Renovate Turkey Feeding

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Re: Small Ideas Thread

Postby Taipion » Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:46 pm

Well, I usually do not reply to your posts, as you are not here to discuss things, and therefore arguing with you is not an option.

But I have to set things straight here, as it appears over filling your post with the usual random, unrelated and plainly wrong insults,
that makes reading your posts (intentionally) difficult and makes most people skip them anyways... kind of messed up the numbers.

Darwoth wrote: [...] i keep them 6 per coop [...] i refill these coops daily and i have about 30 hours until they are empty again. [...]

(sidenote: all grown up turkeys consume the same amount of food/time)
(note2: poults hatching and maturing into adult turkeys takes more)

As I said already, if you have mere 6 per coop, with nothing else, that will last just short of 15 days,
having a gobbler with them and have them lay eggs that hatch and so on, they will still last around ~4 days at the very least.

Maybe explain where your 30 hours come from.

Messyng wrote:Have foxes as a pests, who will snatch a turkey or two or maybe a poultry if the owner has not checked the last 24 hours :) :) :D :D ;) ;) :D :D ;) ;) :D

brilliant idea.jpg

That would very well fit in. :D

But I for myself would imagine foxes to be more like crows, so they spawn upon loading a map tile and you have a short amount of time to shoo them away before they snatch a turkey,
or employ guard dogs, as this could be one of the many uses of such animals.
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Re: Small Ideas Thread

Postby Darwoth » Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:12 am

it comes from feeding turkeys in the game since before you started playing it and making an approximation that actually works in practical applicability instead of letting a bot timer make a calculation for me so that i can wait until the last minute to feed the turkeys in a hypothetical forum scenario that i have never participated in like yourself. back in actual gameplay instead of taiponland at 1 rooster and 6 fertiles per coop you have 30 hours per coop to avoid going into the low 30s which is one internet outage or delay away from lost turkeys.

you are an idiot and as you attempt to claeyt your way into a different direction into irrelevant semantics to skirt the point let me remind you that the entire point of the suggestion was to reduce tedium in active use, not as i addressed in my first post filling the turkey coop with a minimal of activity and the rest of the slots with **** (much like the makeup of your head) so that nothing else will fit, nor is it to build hundreds of coops and put 1 turkey in it, because that would be you know.

really ***** stupid and make no sense in comparison to simply increasing the feed bar in 30 seconds.
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Re: Small Ideas Thread

Postby Taipion » Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:23 am

Yea, I surely rely on guesswork or infos of others before I go on vacation for 3 weeks and risk my high % turkeys/fertiles/geese to starve in that time.

I use no timers and surely no bot (...turkey -.-) which you only ever use as cheap, wrong and unrelated but mostly plain wrong insults like you do in every single post.

6 turkeys of whatever adult type (= no poults) will consume about 10% of a coop at most within 24h, I simply happen to know that as I tend to feed mine roughly the same time every day since a good long while.
(And I did excessive testing, just to be sure, before I did that 3 weeks vacation.)

So please stop spreading wrong information,
thank you.

And please save your effort, I won't reply to any other post of yours in this thread,
for as I said, and as is obvious now to everyone due to the wrong info in your posts and their obvious intention,
it is completely useless to discuss anything with you, as you are not here to discuss anything.
Therefore I won't do that.
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Re: Small Ideas Thread

Postby Darwoth » Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:37 am

Taipion wrote:Yea, I surely rely on guesswork or infos of others before I go on vacation for 3 weeks and risk my high % turkeys/fertiles/geese to starve in that time.

I use no timers and surely no bot (...turkey -.-) which you only ever use as cheap, wrong and unrelated but mostly plain wrong insults like you do in every single post.

6 turkeys of whatever adult type (= no poults) will consume about 10% of a coop at most within 24h, I simply happen to know that as I tend to feed mine roughly the same time every day since a good long while.
(And I did excessive testing, just to be sure, before I did that 3 weeks vacation.)

So please stop spreading wrong information,
thank you.

And please save your effort, I won't reply to any other post of yours in this thread,
for as I said, and as is obvious now to everyone due to the wrong info in your posts and their obvious intention,
it is completely useless to discuss anything with you, as you are not here to discuss anything.
Therefore I won't do that.

oh my ***** god

yes *******. adult turkeys eat the same food farmer brown, thats lovely. congratulations for stating that water is wet hopefully your nobel prize is located next to obamas.


thus since the discussion was about reducing pointless tedium for people that do not live their life to feed their turkeys while still maintaining a functional coop instead of building 500 of them in a mine and sterilizing them (please have this done to yourself for the love of humanity) the food levels approach precisely what i said and in some cases exceed them. do you understand yet or do you have to consult a calculator to look for an equally nonsenscial retort first?
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Re: Small Ideas Thread

Postby Darwoth » Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:07 am

since im sure you still dont get it lemme throw you a bone here and give you a chronological order of my quotes on the topic.

so yeah anyone that does not want to be forced to turn into a southpark ***** to feed the turkeys can see the wisdom in food limits being increased ten fold instead of the current 100 since people like to do **** other than be forced to log in every 24 hours to do yet another retard maintenance chore and letting the coops fill up with **** until no eggs can be laid to slow down consumption kind of defeats the whole damn point of keeping them in the first place.

back in actual gameplay instead of taiponland at 1 rooster and 6 fertiles per coop you have 30 hours per coop to avoid going into the low 30s which is one internet outage or delay away from lost turkeys.

you are an idiot and as you attempt to claeyt your way into a different direction into irrelevant semantics to skirt the point let me remind you that the entire point of the suggestion was to reduce tedium in active use, not as i addressed in my first post filling the turkey coop with a minimal of activity and the rest of the slots with **** (much like the makeup of your head) so that nothing else will fit, nor is it to build hundreds of coops and put 1 turkey in it, because that would be you know.

really ***** stupid and make no sense in comparison to simply increasing the feed bar in 30 seconds.

since the discussion was about reducing pointless tedium for people that do not live their life to feed their turkeys while still maintaining a functional coop instead of building 500 of them in a mine and sterilizing them (please have this done to yourself for the love of humanity) the food levels approach precisely what i said and in some cases exceed them.

you are talking about something else that nobody gives a ***** about. the topic is not how to be an idiot and make a thousand coops with 1 turkey, sterilize the coop to slow its consumption or block eggs with turkey ****. this is exactly what i pointed out in my first post, like all pompous pseudo intellectuals that love stats and figures but have no practical experience your general but desperate need to appear intellectually superior causes you to randomly attack suggestions of people that know more than you do about how the game actually works often making yourself look like an idiot in addition to a jackass in the process.

then you pull the oh so familiar internet classic "concerned troll" archetype where you wail and whine about being "insulted" by true statements describing your demeanor, usually a variation of the fact that you are a pumpous douchemaster for no discernable reason.

edit: ***** i am a downright shakespearean wordsmith, reading my own quotes still has me laughing my ass off :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Darwoth on Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Small Ideas Thread

Postby Darwoth » Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:26 am

Taipion wrote:
Dallane wrote:
Taipion wrote:At the npc who sells books, make books clearly identifiable, like, with an ISBN.

I see how trolling is strong in this game, but this just whimsical,
and has the sole effect that npc-book-selling is totally useless and noone, except maybe for an occasional unknowing newbie, ever uses it.
Therefore that feature (=npcselling books + "bestseller list") is useless and could just as well be removed.
Instead of removing it, make books identifiable.

This, and some more love for the books, might actually turn it into a valuable feature.

It's already a viable feature. People just aren't making actual books. I wish we had people like there was in ultima. There was entire books written and circulated in that game. It was amazing.

So then tell me, if there is an actual good book, and someone like, would make a book of the exact same name and also make so much of them that it's numbers match the original,
how would it be possible to discern the actual book from the cheap trolling attempt?

hey taipion, did you ever consider that maybe.... juuuuust maybe that if someone wants to troll some guys book so badly he creates a character, writes a troll version of his book and publishes large volumes of copies just to troll someone it is........

part of.......

the general vision of........

the ***** game you are playing? difficult to grasp being an eve guy, soccer fan and as much as i hate to instill this painful label on you..... a euro. but try to keep an open mind and envision such a chaotic and ***** crazy possibility!
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Re: Small Ideas Thread

Postby Darwoth » Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:31 am

also i have sold several hundred copies of my book which currently has 1027 copies sold not counting however many have been thrown on the ground or destroyed (i fronted the initial boost to win a contest or something, cant remember)

in almost ever base i have raided i have also found my book, all of the wishy witchcraft volumes and the gluttony guide which if i remember was based around a much older version of the glutt system but yeah. point is books work just fine, if you do not use them it is your fault. in fact i might write a book today about all the different people you have scammed, their stories and forum names to contact for verification and ensure it becomes a best seller!

edit: i have also found love letters and salem versions of cybersex some of which were quite amusing :lol:
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Re: Small Ideas Thread

Postby TotalyMeow » Sat Aug 05, 2017 5:15 am

Well, if you're going to make such a big thing about it, I'm making it a thread.

Darwoth wrote:i have quite a number of fertiles and something like 60 geese. i keep them 6 per coop and have an absurd number of space sucking coops as a result. i do not even keep more than one coop of purity gimp normal turkeys which consume far less food because the fertiles are enough of a pain in the ass. i refill these coops daily and i have about 30 hours until they are empty again. i keep my ratio at six turkeys a coop which is less than most. so yeah anyone that does not want to be forced to turn into a southpark ***** to feed the turkeys can see the wisdom in food limits being increased ten fold instead of the current 100...

I already said to Zodd's idea that increasing the coop fill amount sounds like a good idea. I've always found turkeys to be tedious and a somewhat unnecessary limit on how long you can go on vacation without ridiculous preparation like extra coops. I've never liked it when a game timer impacts my real life. It's probably about time turkeys had a look at anyway. Now that I've been thinking about it, the poop is vastly annoying as well and I wonder if we can add an extra section below for it to collect in before it starts infringing on the actual turkey living space.

Darwoth wrote:the same problem is had with livestock only on a far worse level, particularly combined with the other gems involved like certain animals dumping their food all over the ground causing everyone to starve to death if you miss it or just outright killing one another. the food issue can be lowered by adjusting their metabolism and mine have decent metabolism now in spite of not spending much time trying to power it. even at the best levels any medium to large herd of livestock (enough to be useful) means that the space efficiency of putting some 15 - 20 or so feed trays per barn like i have is still not enough to last more than a day before it runs out and everything starts to take a **** (starvation, sickness, anger due to everyone dirtnapping etc). the food limit on troughs needs the cap raised to 5000 vs the current 500, likewise animal corpses need to be able to be walked through as one can with a cut down log, anyone from popham that has experienced a knotted together mangle of animal corpses that require an hour of reloading the building and trying every angle to snatch a carcass but still cant because the layered hitboxes make it more impregnable than the wall of dead assholes that the spartans made can understand.

I have not dealt much with animals because when I did try it I found it tedious. I see no reason why we can't make the corpses walkthrough at the very least. I know as an end-game mechanic, animals are supposed to be more difficult to take care of, but maybe a higher limit on the food isn't a bad idea.

Darwoth wrote:love letters and salem versions of cybersex

John would say that this makes the entire book mechanic worth it.
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Re: Renovate Turkey Feeding

Postby Darwoth » Sat Aug 05, 2017 5:48 am

well its not a super big game breaking thing its just a small likely easy "nice thing", i agree with zodd on the general need for bigger food bars and while doing so taipion kicked his soccerball of poo pooing at zodd, missed him and it rolled near me getting taipion germs all over me so i felt obligated to give my input.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

but yeah anyway, definitely increasing the food pool on any animal feeding devices 5x or 10x would be the easiest way to remove a huge part of the games tedium in those area without removing any of the challenge/difficulty. you still have to put 5 or 10x as much food in, and you still have to do daily maintenance to get eggs or drops and cure disease etc you just are not forced to log in every day to spend an hour feeding animals/turkeys in the face of most being starved to death on your next login.
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Re: Renovate Turkey Feeding

Postby MaxPlanck » Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:37 am

A 5 to 10 times increase would indeed be nice. How about an additional 25 slots aswell for droppings only(no turkeys allowed) before droppings start spawning and getting in the turkeys way? Else we'd still be checking out coops quite often as Darwoth said and we don't want just mega turkey coops that still run out of food rather quickly simply by increasing food limit and total limit where ppl can just stuff even more turkeys in the oversized coops hence a dropping only spawn pool within the coop.
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