A Brave New Salem

Announcements of major changes to Salem.

Re: A Brave New Salem

Postby Feone » Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:12 pm

RonPaulFTW wrote:
Feone wrote:Water purity could also be taken literally.
Using some kind of refinery style process to take regularly found water and purify it. Perhaps well water could start out the purest, followed by river, followed by lake, followed by sea.
The more purification steps the purer the water.

Well if the game wants to be somewhat accurate historically - boiling the water is about the only thing I can think of as a step in the purification process.

Well, we do have alchemy in the game. Alchemists made all sorts of grand claims about things they could do with various substances. I'm sure some of it relates to water.
I suppose holy water and other faith related blessings could also be relevant.
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Re: A Brave New Salem

Postby Trenix » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:15 am

I'm glad that this game has been taken over by another development team, but why am I still seeing Seatribes logo thrown around anywhere? I love crafting games, but I never liked that company/duo or whatever you want to call it. I'm sure many will swarm back into this game knowing that we got a new team that's already made some major improvements which Seatribe was too stubborn to ever even consider. You need to make this a little more public, do an interview or give free to play websites the news, because I kid you not, it's really that important and game changing. In fact, I am considering giving this game another try and will definitely get others to give it another go as well, simply because the development team got changed. This game greatly needed this sort of professionalism so I thank you for saving a "concept" with potential.
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Re: A Brave New Salem

Postby JohnCarver » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:25 am

While we appreciate the kind words, I think you are being a bit unfairly harsh on SeaTribe, who without them, none of this would be possible.

Regardless, we are specifically trying to stay a bit low key and under the radar right now. We have loads of confidence that we are taking massive steps in the right direction. However, few players give games a 2nd look, let alone a 3rd. Last thing we want to do is blow our marketing budget or make a big splash before we have finished our development road map. There are still MAJOR flaws with the title at the moment. Once you see us finish those, not finish the game mind you as an MMO will never be finished. But at least overcome the massive hurdles it has then you will see us be a lot more vocal and lot less modest about the awesome that is Salem.
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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