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Slingshot Buffs?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:10 pm
by MaxPlanck
Slingshot is a silly item solely used for starting aggro on animals/players.

But I find myself only ever using it to start aggro on march hares.

But what if...slingshots were more?

Allow it to scale dmg. wise with pleghm to something along the lines with having a 1k pleghm char do 5 bile base dmg(0.5% scaling off current pleghm amount) along with an appropriate pleghm drain when firing the slingshot.
>Also, allow its dmg to be influenced by common combat power and dmg reduction via common combat defence artifacts.

Now it is still deffly a gimmicky sort of weapon but in some ways it can find a place in this world as a conventional tool whether against players or animals.

Re: Slingshot Buffs?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:17 pm
by gorniksam
what about stun?

Re: Slingshot Buffs?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:31 pm
by Taipion
chance to hit the targets eye and dim/blur* vision for 2-3 seconds ^^

*dim: reduces the range in that the server tells you what objects** are there
*blur: random chance of 50/50 or so per object** to be not visible to the player for the duration (also server sided ofc)

**objects include pretty much everything other than the map itself, so that means building, trees, players, ....