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Wiki, soak values and damage formula

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:11 am
by LaserSaysPew
Wiki states that:
1. Stone Hedge has 90 soak.
2. Formula for damage is "sqrt(phlegm*1k / 10k) * 10" (so "sqrt(phlegm / 10) * 10")
3. "You will need at least 90-100 phlegm to destroy a segment of a stone hedge"

100 phlegm dmg: sqrt(100/10)*10 = ~31.6 (which is a lot lower than 90 soak)

According to that formula, in order to beat 90 soak, one will need more than 810 phelgm.

So what is actually wrong on wiki: the soak or the formula? Or am I missing something?

Re: Wiki, soak values and damage formula

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:29 am
by Nsuidara
A lot of information is/are outdated on Wiki.

So what is actually wrong on wiki: the soak or the formula? Or am I missing something?


Re: Wiki, soak values and damage formula

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:35 am
by Nikixos
What is math idk but those formulas are problably 5 years old and outdated