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Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:25 am
by Ronch
Dallane wrote:The fact that you have used this as a argument is more than enough to discredit anything that you have said here. It hasn't happened for a reason and it's not going to happen in the future. Using the "poor noob" argument is straight retarded and holds zero weight. Let JC focus is precious time on real things.
Thank you for the quick reply Dallane, you always make revealing your contrived BS so easy for me, lol.

Even though you are of the opinion that JC doesn't understand this game's mechanics enough to be effective in developing his own game.
Other (mature) folks have a higher opinion of him.
...So, I can totally understand why your second resort at another failed-valid-point on this thread's subject would be to argue: "Let JC focus his precious time on real things"

Meaning; you seem to be the rare moron in this game's community who assumes that JC doesn't have enough sense to prioritize his development schedule, let alone understand the mechanics of his own game enough to facilitate it's players to be effective in it's PvP.

Take a nap and/or nibble on some cookies and warm milk aplha-male-Dallane, you deserve it, really you do deserve a treat, just ask mommy.

Oh wait.., here is a pro tip: if you tie your shoe laces just a little bit tighter, it should (hopefully) increase the blood flow to your cranium.
Then maybe you will stop assuming that everyone you try to communicate with is even half as stupid as you are.

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:19 am
by Chrumps
There should be a cooldown timer, 24 hours at very least, after the bell is founded and before it can ED.

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:37 pm
by Dallane
Ronch wrote:Even though you are of the opinion that JC doesn't understand this game's mechanics enough to be effective in developing his own game.

I understand that you are <insert preferred insult here> but no where did I say that.

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:27 pm
by Judaism
Chrumps wrote:There should be a cooldown timer, 24 hours at very least, after the bell is founded and before it can ED.

Yes, so that the pclaim owner can expand with 1000's of silvers to make ED much more difficult ?

I don't like that people have to rely upon ED, I much rather would like a doable progressive raiding system where raiding actually would make sense, but limiting one of the few remaining means to cover scents and actually perform a ''raid'' is straight up retarded, the game already holds nothing of its original content and people seriously only want to have no danger at all it seems. I call it carebears and you guys never should had started a perma-death PvP game, you guys have ruined this unique game.

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 12:37 am
by Ronch
@ Judaism,
So players who use ED will still have to attack the base that they used the ED on ?

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:38 am
by Methuzelah23
Ronch wrote:@ Judaism,
So players who use ED will still have to attack the base that they used the ED on ?

Pull your **** covered head out of your ass you dumb monkey and think about situations other than the one you have pressed in your mind wherein the changes you suggest would have ramifications then maybe you will understand Judas retort. Dallane may not be a font of tact but his accuracy is bang on. The reason your "idea" is rejected so glibly is you preface your whine thread with a statement that clearly shows you don't know jack ****. If you honestly think some jackass is going to go around knocking over every newb claim with ED then it doesn't matter how much or how long you play your stupidity will always ensure you're trash.

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 11:23 am
by Ronch
Methuzelah23 wrote:Pull your **** covered head out of your ass you dumb monkey and think about situations other than the one you have pressed in your mind wherein the changes you suggest would have ramifications then maybe you will understand Judas retort. Dallane may not be a font of tact but his accuracy is bang on. The reason your "idea" is rejected so glibly is you preface your whine thread with a statement that clearly shows you don't know jack ****. If you honestly think some jackass is going to go around knocking over every newb claim with ED then it doesn't matter how much or how long you play your stupidity will always ensure you're trash.

Brilliant ! ...this coming from someone who just spoke of himself in the third person, as if no one knows.

If anyone needs to pull their head out of their ass it would be the geniuses who use eminent-domain (ED) in place of a trial-by-combat (TBC), which is what does go on in the game currently.

Oblivious morons who go about the map in this game using eminent domain specifically to avoid pvp or crime-scents to cheaply take another player's property.
Instead of using it as intended (to remove a pesty neighboring homestead) homesteads that have located a bit to close to an 'already existing' Town) or located in the range of that "already existing" Town's plans of expansion.

They are the same morons who bring about unwanted changes in the game by their own habitual quasi-exploiting of this game's features. Changes like this idea has suggested, aimed to stop this particular exploitation.
Then they go about the forums and other medias crying and whining (for months at a time). Crying about how difficult it is to PvP in this game after this or that new addition gets implemented, but fail to mention that it was implemented in response to those moron's thoughtless exploitation of features in ways that those features were not intended to be used.
....So yeah, it's the self destructive morons who cant play a game without using quasi-exploits, they bring about their own misery, period.
Then those morons do nothing for months at a time but whine and complain or issue rage-quit-threats when ideas are introduced or plans are announce for new features or tweaks that discourage future use of those said exploits
Amazingly, I use to wonder why JC constantly treats some of the players here like they were mindless children ;)

Even so, this seems to be a repeating pattern sprinkled throughout this game's development history, and it always originates from the same few players who are to cheap to play the game without exploiting.
Exploiters who afterward run to and fro blowing there own horns every chance they get; proclaiming what master alpha males they are in this game, as if it will somehow reflect upon their RL lack of bravado and intellect.
....Anyway, if you had a mind capable of retaining more than 3 memory cells at a time, or knew how to make even meager efforts to self-examine before complaining or pointing fingers at the game Developer's future plans, then you wouldn't have to constantly demonstrate publicly how obliviously naive you are, and how easy you are to entrap using only your own words.

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 6:17 pm
by Methuzelah23
Ronch wrote:
Methuzelah23 wrote:Pull your **** covered head out of your ass you dumb monkey and think about situations other than the one you have pressed in your mind wherein the changes you suggest would have ramifications then maybe you will understand Judas retort. Dallane may not be a font of tact but his accuracy is bang on. The reason your "idea" is rejected so glibly is you preface your whine thread with a statement that clearly shows you don't know jack ****. If you honestly think some jackass is going to go around knocking over every newb claim with ED then it doesn't matter how much or how long you play your stupidity will always ensure you're trash.

Brilliant !

Didn't read the rest of the crap you wrote but +1

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:25 pm
by ZoddAlmighty
Man, you guys are arguing like Jc gives a **** about doing any meaningful change to salem.

Re: Salvaging tweak

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:38 pm
by Ronch
Methuzelah23 wrote:
Didn't read the rest of the crap you wrote but +1

It's no loss.
If you you haven't figured it out after 5 years of playing, reading it one more time won't help ya anyway ;)

ZoddAlmighty wrote:Man, you guys are arguing like Jc gives a **** about doing any meaningful change to salem.

Apparently you already know where the "I quit door is" ,..well the tissues are right next to that door.