Hoarders Anonymous

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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Yourgrandmother » Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:39 pm

Hello my name is Yourgrandmother and I am a hoarder.

It all started in the first few days when I lived in my first settlement. Times were rough, we didn't have enough to build walls and only had a whittler's bench sawbuck and fire pit. When I learned how to make wooden boxes I was so proud. Soon I began building them everywhere so they could be perfectly aligned, I loved it when they filled up to 15 and a white tarp magically appeared to show it was full. My one box turned into 8, the next day turned into 16. Soon I was building a makeshift wall with my box train. Everything I gathered had it's one special box; wild garlic, single lime, chestnuts, autumn grass, maple leaves etc.

Then one fateful day I logged in to discover with horror my beautifully aligned boxes were lifted off the claim and discarded in a mess. Boxes were scattered everywhere, my noah's arkh foraging collection was gone for good. I never found the perpetrator.

Once I established myself in a town, I vowed to never let this happen to me again. My first hovel I fit as many boxes as humanly possible while still being able to access them. Every purpose and job in town had boxes storage. I spent countless hours chopping trees so I could build more boxes. When we made our first hunting food preparation station over 80 boxes were built for the task. When it was time to build my own townhouse, I was filled with ecstasy as I fit 74 boxes within storing anything from farm crops to inspirationals. I even made an entire townhouse to store dry and planed boards to improve my box design.

As time went on everything began to accumulate, all manner of inspirationals piled up into their own boxes. My noah's ark of inspirationals into boxes was complete but I didn't stop there. Weeks of killing deer filled boxes upon boxes with hundreds of brains and sinew. 5 turkey coops produced more eggs than boxes could carry, every day I had to chop more trees to build more boxes to store anything I collected. When one of my friends quit, he had 115 pots filled with humus and water. Dare I plant them all with horticulture sunflowers? Hundreds of sunflowers, 2 hovels of boxes filled with cloak and dagger inspirationals. Hundreds of trees were cut just to store everything I collected, nothing went to waste.

Then one day the worst imaginable happened. Taking a leisurely stroll thru town and a pack and angry Russians surrounded me carving up my stone walls like butter. I ran for my life dodging left and right but there was too many and alas I fell. As I looked at my characters stars around his head with 7 Russians standing above me the first thought was not of my life about to end but all my precious boxes. Flashbacks of my first box train carried off the claim and disorganized. All that I had collected gone to a pack of savages and those perfectly placed boxes in straight lines with spacing destroyed......

It was not to be so, after over an hour of conversations the Russians spared my life and left my town untouched in exchange for allegiance to their cause and daily tributes of dry boards and iron bars. Over 6 hours transferring everything out of town I live day to day knowing everything I have gathered can be gone in an instant. My old town is now a wasteland, hundreds if not thousands of boxes perfectly placed in hovels, townhouses, outside now lie without a purpose and empty. I will rebuild to such box glory and to this day continue to hoard.
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby HasseKebab » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:24 pm

Cheif stop begin such an attention *****, pls.
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby colesie » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:01 pm

Is this thread really supposed to go anywhere? lol
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Mereni » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:03 pm

HasseKebab wrote:Cheif stop begin such an attention *****, pls.

Awww, you have a hoarding problem too, and you're too afraid to say it, but you just can't stay away from the discussion. It's okay, you can tell us, you're among friends here. The first step to a cure is admitting you have a problem.
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Mereni » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:04 pm

colesie wrote:Is this thread really supposed to go anywhere? lol

It's fun and it's the first thread in a long time that's not either about the MM Tribe, against the MM Tribe or supporting the MM Tribe, so you should just go with it. :lol:
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby colesie » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:11 pm

Mereni wrote:
colesie wrote:Is this thread really supposed to go anywhere? lol

It's fun and it's the first thread in a long time that's not either about the MM Tribe, against the MM Tribe or supporting the MM Tribe, so you should just go with it. :lol:

It's a thread dedicated to the tribe showing all of their looted sleds lol
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Mereni » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:14 pm

colesie wrote:
Mereni wrote:
colesie wrote:Is this thread really supposed to go anywhere? lol

It's fun and it's the first thread in a long time that's not either about the MM Tribe, against the MM Tribe or supporting the MM Tribe, so you should just go with it. :lol:

It's a thread dedicated to the tribe showing all of their looted sleds lol

No, that was just the OP. Come on colesie, we know you're hoarding something. What could it be? Iron bars? Maple Leaves? Fancy Dresses?
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Cavern_Lurker » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:16 pm

This thread was certainly intended to have fun and jest at hoarders, and for them to post their own stories.
If anything, we need MORE threads like this.
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby colesie » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:23 pm

I hoard your tears
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Bechorath » Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:07 am

Hello, my name is Bechorath, and I am a hoarder.

I hoard animal corpses. My hoarding started back when I wielded my first sword. I got it before I even knew how to use it, but I sure could punch a cricket to death. I started collecting crickets to make neat little cricket teams that I could sell for silver. It was like a sweet addiction that I just couldn't stop. It only grew from there. Once I was able, i started killing deers, then beavers and march hares, and even bears. Now I kill just about every animal I see, add them to the collection and take their skin.

Their corpses started to rot and stink outside in the sun, so now I keep them inside, but I had so many, I just didn't have enough space inside. I had to build more houses to accommodate them. Now, I have about 16 pilgrim's hovels and a townhouse that looks something like this, and this is the only one with enough space to move around to take a picture.
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