoe if you are either walking or have mounts to spare.
link to the map
In case you are wondering, limers front is at (0,0) and the trail starts at (-2,-90).
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