Current version grind

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Re: Current version grind

Postby TotalyMoo » Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:09 pm

ShadowAtlan wrote:
Realak wrote:so i should be punished because I have a massive claim that is boring?

Fixed that for you. If the place you're living at isn't trying to kill you, what's the fun?

Imma refer to my avatar here.
I never managed to figure out something clever for my signature on Paradoxplaza, and I doubt I'll do it here either.

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Re: Current version grind

Postby MagicManICT » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:10 am

Ass_Kraken wrote:
FunForLife wrote:Noone will enter this region if its not neccessary!
No need to enter that special region, that is made for...?!? For wha is it designed...?


Is that FUN! on fire or just normal FUN!?
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Re: Current version grind

Postby ShadowAtlan » Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:14 am

MagicManICT wrote:Is that FUN! on fire or just normal FUN!?

Normal fun isn't on fire? I must be playing dwarf fortress all wrong.
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Re: Current version grind

Postby FunForLife » Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:20 am

TotalyMoo wrote:Imma refer to my avatar here.

I get little bit the feeling, that intensive serious discussions are not wanted. Just some Drama, i guess? :roll:

I love Salem for its unconventionall gameplay and for not doing what all MMO´s would do. But there should still be some part of long-term motivation and some shortage in ressources to make conflicts useful and neccessary.

In Salem its all about: You can do, what ever u want to do. Thats fine so far, but why u do so? Cuz it´s !!FUN!! ? This might work to one or two hundred players comin from HnH, but not for a big Community that makes this game pay-out! There should be some stuff you need to do, to reach some other stuff and so on... Most players are motivated by the long-term goal they are aiming for and NOT by the grind itself.

If you can reach some kind of endskill by ignoring 90% of the content, u be prepared for what u want in around 3-5 days. What will happen then? Killing 4 or 5 guys around Boston, who potentially stop playing after got killed? After that u see its no fun to do so and u stop playing, too?

I just have a question: For what intension do Cityraids in HnH happen and can you think of the same intension in Salem?

I would never do a raid just to raid, like maybe a naked russian would. If there is no short ressource i have to fight for to get it, i wont fight anyways. I would never crash somebodys gameprogress, just to crash it. And i think if Salem wants to get a way bigger then HnH, you should think of that, cuz more people might think like that!

No PvP without a good reason to fight!
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Re: Current version grind

Postby Potjeh » Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:51 am

Tons of free food isn't a reason?
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Re: Current version grind

Postby FunForLife » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:17 pm

Potjeh wrote:Tons of free food isn't a reason?

No! Even Tons of Silver isn´t, if u cant do a **** with it. If u cant get any more Progress from it.

Well, maybe its more a question of weighing up the risks u take and the profit u gain. If i can produce the food in the same amount of time by myself or farm the silver there is no reason to take that risk, cuz u can get counterraided for the same reason.

But if u need Iron Purity 50% (for example) to craft a Townclaim or something special your Group really needs and wants and Iron this purity is really rare and inside uncivilized territory it would be a good reason to move in uncivilized territory and maybe attack the City owning that iron. Destroy all of the settlements (actually not possible) and build your own City on this Iron. And it will also be a good reason for them to come back for revenge!

But if you know u can find same purity with a few hours grind by yourself on an unsettled territory in any civilized region, there is no more reason to fight. Cuz u reach your aimed gameprogress without risking to loose what you have build so far and without getting potentially strong new enemies.

Strategic long-term fights about rare ressources are a much better reason to risk loosing anything you have got so far, then filling your food storage for the moment.
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Re: Current version grind

Postby Potjeh » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:23 pm

How in seven hells can it be same effort to make a thousands pies yourself and to take them from somebody else? You can appropriate months of work in hours of raiding.
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Re: Current version grind

Postby Tonkyhonk » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:29 pm

FunForLife wrote:I get little bit the feeling, that intensive serious discussions are not wanted. Just some Drama, i guess? :roll:

you mean, my replies to you are not considered to be a serious discussion at all?
im afraid youre a bit prejudiced by what you hear or read from the forums, maybe not from your own game experience, or youve been really unlucky with whomever youve been playing with.

my experience so far, 70% of the players ive met ingame both in haven and in salem are nice people who would not easily choose violent means without particular reasons. 20% or more look for reasons to fight, the rest dont need reasons to fight. raiders do stand out because of the dramas they bring and ppl love such dramas. (just cheap fight for fighting sake and swearing each other shouldnt be considered a real drama, but some people dont seem to see the difference, and i have to admit that sometimes i too just join fueling such fires for one reason or another.) but dramas occur when the both sides play "peacefully" too, and ive seen those unwilling dramas happen occasionally.

game contents are there as gaming tools, not gaming purposes. the important thing is what you want to do with the tools.
it is up to you to make use of all or a part or half or whatever. some want to do everything, some want to rather trade and concentrate on a few, some make a big village and split the work and do all as a group.
goals are up to players and not something that devs set up for us. the devs or the game DO NOT babysit players. this game is for those who are mature enough to find their own fun in a sandbox game, and to accept other players fun and interact one another, hopefully with respect.

"a naked russian" is another thing, its not only russians who go naked. its not only naked chars who like raiding. sorry if you had a bad experience with such players, but many players are just like you, believing in the game-play with some kind of dignity, yet vary in methods or tactics and may not share the same opinion as you.

after all, dont get played by the game, but YOU get to play the game of your own will.
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Re: Current version grind

Postby baronbowden » Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:58 pm

I tend to agree with FunforLife.

Scarcity of resources is key to encourage war as well as alliances. There needs to be enough different scarce resources one or two towns can't simply control them all with each other. This will force people into contact and will force people into war. It will also give the economic system a HUGE boost as people trading those resources will actually be able to form monopolies (of sorts)

Think about it. Trading Coalition A controls Resource X and sets the price so high on the server only the rich can afford it. How long till everyone else on the server rises up in anger and storms the walls?
Coalition B controls Resource Y and prices it so reasonably they can't keep up with demand and then a War-band comes along because they don't like how available the resource is.... does the server rise up to protect the friendly

The resources don't have to be game altering, more just the ability to do useful things. Could be ingredients that make bigger backpacks, slightly quicker movement shoes, vanity designs etc.

I do think that the idea of settling in darkness and pushing the darkness back claiming new areas for civilization is a very interesting concept but how much larger could the world really expand? Do they even have the capability to increase world size? (maybe I just don't understand the mechanic)
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Re: Current version grind

Postby Tonkyhonk » Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:07 pm

baronbowden wrote:Scarcity of resources is key to encourage war as well as alliances. There needs to be enough different scarce resources one or two towns can't simply control them all with each other. This will force people into contact and will force people into war. It will also give the economic system a HUGE boost as people trading those resources will actually be able to form monopolies (of sorts)
I do think that the idea of settling in darkness and pushing the darkness back claiming new areas for civilization is a very interesting concept but how much larger could the world really expand? Do they even have the capability to increase world size? (maybe I just don't understand the mechanic)

1. quite simply, do you need to be forced to interact with others?
2. it could be i that dont understand the mechanics, but if im correct, darkness is not to increase world size, but darkness size or civilized area size.
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