Torch Posts and Braziers

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Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby Taipion » Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:01 pm

There sure is a lot to say about defense in general, let's keep this to the most basic data:
Answers from posts here in this colour.

1.) What is the base damage of the two?
8 for braziers and 2 for TPs

2.) What is the RoF on these, how many shots per second or minute? I read somewhere about 1 shot every 8 seconds, seems a bit low...
Somewhere around 3 seconds per shot.

3.) How much damage will 2, 3, ... braziers do per volley? I read 10 braziers do 25 per volley. (Yes, more is always better due to crit, just asking about the base damag.)
More means more damage, and most importantly, more crits. - Would be good to have some exact numbers here or a formula to calculate it!

4.) How does that work for TPs? Will more TPs also always do (a slight bit) more damage? (They don't crit, so damage potential is very limited I assume.)
More means more damage, and most importantly, more crits. - Would be good to have some exact numbers here or a formula to calculate it!

5.) How high is the % crit damage if a braziers/TP crits? (It is calculated off the remaining, not maximum BB, right?)
about 30% remaining BB and exactly 15% of the remaining blood

6.) TPs have high range, can't be put out with water like braziers, but they don't crit either, is there anything else one needs to know about TPs, anything special?
They only have 300 shots max (10 shots per 1 tinder, 30 tinder max), so you can theoretically drain it off its ammo in just 15 minutes, also, you cant see how much ammo is in there like with braziers, they only display if they have ammo or not Fortunately, JC has blessed us with the ability to see TPs ammo.

[edit:] As I am at it, and it fits in here quite well I guess, one more kinda related question:

7.) How high is the drain due to trespassing (=standing on a foreign pclaim)?
~1 per second.
Last edited by Taipion on Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:29 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby Taipion » Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:05 pm

Ok now I heard TPs can crit, too, and they only deal 1 dmg per shot...

No one willing to shed some light onto these things?
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby jakhollin » Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:09 pm

I would suggest that you build a torch post claim the spot and make an alt with about 10 biles and test it out. See what the torch shoots for then repeat that for the brazier.
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby Tulgarath » Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:55 am

Tps and braziers I think have diminishing twigs in the sense that the more you have, the less they hit for...but still the sun would be greater, so it's worth it to have more but u do not know the formula. JC posted once 2 braziers on each wall tile will keep most out. I think that's it, maybe it was one every two tiles lol.

I could be working on old data, but i think it's current.
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby jakhollin » Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:25 am

Old data. Overlap does not impact damage last I noticed.
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby Nikixos » Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:13 am

The only thing you need to know is that
brazier <space> torchpost <space> brazier behind all your plank or brick walls
^ is impenetrable
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby Trismegistus » Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:15 am

Nikixos wrote:The only thing you need to know is that
brazier <space> torchpost <space> brazier behind all your plank or brick walls
^ is impenetrable

How dare you! :shock: Lazy, generic "here's how to stop a lone player who thinks he's tough guy."

I've done only minimal research into this area, so I can only give this:

1-5: When I first built my base and built one torchpost, I created an alt to test it. (Ive seen posts that say if they fire on trespass is a RNG) It fired on me both times instantly on border crossing. It fired at a rate of once per one or two seconds. Unfortunately, I did not record the exact damage done, but it was certainly in the range of four. Below states 50% damage of brazier, and I've seen probably the same post as you that said 8 and 4.

Also, not explicitly stating that dmg is reduced per TP with more TPs, however the last two lines imply that as all but fact. That's what I take "damage calculations" to mean. An answer to this reduction rate could be important as it will determine the best ratio of TPs to Braziers in range of each other.

My own crazy speculations, suggest that dmg reduction is higher in torchposts, since all I see is players and TotalyMeow answering defense help questions with "get braziers" whereas I have decided for myself that TP are much better. Reasons: Much larger range and much easier to build for a new player like myself. I admit that this could heavily weigh on my personal circumstances though.

Again below, "Crits now deal damage as a percentage of remaining humors, not total humors." I would assume BB, but I can't help but notice that humors is used and not BB. I recall seeing a post that said it was Blood, but that doesn't make any sense to me. Unless BB is to Fortitude to Dodge as Critical Hit is to Direct Hit and Critical Hit is to assist you in actively defending with your swordfist to their face.

JC-December2014 wrote:Individual braziers now do considerably less damage but will critical hit far more often. Raiders may now be critical hit multiple times in a row. Crits now deal damage as a percentage of remaining humors, not total humors.
Braziers will no longer do permanent Humor damage.
Torchposts now do 50% the damage a Brazier does. Braziers and Torchposts no longer share damage calculations with each other, so they can both be used as separate defense systems.
Empty Braziers and Torchposts no longer factor in to damage calculations, so building empty ones off-claim will not weaken on-claim defenses.

7. I don't have a number, but the drain is very small. Only ignorance, carelessness, or a fool would result in KO due to drain alone. Just to clarify, it is something like 1 per second give or take 0.7 per second. :oops: It was a month ago or so.
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby UnholyReaper » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:09 am

7. I don't have a number, but the drain is very small. Only ignorance, carelessness, or a fool would result in KO due to drain alone. Just to clarify, it is something like 1 per second give or take 0.7 per second. :oops: It was a month ago or so.

and noobs dont forget is very easy to accidently forget pr not even know
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby raujika » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:49 am

Torchposts can indeed crit, by the way.
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Re: Torch Posts and Braziers

Postby Taipion » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:10 am

Thanks for all the answers so far! :)
Forgot I can test this with basically a fresh alt... will do some testing myself if I get the time....

Trismegistus wrote:... since all I see is players and TotalyMeow answering defense help questions with "get braziers"...

That does not necessarily mean that it is correct. ¦]
It sure is true that you need braziers in your defense to make it work, but that's it, the question as to how many of each will do what, is not even touched by such answers.
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