Net neutrality

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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Darwoth » Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:37 am

i just facepalmed so hard i created an earthquake, hopefully some italian hit squad does not come over to try and take me hostage like when they falsified all the evidence against amanda knox to save face for their inept and corrupt police force.
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Teoki » Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:43 am

Darwoth wrote:i just facepalmed so hard i created an earthquake, hopefully some italian hit squad does not come over to try and take me hostage like when they falsified all the evidence against amanda knox to save face for their inept and corrupt police force.

You are trying to provoke me about corruption.. :lol: :lol: of course there are cases of corruption and about the police force.. how many seconds since someone shot a harmless civilian in the back?
Last edited by Teoki on Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Darwoth » Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:46 am

well hopefully not very many since the overwhelming majority of murders in this country are pieces of **** killing other pieces of ****.
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Teoki » Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:52 am

someone (from the police force) shot an harmless civilian in the back. You really need to read more carefully :)
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Darwoth » Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:30 am

i did read what you said, if some cop shot someone that didnt deserve it that sucks but **** happens there are 330 million people in this country and it is pretty vast which is something none of you ever seem to comprehend when poo pooing about this or that comparison (like having "better" internet)


in any case a negligent or accidental discharge in a stressful situation is a tragedy, not corruption (not that there isnt plenty, particularly in certain states) and not comparable to framing an innocent woman and sending her to prison for four years when the case was so paper thin the entire ***** world knew it was a joke, then trying to reconvict her in absentia and only when they realized she was not going to be extradited did they throw it out.

its almost like they would do something dumb like convicting geologists of manslaughter for not predicting an earthquake.

i just can no longer take anything you say seriously since you still can not understand what censorship is thus assumed you were referencing one of the many media hyped circuses where a criminal attempts to rob/stab/shoot someone and gets himself killed while fighting the cops then yahoo posts nothing but cutesy kid pictures and "dey shotz ma babuh fa no reezun" headlines of a "harmless civilian" that is now a mid 20s 290 pound thug just out of prison yet again with a file thicker than your inability to understand your internet is censored and mine is not.
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Teoki » Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:30 pm

I started to reply you point by point but your mentality is too far gone regarding violence, firearms, justice, laws, freedoms and basically I don't really care about your opinion or changing it so enjoy your dumb president.

Lately it seems Europe is trying to fill the void of power created by "orange face" so in the ups and downs of the usual history cycles I don't enjoy the decline of your nation but I'm happy if that brings cohesion in Europe. I would find ironic yet plausible future history ebooks identifying Trump as the spark for the creation of the US of Europe :)

I consider your battle for the freedom of your neutral net lost (I'm always sorry to derail a serious thread so I'll go back to it) so I'll focus my attention here hoping there could be something to do even when the net is so global.
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Darwoth » Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:35 pm

Teoki wrote:I started to reply you point by point but your mentality is too far gone regarding violence, firearms, justice, laws, freedoms and basically I don't really care about your opinion or changing it so enjoy your dumb president.

Lately it seems Europe is trying to fill the void of power created by "orange face" so in the ups and downs of the usual history cycles I don't enjoy the decline of your nation but I'm happy if that brings cohesion in Europe. I would find ironic yet plausible future history ebooks identifying Trump as the spark for the creation of the US of Europe :)

I consider your battle for the freedom of your neutral net lost (I'm always sorry to derail a serious thread so I'll go back to it) so I'll focus my attention here hoping there could be something to do even when the net is so global.

look dude, you simply have no clue what your talking about. things are much different here than over there. you might as well be from a different planet than i am. but out of curiosity i looked up "man shot in back my cop"

there are two stories, one from florida and one from south carolina.

in florida the suspect attacked cop A, knocked him to the ground and started dragging him around by his leg and was shot by responding cop B after numerous warnings from the cop he was trying to bludgeon and random bystanders.

whats the problem?

in south carolina (which is what i assume your talking about since your internet is censored and that is the story on the dailymail atm) the 50 year old 320 pound ***** had an arrest warrant out, cop approaches, dead guy runs, cop chases, dead guy cant outrun cop so he went for the cops holster, failed to beat him to his draw and THEN he started running again where he was then shot.

that is not a "harmless civilian" you ******* it is good riddance to society, additionally if you are a cop that allows a suspect that just went for your weapon to gain distance on you you will not live very long when one of them gets enough space to pull their own weapon and blow your face off because you hesitated. do you have any damn idea about that area? i have been all over south carolina drag racing with my father and we had to go through some real somalian ***** at times. once i was 14ish and old enough dad used to give me his shotgun even at the track in some of these places to guard the car/tools/etc everytime he took a piss because if he didnt everything would have been gone by the time he came back. in that particular area kids as young as eleven years old are recruited by street gangs to carry out murders because if caught they will get out at 18 or 21 depending on the state.

here is a brief synopsis of the dead guy:

Walter Lamar Scott (February 9, 1965 – April 4, 2015) was a forklift operator, studying massage therapy.An arrest warrant had been issued since a January 16, 2013 court hearing regarding his child support payments. Scott had previously been jailed three times because of the child support payments. Scott previously served two years in the U.S. Coast Guard before being given a general discharge in 1986 for a drug-related incident.

yeah, right. another real stand up dude "turning his life around" or rather another lifelong petty criminal piece of **** crapping out children everywhere he goes and not raising them so they to can grow up to also become a piece of **** dreg of society. mr scott left a 30+ year wake of theft and drug sales (aka ruined lives/addicts) and fatherless children he would not support.

***** that guy.

the reason europe is in rapid decline from west to east is because you are importing millions of ***** just like that guy.

the cop was convicted of manslaughter which is *****. that is because under the stress of the situation he fired "to many" shots (they are trained to aim center mass until target drops to the ground and then stop which is exactly what he did, plus most cops rarely practice and cant shoot for **** anyway, especially under stress) and all the minorities in the area combined with the fact that when this actually occured TWO YEARS ago (so, it would be quite a few seconds per your original question :lol:) would have rioted and burnt half the town down like usual if they did not try to railroad him.

keep in mind this was during the obama administation when he would order the justice department and other federal agencies to directly interfere in local law enforcement issues and send in his team of ***** special prosecutors, federal race baiters and dividers into the area to stir up ****. the cop was originally not found guilty.

a quote:

The race difference led many to believe that the shooting was racially motivated, generating a widespread controversy.

The case was independently investigated by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of South Carolina, and the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division conducted their own investigations.
In June 2015, a South Carolina grand jury indicted Slager on a charge of murder. He was released on bond in January 2016. In late 2016, a five-week trial ended in a mistrial due to a hung jury. In May 2016, Slager was indicted on federal charges including violation of Scott's civil rights and obstruction of justice. In a May 2017 plea agreement, Slager pleaded guilty to federal charges of civil rights violations, and he was returned to jail pending sentencing. In return for his guilty plea, the state's murder charges were dropped.

so, there were four independent agencies investigating the guy, which reveals the absurdity of the case. this like many other incidents across the south for that year and a half or so long period was a liberal media fueled obama administration ***** designed to stir racial strife prior to the election and solidify the democrat base.


Local residents have complained that police activity in North Charleston includes the harassment and racial profiling of African Americans, including frequent use of Tasers without cause. In North Charleston, whites make up 37% of the population, but the police department is 80% white.

yeah, good ***** luck getting a fair trial in an environment like the above when the president himself is directing the feds to throw you into the furnace for votes. the cop was a martyr on the altar of political correctness because he did his job and defended himself and the community, not an evil backshooting executioner. had the lifelong dead criminal with the arrest warrant.....

1> peacefully went to deal with his warrant.

2> not attacked the police officer

he would still be alive, and if the incident did not happen in a part of the country that was over 60% black (blacks in the deep south are extremely "clannish" and BY FAR the most racist group in the country ESPECIALLY in ***** areas like the one where this happened and they will back each other no matter what, which is how oblahma got elected twice.)

most places in the country the original "hung jury" would have correctly returned an acquittal to the cop instead of a mistrial, and if a bunch of federal "civil rights" agencies did not dogpile on him for a second trial to throw him under the bus then he would be free today.

the cop is in jail because obamas team of federal agencies were trying to ***** him over and in the face of the pressure he foolishly took the plea agreement damning himself.

i watched the full video, other than the number of shots fired which an idiotic overzealous prosecutor would harp on as being "excessive" (which is why here most civilian ccw classes are encouraged to only fire two center mass and then reevaluate, to keep the number of shots down for if you have to go to court)

looked to me like a good shoot.

here is some extended footage of your "harmless civilian" in action, you hopelessly retarded *******.

btw in addition to attacking the cop post mortem lab results revealed he was high on cocaine and had gunpowder residue on his hands, meaning he himself had recently been firing a weapon. for some magical reason i dont think it was at a saturday afternoon shooting range either! you know, since he was a lifelong criminal coke dealer with arrest warrants and ****.
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Rifmaster » Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:37 pm

Same thing is now happening in Canada too.

Here's a copy pasta I found on imgur
It’s scary -- Bell, Cineplex, Shaw, and Rogers are trying to censor the internet and force the end of net neutrality in Canada. And worse, they're trying to do it behind closed doors.

These 4 companies, led by Bell, are pushing to create an internet "blacklist" of certain websites that all internet service providers in Canada would legally have to block. They know this outrageous proposal would never pass, so first, they tried to sneak it into NAFTA negotiations -- and now Bell is expected to introduce its proposal to Canada's telecom regulator TOMORROW.

Critics are calling this move "unprecedented" and dangerous. If these companies get their way, this internet blacklist would have absolutely zero oversight in the courts. We need to stop this urgently.

Will you join me in signing the petition to Bell, Rogers, Shaw, and Cineplex to drop their dangerous proposal now?

Bell is pushing hard for the creation of an "Internet Piracy Review Agency" (IPRA) that would maintain a blacklist of websites, which all internet providers in Canada would be required to block with no court oversight. And right now, Shaw, Cineplex and other corporations support the proposal.

Bell is Canada’s largest telecommunications company, and it raked in $22 billion last year in profit. If Bell manages to get this proposal approved, it won't stop there. Blocking one type of content opens the door to more, and is one step closer to ending net neutrality and greater corporate control over our in

Over the past three decades, the internet has evolved into an open landscape of ideas where every voice has a chance to be heard. It is a backbone of democracy and a critical forum of free expression. But big telecom corporations are trying to put corporate profits before the public good.

Canadian copyright laws and the rules enforcing them on the internet are already in place. Changes to these laws should happen through extensive public discourse -- not in secret trade negotiations. Bell, Rogers, Shaw, and Cineplex are trying to undermine the democratic system and we need to stop them.

A massive public outcry can force them to back down, but we need to act now to protect the free and open internet. Bell is expected to put its proposal before the CRTC tomorrow. That means we need to speak out now.
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby Dallane » Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:35 pm

Who cares about Canada. That place is already a commie hell hole.
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Re: Net neutrality

Postby TotalyMeow » Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:22 pm

Why is everyone conflating net neutrality with censorship?
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