Patch Warnings for Upcoming V1.2.0

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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby jcwilk » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:03 pm

Procne wrote:You'll get a 2 pixel wide rope which will be swinging in random directions. On top of that you will have to click it 10 times within 5 seconds to simulate climbing, otherwise you will fall down and take blood damage.

So you're saying he is making it easier then ¦]
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby salemwutwut » Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:22 pm

stairs simulator? that's nothing without Sweaty Hands mechanic - craft rags every 5min or else you can't hold things they're falling on the water, oh there goes your steel pickaxe ¦] (the jedi way is similar to H&H2, simplify mechanics and and make the world feel organic and beautiful)
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby Taipion » Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:26 pm

JohnCarver wrote:*I may choose to change the ladder UP in the next patch. This may also mean that things near said ladder will get lost inside it, be destroyed, or otherwise have bad effects happen to them. Do not keep anything within a 3 tile radius of your ladders in your mines for awhile just to be safe.

Should have know that before I (re)build my stuff there. -.-
Did not make a whish for christmas though, maybe I can still turn it in?! :D

[edit:] 3 tiles including the ladder? so to say a 5*5 or 7*7 square with the ladder in the middle?
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby Kandarim » Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:39 pm

building that close to your ladder was never a good idea anyway, what with space in mines being free and the likelihood that you'll jump down into said buildings/stuff.
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby Taipion » Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:50 pm

Kandarim wrote:building that close to your ladder was never a good idea anyway, what with space in mines being free and the likelihood that you'll jump down into said buildings/stuff.

I am not dumb. :|

The less you have to walk, the faster you get your stuff, that's why I do have certain stuff very close to the ladder, while leaving enough space to walk.

1.) If you spawn in one building that has enough space surrounding it, no risk of getting stuck.

2.) I got a few really stacked together stockbins there, once I did spawn in between two and got stuck, unable to move, that's the risk you take, and guess what, I am even giving out free advice on how to unstuck yourself! ;)
First I thought "oh damn, pinata my inventory to get out of this" but then I just used an alt to place a gemcutter wheel next to the stockbin, mount it, free! 8-)
Should work with a loom, too.

3.) Back when stamp mills were slow, I had 8 of them down there because you would be able to walk with a cart past them and fill them all before the first one was finished.
After stamp mills got speed, I destroyed 6 of them (with greek fire, mind you -.-) and rebuild 2 to have 4 perfectly placed in 2*2 so I can drive a cart between them and unload the rubble into them (slightly) faster than they can chew through it even with the speed they have now.
One of those stamp mills is 3 tiles from the ladder counting the ladder as 1st tile, so basically 2 tiles away, if that were to be destroyed I'd have to burn (with greek fire, again) another one, and rebuild those 2, again, to restore the setup.
So in this case I am really not that happy with how things may turn out, maybe you can understand that.
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby reeper_aut » Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:48 am

how about a sack for shredded tobacco?
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby HDHB » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:23 am

With what JC said in the teaser thread, does the title of this thread imply that those warnings apply to the patch that comes with the next expedition?
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby TotalyMeow » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:34 am

HDHB wrote:With what JC said in the teaser thread, does the title of this thread imply that those warnings apply to the patch that comes with the next expedition?

No. You should be ready for this to go into effect any day now.
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V2.0.0

Postby Flame » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:14 pm


How many tile around the mine ladder will be wiped?
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Re: Patch Warnings for Upcoming V1.2.0

Postby JohnCarver » Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:09 pm

Mine Ladder has been largely solved now on test server. The new ladder is about the same width as the ladder but now has a length of about 3-5 tiles. I would clear 3 tiles from the front and back of your ladder to be safe.
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