I have lost

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Re: I have lost

Postby Michael » Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:34 am

mentalyll wrote:You'll be back... They all come back at some point.

It starts with reading the forums. Looking for any fun drama, you havent looked in a while...
After reading a bit, you might login for a second to check up on your old friends. See what they've been up to.

Next thing you know you're paving 200 square miles at 4 AM and you almost enjoy it.

omg, getz out while you still can Alex!
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Re: I have lost

Postby Thor » Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:36 am

mentalyll wrote:You'll be back... They all come back at some point.

It starts with reading the forums. Looking for any fun drama, you havent looked in a while...
After reading a bit, you might login for a second to check up on your old friends. See what they've been up to.

Next thing you know you're paving 200 square miles at 4 AM and you almost enjoy it.

This is the sole and absolute truth, there is no better way to say it.
saltmummy wrote:You sad sad little man, my heart weeps for you. Better not go outside or your thin, tissue paper like skin might spontaneously rupture while your fragile sensibilities violently shatter spraying salt and urine all over the street.
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Re: I have lost

Postby Blood » Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:59 am

Cawalox wrote:Nope, none of my bases got smashed all my characters are alive but I did lose the interest in playing the Salem. The game is going in a direction I don't like, now every noob can build there character without any brains involved if they invest enough time in the game. Bye-bye skill and brains. Though there are good stuff in the updates the general direction the game is going is far away from the Jorbs and Loftars vision that draw me to the Salem. That vision alone hold me trough months without any updates and in my opinion that was better than this. Chief you won, I quit. GG

Their vision honestly? if this game hadn't been picked up Salem would be dead atm with maybe 10 people online, their vision was to make half complete systems some of which were down right stupid and then to leave the game in a buggy state until they felt like fixing something. You seem to be one of those rose tinted Vanilla wow people who think broken and unfriendly systems are a good thing.

If you were in any sort of business or made anything for people to use you would know that they have to make a product to be friendly to users to play while balancing it against the main themes of this game and making it financially viable at the same time, a lot to accomplish for a permadeath game. Also please remind me of the brain dead way to glut and gain skills past 150 200 300 etc because to me that's a lot of calculations and permutations to work out to find an optimal solution (eg 100 perenial skill and not using 100% purity bars).
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Re: I have lost

Postby Tamasin » Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:36 am

Cawalox wrote:
Feone wrote:What exactly changed that took all the difficulty out?

A lot of stuff that is now noob friendly. Easier gluttony, easy skill gaining, free fighting experience. Oooo, the map is too big, ooo, the pilgrims are too slow and so on. Really a lot.

Sad to hear you're quitting, but considering the levels of biles and skills you've achieved, maybe its better if gluttony and skilling etc do seem more attainable to you now. I bet that if you actually try to get to the levels of a persistent, competent player in terms of biles and skills you'll get over your complaints for the most part. Anyway sorry you're going, best wishes, take care etc!
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Re: I have lost

Postby TemplarKnight » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:12 am

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Re: I have lost

Postby RonPaulFTW » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:20 am

TotalyMeow wrote:
Trenial wrote:I don't know how John and them sleep at night.

John is pretty bad about this. He once went 3 days on about 5 hours of sleep he was just so excited about all the new things July patch would bring. He recently kidnapped one of the artists and locked him in a basement. Expect many new 3d models in the near future.

Totallymeow confirmed chiefs squaw.
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Re: I have lost

Postby Frakked » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:51 am

I get what poster is complaining about in a way... it's what convinced me to 'attempt' to move on.

It's not that the game is hard; it's no longer practical to play alone.

I can easily call this last patch- "Death of the solo player". Nobody can be all professions and have a 40-50 hour week job, study, and still be competitive. Impossible. Might be a few hard core players that weren't hurt badly with the updates; but casual players were screwed.

Take in the backstabbing, infiltrations, etc mentality that weaves through this community on a daily basis...it's almost impossible to recruit folks. The population is up... but not enough. It's why I disappeared. Sure I'm back; but my attachment to the game is much reduced. Play here and there... and end game is no longer a goal.

This could easily have been my last testament too...

For everyone who posts... there's another 10 who just quit and walked away without a word.
Last edited by Frakked on Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I have lost

Postby JohnCarver » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:53 am

Frakked wrote:
This could easily have been my last testament too...

Oh Hi. Welcome back! Glad to see you have returned.
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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Re: I have lost

Postby Frakked » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:59 am

JohnCarver wrote:
Frakked wrote:
This could easily have been my last testament too...

Oh Hi. Welcome back! Glad to see you have returned.

Don't change the subject... have to get Totalmeow to ban you!

See above- Death of the solo player
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Re: I have lost

Postby Trenial » Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:04 am

Frakked wrote:
JohnCarver wrote:
Frakked wrote:
This could easily have been my last testament too...

Oh Hi. Welcome back! Glad to see you have returned.

Don't change the subject... have to get Totalmeow to ban you!

See above- Death of the solo player

Welcome back Frakked!

RIP Cawalox
jwhitehorn wrote:It's too bad you're so politically connected
you would have made a great brave


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