Client W/ Best Madness Indictator

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Client W/ Best Madness Indictator

Postby Reviresco » Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:59 am

I'm thinking about doing a thread on the power(?) of crabs on a spike and was wondering if one client offers anything the others don't.

I use Latikai currently.

I was going to make basic pclaims with my main character. Then port in an alt. Expand the pclaim over them without giving permissions. They KO. They lay there for a while since it's not a friendly claim and I see how much madness they gain while KO'd.

Is there any part of that that obviously wouldn't work? I'm still learning the intricacies of the mechanics. A fresh character would be ideal, since they don't passively gain madness.

I would test it with different numbers of crabs.
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Re: Client W/ Best Madness Indictator

Postby Kandarim » Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:09 am

I don't think any of the clients would offer something special over the others, in this case.
My client only has the numbers included in the bile bar, but that's at best a visual indicator: the thing that is most likely of interest to you is the actual moment you are getting the madness level up.

For clarity in my vocabulary: insanity is the thing that goes up over time, and when it overflows you gain a madness level, resetting insanity to 0.
None of the clients have any information regarding your insanity level: only your madness level is known to them (and only when the server sends it after logging in, i.e. this is why you always get the 'you gained a madness level' after logging in with a mad character).

The thing that would come to mind is that you want your client to include time stamps on the system message log, but I think they all do that.
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
JC wrote:I'm not fully committed to being wrong on that yet.
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Re: Client W/ Best Madness Indictator

Postby Reviresco » Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:15 am

Ah, I see. Darn.

So I would need to leave the client open to get the time stamps. I guess I could leave it on overnight while I'm sleeping and check it the next morning.

Thanks for the info. If I do it, I might start with a lot of them (15+) and then work down.

Edit: Alternatively, maybe JC will just tell everyone what the insanity gain rate is. Hahahahahahaha, just kidding. :evil:
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