Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo (Jamestown)

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Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo (Jamestown)

Postby whiskeyditka » Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:56 pm

A traitor to my people and a plague on the community. He comes to my town and begs to be a part of a community. We make him earn our trust for over a week we he helps us out. We give him food and shelter and grant him our low lvl citizenship. As soon as he sees an opportunity he kills my second in command only becasue he had scents on him and a few of my newer pilgrims. He is the bain of this game existence. He is a griefer and desrves a slow painful death. I am offering 3,000 silver for his head. If anyone is interested in helping me take this piece of trash to the curb please send me a PM.
Last edited by whiskeyditka on Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo

Postby Trenial » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:17 pm

Too bad its Jamestown. Get on it Darwoth.
Last edited by Trenial on Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jwhitehorn wrote:It's too bad you're so politically connected
you would have made a great brave


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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo

Postby RuneNL » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:18 pm


I think you are going to be dissapointed.
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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo

Postby Siobhan » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:30 pm

Why did your second in command have summonable scents?
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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo (Jamestown)

Postby whiskeyditka » Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:04 pm

He had scents because Honeybooboo came a few days before we knew who he was and put a claim close to our town so My second destroyed it.
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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo (Jamestown)

Postby clouddog » Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:41 pm

Iam abit confused.
is it this Honey BooBoo ur talking about?

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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo (Jamestown)

Postby LrdGore » Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:56 pm

Yes, I was murdered by Honey BooBoo because he turned traitor on us, killed our low levels when there weren't as many townfolk around, and went into our inner city and summon killed me over a waisted claim that was setup right outside of our town stealing stuff from us. We blocked the claim in and built firewood piles all over it so if the perp logged back in with such a blatant crime against us, they'd end up back in Boston. I am guessing Honey BooBoo was the perp to begin with. He claimed Darworth killed his last character and used some Harsh language to describe Darworth in the process.

Now we have a fella here who claims to be Darworth hunting scents to track this guy... I'd like to know if it's the real mckoy... Our town name is Manetheren, and I just broke a gate open for him to get more scents.

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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo (Jamestown)

Postby sonny_iiii » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:09 pm

LrdGore wrote:Yes, I was murdered by Honey BooBoo because he turned traitor on us, killed our low levels when there weren't as many townfolk around, and went into our inner city and summon killed me over a waisted claim that was setup right outside of our town stealing stuff from us. We blocked the claim in and built firewood piles all over it so if the perp logged back in with such a blatant crime against us, they'd end up back in Boston. I am guessing Honey BooBoo was the perp to begin with. He claimed Darworth killed his last character and used some Harsh language to describe Darworth in the process.

Now we have a fella here who claims to be Darworth hunting scents to track this guy... I'd like to know if it's the real mckoy... Our town name is Manetheren, and I just broke a gate open for him to get more scents.


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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo (Jamestown)

Postby Darwoth » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:09 pm

yeah, i tracked him to a crappy vault called hells gate about 2 supergrids past where the southwest darkness wall used to be. normally i would not have bothered however i got a visual of this..........


which made my desire to kill far greater than normal.

plus i had already spent several hours going out there.

i test summoned to verify the description with the screenshot in this thread and memorize the character, went back to build a waste claim and ol booboo himself was out poking around near the signpost but he gated back home before i could get a shot off.

as i was constructing the claim and had just got done KOing his alt that i assume he spawned to destroy the sign the ****** server crashed while my claim was at 98% complete which annoys me further, he will probably be hiding in some other town by the time it goes active because the devs do not have the ability to predict things like spammed town bells and stick fences when making sweeping changes to their game.

in any case due to his namesake, the annoyance of traveling into the middle of nowhere, annoyance of having to erect a waste claim and now having to contend with a crashed server mr booboo is a dead man, whether it be in a day or a month.
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Re: Bounty on The "dangerous" Honey BooBoo (Jamestown)

Postby Ouroboros » Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:12 pm

Why people is so mean with honeybooboo, so sad you find me out Pedobear Darwoth i work 4 hours in that place,you know how much time that is? like 180minutes, i need to make another place :/. Now i will need to run
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