Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you.

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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby L33LEE » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:11 am

staxjax wrote:Yeah, seems to me like you guys wrongfully stole from L33LEE. There are better ways to go about getting rid of somebody. He was banished over spiderwebs and tumbleweeds, seriously?

Basically yes, I used 10 tumbleweeds today, and 2 spider webs, he clearly stated that "yesterdays" convosation was in the past.

As a replacment of them, i purchased TONS of singing logs, dew, and farmed / crafted some inspritionals to replace them. I even told Shea about them + the iron i crafted, but clearly they did not care, and shea even aknowledged the replenishment of the inspritionals i made today.

Clearly Just jealous that in 4 days i have higher levels than them, who have played for 1 month. (And was scared of my rapid growth + expansion)

Sad, pathetic, but true.
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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby L33LEE » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:21 am

To note, if i had "bad intentions" in there little community also, i would have taken "WAY" more than what i have been accused of "using", because community's share right ? because i used ALOT of inspirational, but i gave so much back which was never appreciated.

I would have stripped down the 10,000s worth of materials on their land, and left.

Soon, shea, oin. You will learn the meaning of my name first hand.
Retribution ~ Death comes to those who wait.

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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby Shealladh » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:23 am

Well considering that we made you a metal axe, nails for your sawbench, farmhouse, a metal shovel, 240s to expand you claim, and whatever inspirationals you need to unlock skills I think it's fair to say that we helped you more than faily. The after all that drop you old area and then say I wan another area, can I have more silver to make another claim. And the funny part is how you whined about doing a group collection run on Lime for the smelters, which lasted a day of making iron.

You earbashed me for 2hrs this morning on how screwed up the area is and how you're going to pump out 1-200 iron ata time from all the smelters you're going to make. How 23 charcoal piles was not enough, and we need bigger production area.
Good luck to you out there and your ambitious plans, if you are seriously going to run 3 or 4 alts and do everything yourself, then the best of luck.

We work as a team to fulfill what our customers want at a fair price. We're not here to rip people off, make tons of money, we like to enjoy our own professions and help our little community out. I think you'll agree that our actions speak louder than words. There are player killers out there, and that's fine, putting a bounty on our heads is your choice, I just wonder how long before someone places a bounty on your head.

So as I said, goodluck.
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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby staxjax » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:29 am

We'll see how much you guys will be trading once your 'village' gets rolled. No crafters and no merchandise = no customers.
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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby L33LEE » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:31 am

Could not care less.

Yea you did help me establish, and i much apprichated that today.

Today was the first time i was able to "put back" into the village, and i did. If you would have waited 1-2 more days, i would have put x10 more into the village, than i used in the first 2-3 days of setting up.

Yes, your plans were clearly conflicting with mine, with reguards to customers, prices and stuff thats meaningless, and has nothing to do with this topic.

Oh and your ignorant as hell attitude was pahtetic also, what can i expect from an ausi talking to a brit anyway?. Your village layout is very shabby, the adjustments and suggestions i put forward were "Great improvements" no wonder you was "embarrassed", i was embarrassed for you because you claimed you planned your village layout for "weeks" and in 24hours, i saw how piss poor it was, i strongly advised you to reconsider a layout change, which you flat out refused to even consider, so what was the point in me even staying in your community?

If anything you done me a favor and removed me. Its made me "man up" and go back to my lonewolf status. My mission is to ensure your misury in this game now. I offered you everything, was loyal, and wanted to make a strong contribution to your community.

You kicked me without warning, and took everything from me.

Bounty on my head ? I could not care less. I know were you are. You have no clue were i am. Just remember that mate.

EDIT: To note, i even said to shea that i wanted to be a "pure crafter/miner" and insisted his petty 2 furnaces were way to small, he refused at every turn to listen to my suggestion layouts, and everything.

to anyone who even considers joining their community, just remember, they are the 3 overlords, and its a dictatorship.
Retribution ~ Death comes to those who wait.

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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby Shealladh » Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:06 am

L33LEE wrote:Could not care less.

Yea you did help me establish, and i much apprichated that today.

Today was the first time i was able to "put back" into the village, and i did. If you would have waited 1-2 more days, i would have put x10 more into the village, than i used in the first 2-3 days of setting up.

Yes, your plans were clearly conflicting with mine, with reguards to customers, prices and stuff thats meaningless, and has nothing to do with this topic.

Oh and your ignorant as hell attitude was pahtetic also, what can i expect from an ausi talking to a brit anyway?. Your village layout is very shabby, the adjustments and suggestions i put forward were "Great improvements" no wonder you was "embarrassed", i was embarrassed for you because you claimed you planned your village layout for "weeks" and in 24hours, i saw how piss poor it was, i strongly advised you to reconsider a layout change, which you flat out refused to even consider, so what was the point in me even staying in your community?

If anything you done me a favor and removed me. Its made me "man up" and go back to my lonewolf status. My mission is to ensure your misury in this game now. I offered you everything, was loyal, and wanted to make a strong contribution to your community.

You kicked me without warning, and took everything from me.

Bounty on my head ? I could not care less. I know were you are. You have no clue were i am. Just remember that mate.

EDIT: To note, i even said to shea that i wanted to be a "pure crafter/miner" and insisted his petty 2 furnaces were way to small, he refused at every turn to listen to my suggestion layouts, and everything.

to anyone who even considers joining their community, just remember, they are the 3 overlords, and its a dictatorship.

Um that goes to show you level, I never and will not put a bounty of your head, I couldn't care less what racial creed you are from. I'm no racist!
With your consistant whining, well at least I have my sanity now and I think someone would just kill you off after 1 day of hearing it.
You changed your mind on several occassions on your profession, 1 day clothing, next day miner, next day something else.

As for our production being small, we so be it, as I said previously, I'm not here to be a metalsmith mogal. I'm here to enjoy a game and work with peoplet that are community minded, if you cannot stand that too bad. As you said before, you're a lone wolf, so now you can be once again.

As for stealing your stuff, there wasn't much there except for a few boxes of wood chips, twigs, and the odd smotthstone etc. All easily refinable.
As for the axe etc we made for you, I out them in a barrel for someone in Boston to find. I gave it away rather than selling it, and when I ported to Boston you were not there.

I am also not going to get into a heated discussion about person to person degrading, so if it's a fight you want have it out with me instead of being a puss and making stuff up.
At least your now a free lone wolf and a mega skill dude, with all the leveling up in all skills, and will have a great monopoly on the metal trade.

Good luck and get over it. I'm at peace!
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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby L33LEE » Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:24 am

Im over it, yea.

As for the bounty, that is there because of how you kicked me out, you refused to meet me in boston to discuss it(like after you kicked me, you even waited untill i teleported to boston to kick me, to ensure i cannot return), and have basically FORCED me to start over in respects of now needing to walk 5-6 hours back to somewere near the darkness, it has nothing to do with money, items, or value of stuff. If you wanted me to leave, i would have left, you only needed to ask, but before i left i would have paid back everything i used from you, and all the stuff you helped me with when i started.

If you did not want me to help build your "community" i would have moved a few maps away and started an alliance with you and still helped you, but i would have been free to create my own little layout, what "i wanted" etc, but you just kicked me without warning and without discussion or time for me to compose myself. That is what "pissed me off", and is why i put the bounty on it.

You want me to call off the bounty ? Admit that the way you dismissed me was wrong, and apologies because you basically had me waste 100hours ~ of help on your land, which now you have supplies of wood, coal, and other stuff which will last you and your slow production (From my perspective) for weeks to come, from All "my efforts".

If you wanted me out, i accept that, the way you went about it was right out of order and is the reason i am in this VERY foul mood.
Retribution ~ Death comes to those who wait.

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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby Shealladh » Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:33 am

L33LEE wrote:Im over it, yea.

As for the bounty, that is there because of how you kicked me out, you refused to meet me in boston to discuss it(like after you kicked me, you even waited untill i teleported to boston to kick me, to ensure i cannot return), and have basically FORCED me to start over in respects of now needing to walk 5-6 hours back to somewere near the darkness, it has nothing to do with money, items, or value of stuff. If you wanted me to leave, i would have left, you only needed to ask, but before i left i would have paid back everything i used from you, and all the stuff you helped me with when i started.

If you did not want me to help build your "community" i would have moved a few maps away and started an alliance with you and still helped you, but i would have been free to create my own little layout, what "i wanted" etc, but you just kicked me without warning and without discussion or time for me to compose myself. That is what "pissed me off", and is why i put the bounty on it.

You want me to call off the bounty ?

Well not to mention my trek all the way upto you in the first place.

Admit that the way you dismissed me was wrong, and apologies because you basically had me waste 100hours ~ of help on your land, which now you have supplies of wood, coal, and other stuff which will last you and your slow production (From my perspective) for weeks to come, from All "my efforts".

You mean the 100 hrs you spent doing not one but two homestead areas for yourself.
You might have gotten a few logs and finished off the charcoal pits with wood blocks. And made iron by getting a few lime in our smelters that we had to build in the first place.

Then all I see here is me, me, I, I, I, not what "we" did is of any consequence at all.
As for the design, you talked and fought with the other two about "our" area and kept going on and on and on and on and on and on about it trying to persuade us that your 2 days playing and knowledge was better.

I hope you are using 8 lime and ore mix works out for you since you know so much better becuase you read a guide somewhere that is so out of date. No matter ho wmuch we tried to help and show you how to be more efficinet, you seem to know better.

Making inspirationals for yourself and using hundreds just to gain a lvl of skill, imho is doing it wrong.

If you wanted me out, i accept that, the way you went about it was right out of order and is the reason i am in this VERY foul mood.

Maybe, but then we could say the same about your actions. Like three times regoing back over premade plans and how "your" way is better and the only way. We did try to compromise and adjusted a few things to enable you to fit in and be apart of the team. Yet you get in a foul mood because we prefer the collective efforts of a few people who work well together and how you do not fit in, it's all of a sudden our fault.

Sure we could have done the severing better, but after going on for 2 days and regoing over the same things time and time again, when is enough enough?
Foul mood, it's a game ffs, if you tried to work with people instead of getting all huffed up and getting pissed at people that are trying to help you, you might fit in better.

We were getting all worked up, it's so calm now and we are moving on. I just pity the next poor sod that gets mixed up with you, oh wait, sry you're a lone wolf and am da boss. And since you played WoW so much and used to rule in everything in it, seriously go back there maybe this game is not for you.
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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby L33LEE » Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:45 am

Well thank you, at least i understand now what your position is.

Good luck to in the future, you have shown me the light.

See ya around.
Retribution ~ Death comes to those who wait.

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Re: Befriended : Shealladh + Oin This is to you. Bounty give

Postby Shealladh » Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:59 am

L33LEE wrote:Well thank you, at least i understand now what your position is.

Good luck to in the future, you have shown me the light.

See ya around.

Well Retribution, I guess we shall
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