Former President Obama Waves His ***** at Press, Literally

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Former President Obama Waves His ***** at Press, Literally

Postby TotalyMeow » Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:54 am ... rection-fe

A few months old, but I'd not heard of this until tonight and I had to laugh. If you can't see the video (wouldn't load for me), you might have more luck at snopes, who's address and article title are snicker-worthy all on their own.

This thread was inspired by Claeyt's thread naming conventions and by his post quoted below just before he admonished everyone to stop talking about it because it's a derail and he can't win an argument unless he gets the last word, please. :roll:

Claeyt wrote:It is physically impossible to "erase" everything Obama did as we're seeing with the ACA alone. There is no going back on gay rights, the changes to the economy, including the Paris accord, or to many of the executive orders he signed.

As for dissolution of the democratic party, that's just stupid. Trump did not even get a majority of the presidential votes. He took 3 states with less than 200,000 votes out of 20 million cast in those 3 states to win the electoral college (which was created to count slaves in the south and is broken beyond all repair). Don't forget the Republicans lost congressional and Senate seats this past election. They might hold the Senate in 2 years but they'll lose congress if the trends since 2010 hold out. At the state level, although the democrats have lost the most, they lost less this election than in 2010. 'Gerrymandering' and 'Voter Suppression' the 2 main tools of the Republican party's maintaining their control in swing states are being challenged at all levels of the judiciary and they will both be in front of the Supreme court within 2 years and the swing vote has said he would consider changes to gerrymandering in interviews and it was 5-4 to the voting rights act that is allowing voter suppression tactics like what we've seen. The politically gerrymandered districts were just recently thrown out in both Wisconsin and N. Carolina. The Democratic party is still 51% of the vote and is far from gone, in fact 2 years from now I still think that the Republican party will be the most changed by Trump while the Democrats harden into the party of Bernie Sanders's ideas which are polling a lot better than Trump right now.

Yes, it is impossible to just erase everything Obama did. That is going to be the work of years. Long, sad years in some cases. He has done more to raise racial tensions in his eight years as president than maybe any other single person in American history. And he's not stopped yet, it's horrifying.

And the ACA is such a mess it will take quite a lot of work to extricate ourselves from the morass it created, especially considering how many insurance companies went out of business entirely because of it. This too will take years to recover from, assuming Trump does the right thing. There's no guarantee he will though, since he's not a believer in small government like an actual Republican would be.

I've no time to talk about Obama's other awful decisions right now, but I'm sure there will be plenty of time tomorrow. Just as a quick run-down though: he ended the wet-foot/dry-foot policy, he commuted Chelsea Manning's sentence, sending a horrible message regarding how we deal with traitors, he drastically relaxed background checks on immigrants, presumably to make Trump look bad when he reinstates them, he complimented the press on not being sycophants and admonished them to keep up the good work while the press slobbered all over him like dogs (the implication being that he wants the press to really be hard on Trump, as if they won't be :P), and he has been doing his best to release as many terrorists from Guantanimo Bay as he can as fast as he can, and on and on.

Meanwhile, the Democratic party is indeed imploding and Obama has been helping it along in a selfish bid to try to make people remember him. You can try to spin it all you want, but the Democratic party lost a lot this election and it's not looking like they'll be getting it back any time soon. People are just too sick and tired of being called racist/evil/bigoted/what-have-you and so long as the Democratic party keeps that up (and they seem to be doubling down on it), they're just going to keep losing.
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Re: Former President Obama Waves His ***** at Press, Literall

Postby belgear » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:23 am

This doesn't bother me and if Trump had a ***** it also wouldn't bother me. I am tired of men being objectified!!!
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Re: Former President Obama Waves His ***** at Press, Literall

Postby saltmummy » Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:34 pm

So much for the symbol of intelligence, morality, and maturity.
Darwoth wrote:you know, cause they were obviously fascist white supremacist burrito nazis.

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Re: Former President Obama Waves His ***** at Press, Literall

Postby core1984 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:24 am

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Re: Former President Obama Waves His ***** at Press, Literall

Postby Taipion » Sat Jan 28, 2017 1:51 am

core1984 wrote:I'll just have to leave this here ... unded-isis

That has a very long tradition, reaching back to afghanistan, somewhere in the 80s, back when the russians tried to conquer that land, and the US secretly supported al quaeda on a massive scale.

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Re: Former President Obama Waves His ***** at Press, Literall

Postby Darwoth » Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:07 pm

pretty sure there was no "secret" involved unless you think the afghans were conjuring stinger missiles out of thin air, US support for opposition forces at that time was made perfectly obvious and was done primarily as payback for russian support against our troops in vietnam, and it was not al queda it was the taliban long before they went into extreme ahkmed mode and turned to terrorism.

two quite different scenarios.
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Re: Former President Obama Waves His ***** at Press, Literall

Postby TotalyMeow » Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:16 pm

So, the contrast between Trump's policies and Obama's, and people's reactions to them, is pretty crazy. I said I'd post this awhile back, so here it goes. Let's take a look at a few of Obama's policies. Text wall!

Trump instituted a brief halt on immigration from 7 terror filled countries and despite the over 50% approval rating of this, the media has gone ***** and continue to. By contrast, they hardly remarked at all when Obama halted immigration from Iraq for more than 6 months, and they've failed to take note of the fact that the 7 countries are those on a list made by the Obama Administration. But worst of all is the way they buried Obama's cancellation of the wet foot, dry foot policy just one week before he left office. For decades, the wet foot, dry foot policy, which let any Cubans who made it to US soil apply for citizenship, has been a source of hope and moral support to Cuban citizens living under the crushing weight of the Castro regime. The few interviews that were done of refugees who are still stuck at the Mexico border express how abandoned and hopeless they feel. Meanwhile, the ending of the policy was done, not for national security reasons, but as a grace note on Obama's love affair with Castro's policies. Obama bent over backward to make concessions to Castro, who's regime continues a policy of horrible human rights violations.

Obama's concessions to Cuba made things worse than they already are, and they're pretty damn bad. Cuba was a powerhouse in the 50s before the revolution. Today, it still looks like the 50s over there and people are still being arrested by the thousands for not agreeing with their government. I've read some things that speculate Trump could save the mess by using the leverage Obama gained to influence the regime into changing instead of just bending to them like Obama was doing, let's hope so.

Obama commuted Chelsea Manning's sentence, despite objections of his staff. Manning leaked 750,000 pages of documents to Wikileaks. He was sentenced to 35 years at Fort Leavenworth after being found guilty of 20 out of 22 charges, including violating the US Espionage Act. Obama commuted the sentence, sending a terrible message to anyone else who might be considering similar behavior, and undermining Obama's denunciation of Wikileak's role in hacking the DNC.

People concerned about Trump's Mexican immigration policy might not know that Obama was known as The Deporter-in-Chief by some, and deported more than 2.8 million illegal Mexican immigrants while pretending to be their friend, that's more deportations than any other president. This might explain why Trump got an unexpected number of votes from legal Mexican immigrants. I agree with deporting illegal immigrants, but it's pretty rotten to do so while pretending not to and condemning your opposition for it.

Obama released almost all the prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. Some people says that's a good thing as they are held there without trial. That even if we know they are guilty and an official trial would only reveal national secrets or come at some other cost it would not be in our best interests to pay, we should still give them said trial. Perhaps some way should be found to make it official, but Obama didn't try to do that, he simply dumped them in other countries willing to take them (and few were), and who knows what might happen now.

TPP and TTIP. Looks like they won't outlive Obama's adminstration. I don't know much about these trade deals, if they would be good or bad for us. I've heard both and haven't really looked into it too much. However, I do know that at least the TPP would have had an effect on our laws and wonder if Obama really had the power to negotiate that himself?

Obama desprately tried to 'reset' our relationship with countries like Iran and Russia, who mostly used his weakness to try to do things like invade Crimea. Way to go, Obama.

Obama's idiotic policies in withdrawing from the Middle East lead directly to the creation of ISIS and the Syrian civil war.

Violent crime has been declining in the US slowly but steadily for decades... until Obama. Violent crimes, murder in particular, have spiked thanks to Obama's attacks on our own Police force, constantly beating into the public mind that the police are all racist and out to get the minorities in this country. It's entirely untrue and doesn't even make sense as a claim, but say something like that enough and people start to believe it.

Our economy has grown more slowly than it has under any president in the last several decades. I think it was the Great Depression the last time our economy was so sluggish as it was under him.

Our unemployment was equally awful. The only reason it ever looked low was because so many people became so discouraged in their job hunts that they just gave up and quit looking. Not that that didn't need a job, just that they despaired of getting one. There were also a lot of poeple who were underemployed. Engineers working at Burger King, etc. Sure they have a job, and that counts officially as employment, but is it really?

All in all, very few laws were actually passed under Obama. Not only were his policies awful, he tried to do it all himself, overreaching the powers of the Executive Branch and making it easier for later presidents to do the same. Another consequence of his doing everything by executive order is that most of what he did can easily be reversed, which is why executive orders are only meant to be used rarely and for immediate issues like natural disasters. As an anecdote to how few bills Obama signed into law, I heard that members of congress were doing almost no work by the end of Obama's term because they knew it wouldn't matter, but they are now working 18 hour days in an effort to keep up with Trump.
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