Nubs are in Season

Announcements of major changes to Salem.

Nubs are in Season

Postby JohnCarver » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:35 pm

Greetings Salemites!

Despite a few set backs, we've managed to get your March patch out! This patch has been touted as being about newbies and the new tutorial, but we've added several nice things for the rest of you as well. As part of the tutorial, we've change the way you bring new people to your homestead, and as a consequence, made it much safer to share your homestead secret. We've added a way to make Music in the game, and not just for the fun of annoying the guy standing next to you. You may now keep Bees and Butterflies. And along with the new bee/butterly pollination mechanic, we've added several Orchard Trees, and three Seasons. We've added an Alloying artifice. And we've made a few changes to the default client. Also, the oh so long awaited mannequins!

The Tutorial

Everyone should go give it a try. The tutorial contains three areas: the London Docks, where you create yourself; the Providence Docks, where you pay to enter the New World if you have money in the bank, or get help from Chief Lend-A-Hand, if you're broke or new; and the Chief's village, where you learn to survive in Salem by taking care of the little squonk "Nubs" and doing a few chores. When your chores are finished, you'll be escorted into the wilderness by a friendly Tribe Scout.

This tutorial is not as extensive and some of you may have hoped, but we feel that learning about crime and death and other such things are best done in Salem itself. This tutorial is meant mainly to give new players an idea of what they should do to begin. And by going right into the Wilderness rather than to Providence, most players will probably be safe...ish long enough to decide how they feel about Salem.

Please keep in mind that it was designed for the sound to be 'optional'. It is certainly more helpful if you are able to listen to the narrator once you get to the Tribal camp. However, any NEW session or client will receive a wealth of pop-up boxes along the way in the newly defined and written help menu. If you would like to experience all those pop-up commands again you may do so by typing the console command :act help _clear.

The Map / New Mechanic to Play Together

Players will now receive a new teleport on each new character. This is a free teleport separate from their wilderness teleport that they receive when leaving the tutorial. The Tribe Scout will take you to a good place to begin automatically at the end of the tutorial. Or you'll start at your previous homestead if you are inheriting. Whether or not the Scout helps you, you will still have a single free teleport to be used whenever you like.

Players may now make a Salem Survey Map, unlocked with Colonial Tradesmanship.

The map will show the official Salem map with the location where it was crafted marked. It can be named and will hang on a wall. If you give it to another player who has a teleport, they can use that map to teleport via the NPC’s Luigi & Clarkson.

New NPCs: Luigi and Clarkson will accept your map and guide you to the location marked on it. You're really a lot of trouble though; it's not likely they'll want to go through that again. You only get to use their services once per character.

Change to Homestead Secret: The Homestead Secret is no longer used to teleport, only to kin. This should mean that traders and others are now safe to homestead their claimstones and that sharing your HS is now much safer. We hope this will promote a little more socializing with strangers in game.


This is a fun little mechanic for altering Biomes, something everyone has wanted for a long time.
Players may now play musical instruments at the cost of inspiration.
Nature will adapt and change based on the type of music being played nearby.
New Skill: Musician allows the playing of musical instruments.
Players may now craft and play: Snare Drums, Harps, Violins, Glockenspiels, Wardrums, Fifes, Flutes, Banjos, and Trumpets.

Due to the highly volatile nature of Biome changing, and the fact that I do not want to have to mapchange providence every day because you guys cannot have nice things the MAJORITY of instruments will be store-bought only and probably one of the most expensive boxes/items we add. This mechanic is intended to be rare, special, and unique. Not some way to make the whoel world look like a big hot mess of biomes no matter where you walk.


A new craft menu has been added under Artifices: Buckles
New Civilian Artifice: Alloying will increase the bar yield when smelting and crafting bars.
New Artifiacts: Copper Buckles, Silver Buckles, Gold Buckles, Blistersteel Buckles.


There are now Three different seasons in Salem. While Salem is in a state of perpetual Autumn, this does not make it immune to shifts in the weather.
Every week or so Salem will enter a Cold Snap which will have several effects on the environment, followed by an Everbloom after about another week, with it's own effects on the world.
Butterflies now spawn during the bounty of the Everbloom, but not during a Cold Snap.
Bears will no longer appear during a Cold Snap.
Blistersteel Bars now cool much more quickly during a Cold Snap.
Beavers now fatten up with lard during a Cold Snap.
Sleds now pull faster during a Cold Snap.
Harvesting Crops during an Everbloom season now yields more than harvesting during a Cold Snap.
Witches may cast their spells and to their evil doings to plunge Salem into the horrors of the Blood Moon season.
Bleed effects are now Magnified during a Blood Moon.

Players who faint during a Blood Moon will PERMANENTLY DIE, so don't do ANYTHING that will cause you to faint during a Blood Moon.
Players are encouraged to do passive tasks or simply go watch youtube during a bloodmoon if they are not prepared to lose their character upon death. I cannot wait to harvest your tears here.

The Blood Moon will fade after a time, and can be followed by either a Cold Snap or an Everbloom.

Bee Keeping and Butterflies

New Skill: Beekeeping now allows the keeping of Bees.
Players may now build a Bee Skep to keep bees in.
Clay no longer has Alchemical properties; the Bee Skep will take its purity from the Hay used in its construction.
Bees are now a rare spawn when gathering Flowers throughout Salem.
New Hydration Buff: Busy Bee
Players may now destroy Bee Skeps to obtain Honeycomb. Honeycomb may be drained to obtain Honey and Beeswax.
New Skill: Lepidopterology now allows the keeping of Butterflies.
Players may now craft a Bugnet for catching Butterflies on the wing.
Players may now build a House to keep Butterflies in.

Fruit Orchards

Players can now plant Fruit Orchards.
Orchards will only blossom during the Everbloom Season. Blossoming trees will only fruit if they have been pollinated by either Bees or Butterflies.
A full Bee Skep is a better pollinator than a full Butterfly House while a Butterfly House has a longer range.
Fruit obtained from an Orchard tree can be eaten raw and belongs to the Fruit foodgroup.
The Purity of a Fruit Tree slowly moves towards the purity of the Bee Skep that pollinates it.
There are currently no recipes for Fruit. We are undecided partly because such recipes will be very similar to the Berry foods, and partly because we might just make the raw fruit be a super food on its own.


New Skill: Mannequins
New Building: Mannequin. Right click a Mannequin to swap all the clothing you are wearing with the clothing on the Mannequin itself minus your keyring and purse.

A few Client Changes

Text font has been increased in size.
Incoming message are now Bolded.
Implemented Close buttons in the Chat Window.
Added a Landscaping Tool for easier digging/flattening. Added a button for it under the minimap.
Added Game Manual button next to the Purchase Silver button that boots the Official Salem Game Manual in your web browser. WORK IN PROGRESS. We started this project early on and as such it is a bit outdated and will be worked on over the next month.
Added the ability to toggle the camera in the Video Options menu. The client will now remember your last used camera and boot you into it when you next log on.
Kin Names will no longer disappear over a period of time. They will always stay about the heads of other Salemites.
The Minimap is now in a window that can be moved around and is no longer tied to the lower left of your screen. The Minimap can also be resized. The map within the Minimap can be dragged around to see visited areas.
Max Zoom on the default camera has been increased significantly and no longer seems so disproportionate.
The current season will display in the lower left where the map use to be.
Inspirationals will now display the correct tooltip amount. I.E. when you study the same inspirational multiple times you will see the display number increase with each time.
The Buff Window can now hold up to 15 buffs rather than 5.
Shift-Clicking will now auto-fill plants from your inventory when clicking on multiple pots.

Other New Stuff

Voice acting
While we had Voice Actors for the Tutorial, we decided to spice up some of the Providence NPCs for you:

Miner Torval now has a voice and will speak with you.
The Bank Teller now has a voice and will speak with you.
Jordan Gramsey now has a voice and will speak with you.
The Farmer now has a voice and will speak with you.
The Gun Salesman Flint now has a voice and will speak with you.
The Decoration Man now has a voice and will speak with you.
The Tailor woman now has a voice and will speak with you.
The Isle of Nod violinist now has a voice and will speak with you.
Mr. Bryberry has a voice and will speak with you.
Mrs. Goodbuttons has a voice and will speak with you.
Mr. Puggles has a voice and will speak with you.
The Town Center Violinist now has a voice and will talk to you.
The Gentleman in the Den now has a voice and will talk to you.
Father Brimstone (The Priest) now has a voice and will talk to you.
Ol' Limesky the Violin player of Limersfront now has a voice and will talk to you.
Oswald, the Marketplace Violin player, now has a voice and will talk to you.

Icons and Ground Models
Black Tea Leaves now have a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Green Tea Leaves now have a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Jelly Poultry now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Lily Poultry now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Scrambled Eggs now have a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Things with Wings now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Turkey Jerky now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Wild Wings now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Wilted Tea Leaves now have a unique ground graphic when dropped.

New Ground Graphic has been added for Bear Paws.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Cornmash Gobbler.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Frog Legs.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Lobster Legs.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Rat Cloth.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Rat Fur.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Rat Swatch.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Rat Tail.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Turkey Sandwich
New Ground Graphic has been added for Turkish Delight.
New Ground Graphic has been added for Last Wishbone
New Ground Graphic has been added for Yellow Tea Leaves.

Animal Glue now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Buck Skin Inlays now have a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Chantilly Lace now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Decorative Lace now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Dried Long ear now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Embroidery now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Enforced Seam now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Feather Down now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Festerskin Inlays now have a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Flagstraps now have a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Foul Feathered Brooch now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Lacy Edging now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
March Hare Tail now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Marrow Dumplings now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Raggy Hem now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Wet Long ear now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Rustic Stuffing now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Sand Dollar now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Studded leather now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Tree Trimmings now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Wool Quilting now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
Animal Canine now has its own unique ground graphic.

New Graphic for Home Fries has been added because Marp got his feelings hurt.
New Graphic for Hash Browns has been added because Marp got his feelings hurt.
New Graphic for Shepherds Pie has been added because Marp got his feelings hurt.
New Graphic for Uncooked Shepherds Pie has been added because Marp got his feelings hurt.

Witches may now drain Beetles to make Beetle Juice. While shrouded in the effects of the Juice, a Witch may temporarily walk in the Light.

Players may now craft various types of Scissors
The better the Scissors, the better to unslot artifices from the clothing piece when turning it to rags.

New Creature: Cougar
Players may now craft Cougar Snips (a type of Scissors).

New Creature: Bat
Bats now spawn when mining in caves.
Bats now spawn when triggering a cave down.
New Inspirational: Bat Fang

New Skill: Yellow Belly
Players now require the yellow belly skill to offer a ransom.

Mysterious Lillypads may now be placed over water to form land bridges.

Squirrel Stashes are now an inspirational.
Butchers Knife now requires Beeswax to fasten the handle to the blade.
Players may now feed Royal Jelly to their worms to increase their size.
Players may now drop Marrow Dumplings on the ground.
New Emote: Begging, Unlocked with Yellow Belly

New Sound Effect has been added while Whittling.
New Sound Effect has been added while using the Anvil.
Gem Shard now makes a unique sound when studied.
A new Drummer has been added near Dock Club.
The Violin players now display their own unique names when you click on them at the top of their option box.

Beauty and the Balance

The Weaving Artifice has been redefined:
The phlegm cost for weaving has been increased.
The speed for weaving has been normalized and is no longer effected by the civilian artifice +Weaving.
Weaving cotton cloth will now take a MAXIMUM of 10 Cotton Swabs. The higher the +Weaving Civilian Artifice you have, the better chance there will be that fewer swabs are consumed.

The Weight of a Crude Splint has been reduced to the sum of the components to make it.
Items that you are wearing have a 30% weight reduction.
Pockets have a 30% weight reduction.
Backpack weight reductions have been adjusted slightly.

Finery Forge Inventory Size has been doubled.
Blood Works now requires a significant amount of Hunting & Hideworking instead of Arts & Crafts.
Salemites may now hang their Windchimes on their walls.
Salamanders are now very fast.
Turtles now walk around instead of standing still waiting to be picked.
Turkey Farming now unlocks with Bee Keeping instead of Slug Hunting.
Iron Buckles now make (3) per Iron Bar used.
Weight on Buckles has been reduced.
Animal AI has been adjusted and should be a bit more active and engaging when fighting them.
Milkweed now becomes charred milkweed fibres MUCH faster.
Drying Frame moved back down to survival things.
Drying frames no longer require fibres.
The Required Flora and Fauna for Colonial Tradesmanship has been increased.
Tumbleweeds are now slower.
Players now gain the study rate that is displayed on the tooltip of their Inspirational Meter. It no longer tapers off and regains slower the closer to cap you get.
Rattler Meat now increases Blood when used in ANY recipe.
Butchering Hydrukeys now causes less wear on butcher knives.

The Purity of Majestic Acorns will now be identical to the purity of the bush that they came from.
Players may now drop Cooked King Crab on the ground.
Fixed a bug where a random assortment of materials could be placed into Hunter Drying Frames.
Animation for Whittling has been adjusted.
The Tooltip for the Plane Board skill has been adjusted.
While chipping Boulders players should no longer switch between axe & pickaxe.
Fixed a typo in Iron Amalgamation.
Fixed a typo in Mineral sifting.
Shepherds Pie no longer uses the Purity of the Corn when calculating its value
Added and updated tooltips for hovering over the proficiency names in the skill window.
A pot will no longer display the yield value in it when being inspected if it has a tree in it.
Planting trees no longer displays a bonus roll.
Typo in Cementation Furnace fixed.
The correct inspiration usage should now show in Tooltips when looking at Inspirationals.


Players may no longer build Crypts in mines.
Challenge Authority now requires more poop to repair.
Waste Claims now draw 40 silver/hour. Up from 20.
Furfurs will now automatically aggro.
Recipes that require an Anvil now craft slower.
Players may no longer rip up fields.
Slicing a beaver tail now counts as a crime if it does not belong to you.
Once again... You will permadie if you KO for any reason during a Blood Moon.

Mini Update #1:

Bats suck slightly slower for those of you who are too slow ripping them off your necks and tend to KO over and over.
Meraids Purses spawn less.
Drone Bees spawn slighly more when picking flowers in the wild.
Queen Bees spawn slighly more when picking flowers in the wild.

Mini Update #2:

*Butterflys spawn a bit less
*Fix'd error in Butterfly pathing that was causing lag despite our lag fixes we put in.
*Fix'd an issue with shrouded buff for witches not recalculating once it faded.
*Fix'd a typo in fruit Orchards
*Fix'd a typo in Lepidopterology
*Priest Stoles may no longer be equipped in the shirt slot, only the armour slot.
*Rattlers will now aggro Rats.
*Permadeath from Blood Moons will now only happen in the LIGHT of a blood moon. I.E. if you are in a church, house, or mine then your character will faint all the same.
*carrying objects above your head now causes phlegm drain and minor ybile drian. This CAN and will KO you if you carry objects above your head for extended periods of time.
*fixed issue that caused planted fruit trees to die and vanish before a season change.

Mini Update #3:

*Players may now make Golden Brick Paving
*Fix'd a bug that was not allowing various items in Hunter Drying Racks
*Changed the way some damage is applied when falling during a cave down.

Mini Update #4:
*Scissors now display their "Keen" value. This value will indicate how effective they are at removing artifice from clothing.
*Updated Rags tooltip to better explain the system of removing artifices.
*New Inspirational: Delphic Bee.

Mini Update #5:
*Fix'd an issue where people were leaving the native guide too early.
*Fix'd the Delphic bee to display his inspirational stats.
*New Help Menu Button for Knocked Out
*new Help Menu Button for Death
*New Help menu Button for Darkness
*New Help Menu button for end of tutorial.

Mini Update #6:
*New Craftable Hat: Silver Circlet
*New Recipe: Pulpish Purgative.
*Effect of the Berrymash Purgative have been increased to 2 hours a gulp.
*Curious Cabbage Inspirational has been rebalanced.
*Bats now suck between 3-4.5 Blood per tick, down from 3-9. This was a necessary change because approx 18-25 years ago a woman got pregnant, most likely an accident. In the days, weeks, and most likely months following this occurrence she then decided on more than a handful of occasions that "just one glass of wine" will not make a difference during the pregnancy. Fast forward 2 decades or so and we are now at a point where the product of those decisions has somehow found a way to NOT notice a giant bat latched to their necks, and is attempting to hold me responsible for the previous mentioned series of events. Shame on you sirs.... Shame on you for making me do this change.

Mini Update #7:
*Wardrobes can be carried into houses.
*mannequins can be carried into houses.
*Piggybanks can be carried into houses.
*feasting Tables can be carried into houses.
*Cupboards can be carried into houses.
EVERYTHING YOU SEE ABOVE is because I am going to soon be nuking all your outdoor stuff that should not be outdoors. This is me being generous and giving you a small window of time to carry it back inside a house before I do. This also means you can carry all these things OUT of houses for a short period of time. Do so at your own risk as, again, I will be finding a way to nuke such things shortly.

*Waning Toadstools are now determined based on your Herbs and Sprouts Instead of hunting and hideworking.
*Players may now drop carried objects closer to their bodies. I.E. the player body should no longer act as a hit box that prevents dropping items.
*Fix'd a typo in Mermaids purse.
*New Inspirational: Bug Blanket
*New Bug Foodgroup Ingredient: Lady Bug
*There is now a small chance when foraging a cobweb that a spider will jump out and attack you.

Mini Update #8:
*animal crackers now have a unique ground graphic when dropped.
*Colorfulautumnleaf now has a unique ground graphic when dropped.
*Tentacles are now more rare in Mermaids purses.
*Eyepatches are more rare in Mermais purses.
*Tentacles have been nerfed.
*New Mushroom: Spooky Redcap
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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby Brona » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:35 pm

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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby Claeyt » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:36 pm


JohnCarver wrote:Players who faint during a Blood Moon will PERMANENTLY DIE, so don't do ANYTHING that will cause you to faint during a Blood Moon.
Players are encouraged to do passive tasks or simply go watch youtube during a bloodmoon if they are not prepared to lose their character upon death. I cannot wait to harvest your tears here.

The Blood Moon will fade after a time, and can be followed by either a Cold Snap or an Everbloom.

So that noobs can know exactly how this works by reading it here:

How long exactly are these going to last?
Is there going to be drain involved?

This is going to hurt noobs more than veteran players. They're not going to know how it woks and they're much more likely to KO.
Last edited by Claeyt on Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jorb wrote:(jwhitehorn) you are an ungrateful, spoiled child

As the river rolled over the cliffs, my own laughing joy was drowned out by the roaring deluge of the water. The great cataract of Darwoth's Tears fell over and over endlessly.
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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby alloin » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:36 pm

Hooray, looks awesome !!!
jorb wrote:all I see is misplaced machismo and a lot of very cheap talk. ^^

Darwat confirmed scrub!
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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby joshnpk » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:36 pm

Yeeeeaaaaaaaa it's dropped!
I think I have a hat problem.
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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby hitori » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:37 pm


gratz, dev team!
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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby M13tz » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:37 pm

hahahah JC you are taking troling into whole new level :D
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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby Dallane » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:37 pm

Finally more squatters for the treaty!
Please click this link for a better salem forum experience

TotalyMeow wrote: Claeyt's perspective of Salem and what it's about is very different from the devs and in many cases is completely the opposite of what we believe.
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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby Nikixos » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:37 pm

This means the "quick digging fix" meant loads of new content? AwEsoME :D :D :lol:
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Re: Nubs are in Season

Postby King_Nothing » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:37 pm

eat oatmeal crackers & worship deer jesus
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