What's happening

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Re: What's happening

Postby AcidSpiral » Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:21 pm

He acts as though it is the norm for players to have 10,000 braziers and 1,000,000 silver claims if they were here prior to this patch. Let me be the first to tell you... It's not. Most of those who do are also playing in groups too. Groups make this game cake if you have good reliable people.
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Re: What's happening

Postby Dallane » Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:28 pm

Typical JohnSnow post



Stop crying about ****
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Re: What's happening

Postby JohnSnow » Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:55 pm

AcidSpiral wrote:So are we also saying my coops of fertile turkeys should all be killed because I was here for the Easter event and some players were not? Should I lose all of my Chef Packs because I was here for Black Friday and some players were not?

Don't forget that all egg yolks should be wiped from the game too because for a time blue eggs gave 10l each instead of 1l!

You should be glad we have a game that for once is not dumbing the entire game down for the carebears to the point that it crashes and burns.

Dude, there's a difference between episodic gifts and things like decreasing production of iron three times or decreasing production of silver five times.
Dallane wrote:Typical JohnSnow post

Stop crying about ****

Yes, yes, but in general this forum lacks of criticism. Every developers action is seen as reason to celebrate.
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Re: What's happening

Postby AcidSpiral » Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:59 pm

Decreasing silver production 5 times? I was not aware cloth used to sell for 50 silver each. Must have missed that. :lol: ¦]

Also iron is not three times less. It is half if even that. Typically you would get 2-3 bars per smelt and now you get 1-2. Let us say with 8 smelters you got 1 from 4 and 2 from 4. That is 12 bars. Old way you would have gotten 2 from 4 and 3 from 4. That is 20 bars. 12 is not 3 times less than 20.

Quit blowing **** out of proportion and crying like a baby.
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Re: What's happening

Postby JohnSnow » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:21 pm

AcidSpiral wrote:Decreasing silver production 5 times? I was not aware cloth used to sell for 50 silver each. Must have missed that. :lol: ¦]

Also iron is not three times less. It is half if even that. Typically you would get 2-3 bars per smelt and now you get 1-2. Let us say with 8 smelters you got 1 from 4 and 2 from 4. That is 12 bars. Old way you would have gotten 2 from 4 and 3 from 4. That is 20 bars. 12 is not 3 times less than 20.

Quit blowing **** out of proportion and crying like a baby.

That's what I mean. You guys can find a reason for joy in every thing. Amount of iron is not decreased three times, but only twice! No reason to be sad! ¦]
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Re: What's happening

Postby AcidSpiral » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:23 pm

I didn't say we are happy about it. We just aren't crying about it and acting like it is the end of times because of it like some certain child here. Accept change and move on. The only thing you are doing here is making yourself look even more ignorant than you already have.

Edit: Before you even say, "I am not a child." I will save you the time. My response is, "Then quit acting like one."
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Re: What's happening

Postby alagar » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:19 pm

Honestly, instead of a wipe, I would like to play on a new server, but not a temporary like popham, just a new server,but probably salem doesn't has enough players for that and it will be like Jamestown/Roanoke all again, servers with 10 players each one.
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Re: What's happening

Postby Darwoth » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:24 pm

you are a total retard and i am so sick of your endless tirades of whiney ***** about things you have no idea about, the game is massively easier in every single ***** way now than it ever was for me and any other vet precisely because crybabies like you came to it and started pissing the bed.

cets got their t2 witches the hard way *****, the extra ingredient was added to keep assholes like you from getting one for a pile of worms, which if had been left to stand you would have undouvtedly thought was just fine.

my silver was made by raiding end game opponents and controlling top ten towns for 2+ years, not by selling cotton *****. the fact retards can sit in their base and churn out a bunch of silver every 3 days while tabbed out watching cat videos did need toned down, it is still profitable since your doing it while afk just not as profitable.

iron output is down because ***** like yourself that want everything given to them for free were exploiting the ***** out of smelting to get far more than they should have and there was an over correction that will probably stay that way until the devs are satisfied that enough of the inflated material has been removed.

i have never seen a 1 million silver pclaim, nor a town with ten thousand braziers and i have seen most.

price of clothing went up because ***** like you grinding cotton 24/7 and duped silver ore mandated the game needed another silver sink.
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Re: What's happening

Postby guiscard » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:43 pm

The game is still in development (and I like it). It's fine.
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Re: What's happening

Postby Elder_Berry » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:45 pm

You know, I haven't been playing this game very long, but I have yet to find anything to complain about. It takes work to establish a place to live and learn skills, but I wouldn't want it to be easy or handed to me, where is the fun and challenge in that?

As far as I am concerned, part of this game is adapting to changes and making it work. That's life in general.
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