Las Vegas

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Las Vegas

Postby Heffernan » Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:16 pm

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Re: Las Vegas

Postby gorniksam » Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:02 pm

such terrible story, 7/10
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Re: Las Vegas

Postby Lazun123 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:55 pm

The whole damn thing is a shame:/
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Re: Las Vegas

Postby CuDi » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:11 pm

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Re: Las Vegas

Postby Dallane » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:02 am

Incredibly sad.
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TotalyMeow wrote: Claeyt's perspective of Salem and what it's about is very different from the devs and in many cases is completely the opposite of what we believe.
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Re: Las Vegas

Postby Darwoth » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:06 am

this is no surprise to me, i said this type of **** would start happening before trump got elected when i knew he would and the usual suspects as always started projecting what THEY were thinking onto trump people (oh man those trumpers are going to go crazy and start shooting everyone! civl war omg!" and again right after when based off absolute lies the media convinced thousands of morons to go riot in their ***** towns, they had no idea why they were there or what they were complaining about either, just "***** trump and white people are nazis man!"

well so far thanks to the media we have an old liberal ***** shooting up a baseball practice trying to assassinate the republican half of congress, then we have the one where the guy murdered his republican town assemblymen neighbor by blowing him away in his front yard and now this which they will try soooooo hard to sweep under the rug and blur the lines to the motive when it is already obvious.

most of you have never been to las vegas, i have been there many times. if this was just someone looking to shoot a bunch of people there were dozens of far better places where he could have shot far more people far easier but they would have been a diverse collection of people on the strip, instead he targetted a country concert on the outskirts of town next to the airport where it is guaranteed to be almost exclusively white conservatives.

been following this since it happened last night, all indications so far from everything i have seen and his online posts/social media (that have now been scrubbed) point to the guy being a piece of **** extreme leftist that shot up a country music concert cause that is where all those "evil white nazis that voted for trump" hang out.

this is exactly what the media has been wanting and pushing for ever since they instigated all of the black riots throughout the southern states a few years ago when a total dirtbag would get caught by the cops and try to shoot/stab them getting himself shot as a result, pieces of **** like michael brown and others from that era of nonsense is what the whole nfl controversy is over with these stupid multi million dollar morons "protesting" the "oppression" of blacks that kill each other by the thousands every year. i guess everyone else not does have the right to be free of oppression by those same blacks robbing and killing and that laws are only for honkeys instead of the black folks since that would be oppressive?

if you recall it was 100% the media that fueled this ***** with total made up lies until multiple towns were destroyed via fire and riot and a dozen police officers were killed in ambush shootings it only stopped when they realized trump was winning and focused all efforts to ***** about him instead.

the mainstream media and its disgusting lies are the biggest threat to the country that there is. far worse than the norks, muslim terrorists or anything else. this is just the beginning as well unfortunately. nobody remembers history. during the height of the extreme leftist commie movement back in the 70s there were around 1000 -1200 domestic terrorist bombings per year and many shootings perpetrated by the various "antifa" groups of the day such as the SLA, weathermen and so on. most of those people that did not get caught and rot in a cell are still alive but they are old, so now with trump elected working to undo decades of their toxic agenda they are snapping left and right. their garbage belief system has left them with an empty meaningless life that they are now at the end of so they have nothing to lose by default, so when they listen to the media call trump hitler over and over again and blame all the worlds woes on the evil white guys that voted for him it does not take much for them to go off thinking they will be peceived as a "hero" for their cause. just like any flavor of radical muslim.

this is what the beginning of every communist insurgency looks like in a civilized country and like i have been telling folks since i was a teenager one day the united states will split into 3 - 7 different countries as the ideological differences run so deep between region to region that at BEST there is zero feeling of "kinship" (as an example when the north koreans end up nuking a major city on the left coast my ***** given meter will barely move depending which one they hit) between sides

in the environment that has been created by the left, the media and 8 years of obama ramrodding their **** onto everyone else both sides now hate one another with a passion and it will be a long before that genie is put back in the bottle if ever.

there will be more of these and eventually the extremists on the right will hit back. once both sides are actively engaged in murdering on another the country will be for all intent and purpose in the middle of a "sectarian war" just like iraq had between muslim factions.

at least he used guns that he was incompetent with and just sprayed into the crowd of 25,000 from several hundred yards away from a plunging angle, if he knew how to shoot, understood trajectory, was on a lower floor or worse if he had just used a truck like the muslim in france a while back he may have killed twice as many or more.

this type of **** is why i never go to large public gatherings of any kind, does not matter if you are armed either because you can not exchange fire against someone with a rifle hundreds of yards away with your personal carry handgun and slinging an ar15 around with you in the places it is legal to open carry is not exactly a recipe for a hassle free day. early scanner reports (which i was listening to as **** unfolded) had several concert goers smashing into patrol cars to get to the gun racks so they could shoot back which means the concertgoers were probably disarmed at the security gates.

never, ever go to a public anything at an outside venue. in the modern era it is just asking to be a target for a piece of **** muslim or now even worse a traitorous american piece of **** extreme left communist that has been brainwashed by the media and decades of echo chamber campus culture in their little enclaves to view white people as an SS camp guard, which shows their insanity since they are almost always self loathing white people.
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Re: Las Vegas

Postby Darwoth » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:28 am

CuDi wrote:Muuuuuuurica!

you are trash, please nosedive into your nearest dumpster from great height.
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Re: Las Vegas

Postby Dallane » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:36 am

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TotalyMeow wrote: Claeyt's perspective of Salem and what it's about is very different from the devs and in many cases is completely the opposite of what we believe.
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Re: Las Vegas

Postby CuDi » Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:09 am

Darwoth wrote:
CuDi wrote:Muuuuuuurica!

you are trash, please nosedive into your nearest dumpster from great height.

No. I’m not. :|
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Re: Las Vegas

Postby Tomki » Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:39 pm

My condolences to your people. This was inevitable and it is just a matter of time when this happens in Europe too in addition to terrorist attacks.

Darwoth wrote:this is what the beginning of every communist insurgency looks like in a civilized country and like i have been telling folks since i was a teenager one day the united states will split into 3 - 7 different countries as the ideological differences run so deep between region to region that at BEST there is zero feeling of "kinship" (as an example when the north koreans end up nuking a major city on the left coast my ***** given meter will barely move depending which one they hit) between sides

in the environment that has been created by the left, the media and 8 years of obama ramrodding their **** onto everyone else both sides now hate one another with a passion and it will be a long before that genie is put back in the bottle if ever.

100% true. We have this same **** here and the country is divided deeply in 2 ideological differences. My give-a-**** -meter wouldn't move if the other ideological group got into trouble.

Darwoth wrote:there will be more of these and eventually the extremists on the right will hit back. once both sides are actively engaged in murdering on another the country will be for all intent and purpose in the middle of a "sectarian war" just like iraq had between muslim factions.

100% true. Gay prides, Flow festivals and similar leftist happenings are gonna get their share when the **** hits the fan. Every force have an equal opposing force so I'm afraid we gonna see a rise of another NSDAP-party in western countries in the future. I wish people would take a lesson from history and not repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
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