Witchcraft Town NoD

Forum for suggesting changes to Salem.

Re: Witchcraft Town NoD

Postby Nsuidara » Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:38 am

Taipion wrote:Or, if a witch ports to Nod instead of Provi, easy way to prove someone is not a witch by porting to Provi. (Yea, you could have port options for both as a witch, but still)

No ?
If Witchs ports to NoD instead of Provi.. but same pleace like port from Prov to NoD (NPC) - you can't prove anything
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Re: Witchcraft Town NoD

Postby Chrumps » Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:44 am

- Being able to teleport directly to NoD would be nice, if not for any other purposes then just for easier access to hunting on the lake. That would require that everyone telporting by the wagon and by direct teleport land in the same place. That would still open a possibility to detect witches by monitoring both the wagon and the landing place at the same time.
- Having some stalls on NoD (and in Limer's Front), with some useful stuff, not necessarily witchcraft related would be nice too. That would open small some roleplaying possibilities like a player in town collecting orders to buy stuff for everyone. Having a stall that would sell a scroll with direct teleport, that is cheaper than two wagons together (150s) could mitigate the issue with identifying witches.
- Having stalls with witchcraft stuff - well, perhaps a toy witch like the toy soldier we have and other kinds of witchcraft for non-witches. I always liked idea of creating demand for witch products in the non-witch community, something that is more advanced than basic hunting stuff, like hydrukey feathers and argopelter beaks.
-All meetings with strangers are an obvious no-no.
-With the current footprint mechanics, if there is a hidden place for whatever purposes, and the ground is not paved in front of it, the footprints will out it and everyone using it will be suspected.
-Witchcraft quests would be nice but not necessarily welcome in the current design - can be seen as dumbing down things.

Dallane wrote:Why take your witch character to providence at all when you have a safe haven to avoid suspicion.

Why do that regardless of direct NoD teleport ? One can always have a non-witch alt. One takes a char to Providence when one has a business in Providence, being a witch or not.
From what I read in patch notes, witches will want to be in Providence to prey on non-witches.

Heffernan wrote:
Dallane wrote:Why would you ever want to go to this town? Everything you listed will lead to your witch being killed with the new system. Being in that town screams UR A WIZARD ARRY.
Whats to keep a normal pilgrim from coming there and accusing every person on sight.

then make it unavailable for non-witches by removing teleports and wall it in.

Good point, going there almost automatically outs you now, but it will make it even more sad and dead than it is now.
Restricting access will never protect from someone making a witch alt and outing all visitors. It is easier to hide in the crowd when you cannot trust your fellows.
It is better to encourage more mid-game players there, so there is enough of non-witches to mix-in.
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Re: Witchcraft Town NoD

Postby RainbowMoostache » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:16 pm

it's a nice thing that has a good intent, but we don't usually deserve nice things because we always abuse it and its downsides require far too much effort to patch it to the point that the time invested is best spent elsewhere.
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Re: Witchcraft Town NoD

Postby gustavohvg » Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:08 pm

Nsuidara wrote:
Lusewing wrote:Being a witch is meant to be a lonely path, if you want a comunity - stay a pilgrim

stop lie

with this serial
witches made sects :P
circles .. etc

I don't follow if you're kidding but anyway:

No, they didn't. In the thousands of small villages only few people did know that real practitioners of the Old Craft were nearby. The case of the city of Salem isn't representative neither of the Old Craft nor of the witch trials, since it was a very peculiar occasion - despite what people think nowdays, despite of what movie directors show, and despite the modern garbage called Wicca (based mostly on the modern [new, reworked] ceremonial magic from the 19th century).

If you want art to learn about historic witchcraft (well at least is verisimilar) see the movie The Witch, it's a great movie.
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Re: Witchcraft Town NoD

Postby saffgee » Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:12 pm

Nsuidara wrote:witches made sects :P
circles .. etc

No, witches make covens and there are usually only 13 of them in each one.
At least that's the theory anyway - or is it ? Who can know ?
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Re: Witchcraft Town NoD

Postby gustavohvg » Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:49 am

saffgee wrote:witches make covens and there are usually only 13 of them in each one.
At least that's the theory anyway - or is it ? Who can know ?

We have good historical research nowdays, wich includes diaries of real witches etc. Some good real quotes of them (like "I dance naked midnight with the devil!") is on the movie I said

This coven think enters in the modern (1900+) neo-religion Wicca, which wasn't based on the real thing
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Re: Witchcraft Town NoD

Postby HDHB » Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:48 pm

You could port a pilgrim to Nod and pretend to be a witch by porting home from there, have people accuse you and have them be punished for false accusations
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Re: Witchcraft Town NoD

Postby Chrumps » Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:59 pm

HDHB wrote:You could port a pilgrim to Nod and pretend to be a witch by porting home from there, have people accuse you and have them be punished for false accusations

That's perfectly valid tactics.
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