Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

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Should Decay be implemented and how?

I think decay is a bad idea.
I like decay on tools that causes them to become less effective when they 'break' and can be repaired.
I like decay on tools that causes them to wear out as they are used and eventually disappear.
I like decay on tools and clothing that causes them to become less effective when they 'break' and can be repaired.
I like decay on tools and clothing that causes them to wear out as they are used and disappear, where 'use' for clothing means I'm logged on and wearing them.
I like decay on tools and clothing that causes them to wear out as they are used and disappear, where 'use' for clothing means decay ticks taken only when I'm digging, chopping, being stabbed, etc.
Total votes : 241

Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby TotalyMeow » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:05 pm

Since John asked for your opinions, I thought I would make a poll for it to make it easier to count up what the majority of you want.

The issues is first, whether or not we should have decay; second, whether or not decay should be on both tools and clothing, or just tools; and third, whether that decay should break the item forever or should be repairable.

Please vote for one and comment below.
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby Icon » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:12 pm

Because there isn't enough grind already
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby Whyamihere » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:17 pm

Icon wrote:Because there isn't enough grind already

Exactly what would be the point other than making another grind fest. What would be added by oh I cut down 10 trees now to make a new axe over and over again.
Established players would have the means to do this but what does it actually add but another step in a tedious process all ready.
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby Feone » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:20 pm

I don't think adding decay will improve the game.

The only positive I can think of is how it might make it harder for the top players to have maxed out gear that most challengers won't be able to compete with. That however seems more of an issue with artificing in general, not something solved by breaking clothes.

Negatives are much easier to list.
It'll increase the amount of boring maintenance work required.
It'll make high-end items less valuable/worthwhile due to their time-limited nature.
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby JohnCarver » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:20 pm

Please feel free to vote no here as we are not for sure we are going to add it. It does seem like something worth exploring though as over time players tend to get healthy accumulation of tools and clothes they no longer have uses for. Our alternative is ways to smelt tools back down and rag clothes into better goods.
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby Bearcub » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:25 pm

I don't think that decay is really nice idea. That's how it differ from H&H where the grind is your everything, spending more and more time on feeding animals and so on (that's why it's impossible to play it without bots).
If stuff is unrepaireble then it's just painful to slot anything (makes no sense). Giving the wear for tools is reasonable only in case if they will have purity (but then you'll be slotted for tree-chopping and with an 100% pure axe to chop tree in 1sec)- really makes no sense.
Since slots came up- there's no place for wear
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby Whyamihere » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:27 pm

JohnCarver wrote: Our alternative is ways to smelt tools back down and rag clothes into better goods.

Now that would be a worthwhile addition that I think would add something to the game.
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby Bearcub » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:31 pm

JohnCarver wrote:It does seem like something worth exploring though as over time players tend to get healthy accumulation of tools and clothes they no longer have uses for.

That's how some are making silver here- selling what was stolen or just overstocked.
Of course- since spider came up it's pretty easy to get your first "gem-stuffed cape". But as it's not forever- we do our best to earn as much as we can.
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby Feone » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:34 pm

JohnCarver wrote:Please feel free to vote no here as we are not for sure we are going to add it. It does seem like something worth exploring though as over time players tend to get healthy accumulation of tools and clothes they no longer have uses for. Our alternative is ways to smelt tools back down and rag clothes into better goods.

I like the idea of having uses for spare pieces of equipment.
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Re: Should we have Decay on Tools and Clothing?

Postby Mereni » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:35 pm

I'm a bit on the ropes. I've played some games with decay mechanics that I hate and others where it's okay. I think if there is to be wear, it should wear until it disappears, just getting a debuff is silly.

On the one hand, wear on tools or clothes could be hard on the newbies because starting out they might go to so much effort to buy an axe from a player, they might be afraid to use it much because they'll use it up. And with very low proficiencies, they have a hard time slotting their newbie equipment with civilian artifices and then they have to watch it decay, it might be discouraging.

On the other hand, the tribe got all the best gear pretty easily and then was done, that was it, it takes awhile to get the perfectly slotted item, but once it's slotted, it's forever. And that newbie who needs an axe might get it for a much cheaper price if it's worn halfway down. By the time it wears out, maybe they can make their own.

I think wear and breakage on both tools and clothes could be a good thing if the wear happens very slowly. Maybe an adjustment to clothing and artifice would also be a good idea where the clothing newbies can make is easier to slot with civilian artifacts, but it's low number of slots and lack of combat artifact matches would make it silly for advanced civilian or combat characters to use.
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